Chapter 386 I'm Really Not a Spoiled Wife Maniac (Get up early and subscribe soon)

Rushing on When Han Changsheng was thinking about who to chop the firewood, Rainbow flew back, "Master, the two ladies are very tired carrying bananas, go and help!"

"Sensible enough."

Han Changsheng stroked Rainbow's little head, and strode out of the courtyard.

He saw Yaya and Sisi who were panting heavily not far away, and hurried over to wipe the sweat off the heads of the second daughter, "Get tired, leave the rest to me."

Tong Liya waved her hand and said with great effort, "No need, master, we can do it."

Han Changsheng pinched Yaya's reddened face, "Don't hold on, this trip is just to relax and play, not to work hard."

After saying that, he wiped off Sisi and Yaya's sweat again, and was about to leave the big bunch of bananas when Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha struggled to carry their bananas and stopped beside them.

"Sister Yaya, Sister Sisi, your physical strength is really good enough. The banana you lift is much heavier than ours and you can walk so fast."

Gu Li Nazha praised Tong Liya and Liu Sisi, but from time to time, she glanced at Han Changsheng who was at the side.

Tang Yan looked at Han Changsheng openly and aboveboard, and gave Tong Liya and Liu Sisi a thumbs up, "With your physical strength, it's not an exaggeration to say that you are a heroine."

"No matter how good your physical strength is, you can't be tired."

Tong Liya smiled faintly, gave Liu Sisi a wink, bent down and lifted their bunch of bananas, avoiding her master's big hand, and walked forward unsteadily.

The two girls whom the master was paying attention to have appeared, and at this time they must not be allowed: the master takes over, otherwise he may help Tangtang and Nazha carry bananas.

Seeing this, Tang Yan exchanged a glance with Gu Li Nazha, gritted his teeth and lifted up the fruit of their labor.

Han Changsheng followed Yaya and Sisi, and said helplessly, "What can you do at this time, let me carry it?"

"No...we can..."

Liu Sisi's last "walk"

Before he finished speaking, his feet suddenly shook, and he was about to fall to the ground.

Han Changsheng grabbed Liu Sisi and gave her a slap.

Stretching out his right hand, he directly pinched the top of the bunch of bananas and picked them up.

Just as Han Changsheng was about to leave, he looked back at Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha, whose arms were beginning to tremble, walked over calmly, stretched out his left hand and pinched the top of the bunch of bananas to balance the left and right sides.


Seeing Han Changsheng walking steadily forward, Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha smiled happily.

Anyway, this... still cares about them.

"You you."

Tong Liya pinched Liu Sisi's little nose and sighed.

If Sisi hadn't nearly fallen, the master wouldn't have helped them, and Tangtang and Naza wouldn't have helped either.

The audience in the live broadcast room looked at Han Changsheng under the camera, and immediately boiled.

"Damn it! Carrying a banana with one hand is our Han mentally ill?"

"This bunch of bananas should be at least fifty or sixty 506,506, one in each hand. If you walk and return this, our Han mentally ill will not be a strong man!"

"Mountain cannon! I've seen a video of Jia Han's mental illness. He held a brass Zen stick and suddenly cracked the bluestone board."

"Upstairs, don't tell me that the brass Zen rod in our Han's mental illness was the real thing when he played Fa Hai. That thing can cost at least a hundred catties."

"It's very possible. I guess that when Fa Hai cracked the ground with his Zen stick in "Green Snake", the cracking of the bluestone was not a special effect, it was purely a real shot."

Squeak..."Master, be careful, don't stretch your arm."

Seeing her master approaching with two big bunches of bananas, Di Lieba hastily opened the wooden door, and when the master turned sideways into the yard, she followed behind without paying attention to the two older sisters.

Han Changsheng put two big bunches of bananas on the wooden board of the gazebo, and let out a long breath.

Two big bunches of bananas are not too heavy, but they can only be lifted horizontally, which puts a heavy load on the muscles.

It's also fortunate that his body is unusual, otherwise his muscles would be strained within a short period of time, let alone cooking, eating would be a problem.

Looking back at Yaya's and Sisi's trembling hands, he held them and helped them rub and press them, Qingdi was angry and quietly crossed over.

"It's tiring to carry bananas!"

"Not tired!"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, and said in a bad mood: "I'm not tired, but I can sweat so much and my hands are shaking like this. Let's take a rest, and then continue..."

Tong Liya and Liu Sisi smiled sweetly, sat obediently on the bamboo chairs beside them, enjoying the perspiration treatment of their masters.

Tang Yan and Gu Li glared at Han Changsheng's magical big hand, and sat obediently aside, rubbing their own hands one after another.

With this person's temper, he will definitely not help them relieve the soreness in their hands, and if he asks, it will make Yaya and the others more wary, so it's better to show that they are the only ones who are well-behaved and sensible.

After a while, Huang Bo and the other six came back carrying the dead bananas in groups of two.

Sha Yi said "ah"

With a sigh of relief, he shook his head and said, "This thing is really heavy!"

Huang Bo put the banana on the ground, wiped the sweat off his head and took a few breaths, "I usually eat bananas very delicious, but I never thought this banana would be so heavy!"

Sha Yi glanced at Han Changsheng, recalled the scene he saw just now, and exclaimed: "Mr. Han, if you don't work hard, you will be blind for nothing."

Huang Bo laughed and said, "Don't forget that Mr. Han is lazy and greedy. It's impossible for him to work because of his character design."

"Brother Bo is right, I..."

Han Changsheng just wanted to say that it is really impossible to work, and suddenly caught sight of Yaya and Sisi who were fanning the wind to cool down, and then thought of the matter of chopping firewood or not.

If the two stubborn girls Yaya and Sisi were allowed to continue to work, he would have to feed them at dinner.

Thinking of this, Han Changsheng rolled his eyes and said to Huang Lei who was beside him with concern: "Mr. Huang, carrying bananas is not easy!"

"It's not easy, it's much more tiring than cooking in the kitchen."

Huang Lei wiped the sweat from his forehead and took a sip of warm tea, and suddenly realized the meaning of this sentence, "Mr. Han, do you want to trade with me?"

Han Changsheng shrugged, "It's not impossible.

Fatty and I are going to carry bananas, you and Peng Peng are cooking in the mushroom house, remember to ask Peng Peng to chop more firewood, so as not to be short at night..."

Sha Yi gave a thumbs up, "Unexpectedly, Mr. Han's character design has finally made a breakthrough, and he is going to work on his own initiative!"

Huang Bo said teasingly: "You can do it, Mr. Han's wife-loving maniac is purely to keep his wife from getting tired."

Han Changsheng shrugged, "Brother Bo, you're wrong, I'm just... I don't want to chop firewood stupidly."

"Yes yes yes, Mr. Han, you are still lazy and greedy, yes, are you spoiling your wife?"

Han Changsheng: "..."

He really isn't a spoiled wife madman, he really just doesn't want to chop wood.

How do you say that no one believes it?

Chapter 387 Sisi: Is there anyone more tragic than me? (Second more for subscription)

Everyone on rested for more than ten minutes, recovered part of their physical strength, and dialed again.

Han Changsheng walked out of the yard and walked along the dirt road for twenty steps, glanced at the black and white cows grazing beside him, and said speechlessly: "There are obviously some helpers here, but you still have to... manually lift the bananas, really How silly!"

"Who can help with the work"

"Mr. Han, you are not talking about Susu, are you?"

"Yeah, that'"

"Please! Susu is a milk cow, not a yellow cow pulling a cart."

Han Changsheng waved his hand and said, "A cow is also a cow, and it is also a labor force. Don't look down on others."

Everyone: "..."

Did they mean to look down on Susu? Are they speechless? Han Changsheng didn't care what other people thought, rubbed his chin for a moment, and whispered something to Rainbow.

"Master, don't worry! Rainbow promises to complete the task!"

Rainbow raised its wings in a weird way to salute, and flew lightly to Susu, "Hello little Susu, my name is Rainbow, you can call me Rainbow Queen."

Susu stared at the rainbow for a while, then opened her mouth suddenly, "Moo..."

Rainbow was shaken and flew up, flew a big circle before falling again, raised its wings and pointed at Susu and scolded: "Don't shout so loudly, we are all girls, we must speak civilly."


"That's right, my master asks you to help carry the bananas... twitter... can you see if you can?"


"The reward is very simple... twitter... You see, the five bananas are all ripe bananas."


"One big bunch is too much, and you will easily be stuffed to death. How about this, one banana a day, please eat for a month."


Under the astonished eyes of others, Susu nodded slowly, and glanced spiritually at Han Changsheng who smiled lightly and said nothing.

Tang Yan grabbed the corner of Han Changsheng's clothes and shook it, "Mr. Han...Susu can understand human speech"

Han Changsheng shrugged, "I definitely don't understand."

"Then why did it agree?"

"That's the result of negotiating with Rainbow. Rainbow is the queen of the parrot world, and it's normal to be proficient in the cow language of the animal world."

Han Changsheng touched Rainbow's little head, without explaining the specific reason.

Rainbow's proficiency in cow language is only the premise of communication, and the crunchy bird sounds in the middle are the key.

Walking to the door of the cowshed, he opened it directly, stretched out his hand and patted Susu's bull's head, and what he got was a cheerful cow cry.

The rainbow landed on Susu's head, raised her wings and pointed at Han Changsheng, "Let's go, Susu! Follow my master."


Susu let out a deep roar, and followed step by step.

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