"Damn it! Rainbow is really awesome! He can even speak the language of cows!" Our family's mental illness is not better, but the skill of cows is even more proficient.

"You don't need the flute to negotiate with the rainbow, the doting wife madman is lazy and greedy, the character design is really stable enough!"

"If you use a cow as a working cow, who will give birth to it?"


Han Changsheng actually walked into the banana garden, only to realize that the garden is really big enough, all he can see is... bundles of bananas wrapped in bags, and the sides cannot be seen at a glance.

Di Lieba sniffled and stared at the blue plastic bags with bright eyes, "This smells so good! It must be delicious!"

Liu Sisi raised her hand to cover the corner of her mouth: she nodded again and again, "The taste of this fresh banana is quite good, you can try it."

Fatty's children's shoes did not suspect him, so he probed into a bag of bananas and pulled out a green banana.

She looked at the banana in her hand in bewilderment, and looked it over and over again, "Why is this banana so green, can I eat it?"

Liu Sisi praised: "This is a new variety of green banana, it tastes great."



"Let's eat together"

"I ate it just now, eat it yourself."


Pang Di children's shoes raised his hand to pick a banana, but suddenly put it down again.

She put the banana in her pocket directly, without any thought of eating.

Liu Sisi was taken aback, "Why don't you eat?"

Fatty glanced sideways, "You big-headed ghost! Do you really think I don't know that the taste of this green banana is very astringent?"

Liu Sisi was dumbfounded, "You know"

Fatty proudly said: "Haven't you ever eaten pork or seen a pig running? When I was young, my mother bought bananas that needed to be covered for a few days before eating. This banana is the same!"

"You know it's still caught"

"How do I know it's green if I don't pick it up? It's just that someone is such a good sister! I want my younger sister to eat a bitter banana. It's really not particular!"

Liu Sisi: "..."

She failed to dig a hole and was complained about, is there anyone more sad than her? Han Changsheng didn't care about the two little ones fighting, let Susu stop on the dirt road outside the banana forest, and followed Yaya in to cut bananas.

Cutting bananas was more troublesome than Han Changsheng imagined. Not only did he have to saw the joints, but he also had to tie the ropes in advance.

The whole process of cutting a banana alone takes two minutes, and taking it off the ground takes another minute.

Fortunately, with Susu here, the process of transporting bananas...is much easier than before.

Put a cushion on Susu's back, put a wooden stick on it, and tie two bundles of bananas on one left and one right, and the transportation work can be considered to start.

Seeing a new job, Liu Sisi and Di Lieba rushed over actively.

"Leave Susu."

Liu Sisi patted Susu, and got a completely motionless response.

"Fourth sister, your driving method is wrong, you have to shout."

Dili Reba raised her eyebrows proudly, patted Susu and said, "Drive! Drive!"

Susu still didn't move after driving for a long time, Dili Reba couldn't help shouting: "Wow, Susu, you... move!"

"Giggle cluck..."

Liu Sisi smiled and trembled, pointing at the dark-faced Fatty, "You're still talking about me, what's the use of your method, it's horse training, okay?"

Di Lieba stomped her feet, and said coquettishly, "You can do it if you want."

Liu Sisi shut her mouth, Susu left just now if she could.

Rainbow raised his wings and flicked them, and said crisply: "Fourth Madam, Fifth Madam, Su Su can only leave with the master."


The two cubs looked at each other, ran into the banana grove together, and dragged Han Changsheng out.

"Isn't Susu quite honest?"

Han Changsheng glanced at Susu who was standing there, wondering what the two cubs meant.

"Susu is honest enough, but if you're not here, she won't listen to our orders!"

Fatty pouted and patted Susu, "My master is here, let's go, Susu."

Moo... Susu glanced at Han Changsheng, walked forward step by step with small square steps, but looked back at Han Changsheng from time to time to make sure he was following.

Liu Sisi ran two steps to catch up with Susu, and while holding Banana on the right side, she waved to Han Changsheng for him to follow.

Han Changsheng: "..."

Susu really deserves to be selected out of the Milky Way Milk Cow, not to mention delicious food and drink, and someone needs to be a bodyguard to do the job.

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Chapter 388 Fat Di: I want to drink fresh milk tomorrow morning (Subscribe for the third watch)

Liu Sisi and Di Lieba were not the only ones who followed Han Changsheng back on m.com, and Tong Liya naturally followed closely behind.

Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha also followed Han Changsheng in the name of helping unload bananas.

As for Zhang Zifeng's children's shoes, so many sisters have finally come here, so I'm sorry for this rare opportunity if I don't play with them.

"Let's come! Master, just keep the gate open."

When they got outside the mushroom house, Liu Sisi and Di Lieba ran to the right to unload bananas, not even wanting Han Changsheng to do it.

The two of them did not participate in the previous work, and now they are finally able to do some work, so naturally they have to seize the opportunity.

Besides... the two little ones, Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha also snatched the banana on the left.

As for Tong Liya and Zhang Zifeng, they will open the way ahead as reserve players.

Seeing that it was only a few meters away, Han Changsheng didn't intervene.

It's good to let the two little ones exercise, so that they don't know how to play games after eating and lazy every day.

Huang Lei glanced at Susu outside the yard, gave Han Changsheng a thumbs-up and smiled, "Looking at Susu's situation, it must be Mr. Han who made the move!"

Han Changsheng shrugged, "Save some energy for everyone, so that you won't be able to raise your hands even after dinner."

After finishing the sentence, he pinched Fatty's chubby face, "Are you tired?"

Di Lieba shook her head and said excitedly: "I'm not tired at all, let's go and continue."

"Let's go then."

Twelve people 12, clear division of labor.

Huang Lei and Peng Yuchang are in charge of cooking.

Huang Bo, Sha Yi, and He Jiong are in charge of cutting the bananas. Tong Liya, Liu Sisi, Di Lireba, Gu Li Nazha, Tang Yan, and Zhang Zifeng are in charge of delivery.

Han Changsheng is responsible for walking, chatting and caring.

Although Susu was only responsible for the section of the road from outside the banana grove to outside the mushroom house, with the transportation volume of two bundles of bananas per trip, she still managed to transport sixteen bundles of bananas before dark.

The extra bundle is...Susu's salary as a transport worker.

In the thirty days after today, Zhang Zifeng's little boy shoe will be responsible for feeding Susu a banana every day.

"Come, come, sit down, everyone: rest, have some tea, a cold drink, a deluxe."

When He Jiong returned to the room, he began to make arrangements, and in an instant the gazebo table was filled with all kinds of hydrating supplies.

Even with Susu's help, the whole labor process lasted more than three hours.

Under the high temperature of more than [-] degrees, everyone's sweat soaked through the clothes. If you don't add some water, you may be dehydrated.

Tang Yan drank a few sips of tea, and looked at Han Changsheng who was beside him, "It's really different with Teacher Han here, I don't feel so tired from working."

Gu Li Nazha echoed: "The gap is really too big. The first thing I thought of when I saw Susu was milk, but the first thing Mr. Han saw when he saw Susu was to help us work."

Huang Bo teased: "Shouldn't it be whether Susu's meat is fresh or not?"

He Jiong said helplessly: "Brother Bo, don't be so cruel, Susu has helped us at least, we can't treat it so cruelly."

Fat Di nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, I will drink Susu's fresh milk tomorrow morning."

Liu Sisi's eyes lit up when she heard Fatty's words.

She pinched her master's hand and looked at him eagerly.

In the capital... there are fresh milk deliverers, but the five sisters feel that it is a bit troublesome to order milk, and there is no guarantee that the source of milk is qualified, so they drink boxed milk every day.

It would be great to experience a handful of fresh milk now, but the master has to take care of all this, otherwise they would not dare to drink it.

Han Changsheng pinched Liu Sisi's boy, smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, you will definitely have fresh milk when you get up."

After chatting for a while, everyone went into the kitchen to watch Huang Lei cook.

Huang Lei shook the frying pan in his hand at Han Changsheng, "Mr. Han, don't show your hand."

Han Changsheng smiled lightly and shook his head, "No, you come alone."

As the chef of Mushroom House, Huang Lei mainly focuses on the kitchen.

If it's time for him as a guest, then Mr. Huang really doesn't have many pictures.

Huang Lei pointed to the stew pot beside him, "Then you can deal with your beef knuckle! I just checked and it's ready to serve."

"it is good."

Han Changsheng pulled out two paper towels to put on the handle of the pot, and brought the stew pot to the operating table aside.

So many people eat beef knuckle together, it must not be good to serve it as a whole.

The best way is... use a small knife to cut the beef knuckle and the skin into pieces, which is convenient to eat and clean.

As soon as the lid of the saucepan was lifted, a gust of hot air rose, and the whole kitchen was instantly filled with the smell of beef.

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