Everyone sniffed and stared fixedly at the rouge-colored beef knuckle.

"Oh, it smells so good!"

"No way, my saliva is about to flow out."

"Mr. Han cooks stews, and Mr. Huang cooks stir-fried dishes. You will have a good time tonight."

"No wonder Peng Peng gained a lot of weight every time he recorded "Longing". I really understand him now."

"As the saying goes, you gain three catties during the festive season, and you yearn for the festivities every day, so you really don't want to be fat."

Looking at the food and talking about it, the hunger is getting bigger and bigger. Fortunately, Huang Lei's speed is fast enough, and soon he stir-fried beef, salted mutton, minced meat and eggplant, etc. Six delicious dishes with 66 meat and vegetables.

"Let's eat, let's eat!"

"Serve the dishes, serve the rice."

“Big meal tonight!”

Twelve people sat in groups of 12, Huang Lei picked up the tea mug, "Warmly welcome "Flowers and Handsome Guys" to our Mushroom House, cheers!"


As soon as the teacups were put down, everyone immediately stretched their chopsticks towards the dishes in front of them. The girls were basically meat dishes, but it was Huang Bo and the like... The old men picked up vegetarian dishes.

"Woooo delicious."

"Just this dish, I have to eat three bowls of rice today."

"What are you, my bowl has already gone down."

Everyone was active at the beginning of the meal, and then put all their energy into the business of eating, until they were seven or eight full, and then began to chat while eating.

Chatting and chatting, everyone's topic fell on "East Makes West".

Huang Lei sighed: "Our family of four went to see it. From the beginning to the end, the whole screening hall was full of laughter."

Sha Yi said with a smile: "We also watched it as a family of four, but An Ji and Xiao Yu'er said that I was too bad, and the bogey who cheated me was too miserable, and they almost broke up with me."

Huang Bo chuckled, "Your two sons are the same as my two daughters, they all said how could such a good person like me be tricked like that."

Di Lieba suddenly said: "Master, didn't you say that there will be a sequel after "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?"

Swish! Everyone's eyes swept over, the sequel to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", is this going to be another "East and West"?

Han Changsheng thought for a while, "It can be regarded as a sequel. The characters in it include Dongxie Xidu, Nandi Beibei and others. It is called "The Legend of Condor Heroes"."

"The name just sounds like...a man and a woman knight-errant, but Guo Jing and Huang Rong"

"It's the story of Yang Guo, the son of Yang Kang."

Huang Lei subconsciously said: "Yang Guo is at fault"

Han Changsheng nodded his head and said: "Yes, Yang Guo, the words are changed, if there is one, then change it, if not, it means more encouragement."

Huang Lei said: "The name alone makes people yearn for it. Can Teacher Han tell the story of Yang Guo again?"

Han Changsheng pointed to the program group, "You can't talk for nothing."


Huang Lei smiled knowingly, ran to the opposite side to bargain, and returned with a smile, "Mr. Han, I ordered a 2 for you.

5% off: the discount, is it possible?"


Without Han Changsheng's hands, everyone quickly took the leftovers from the dining table back to the kitchen, sat on the small benches and prepared to listen to the story of "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

Crack! "Yue girl picking lotus by the autumn water, with narrow sleeves lightly drawn, revealing double golden bracelets.

Picking up flowers in the photo is like a face, but the heart is only a thread of strife.

The wind and waves at the head of Jichixi River are late, the fog is heavy and the smoke is light, and I don't see my companion when I come.

Faintly singing voices return to Zhaoyuan, leaving sorrow leads to the south bank of the river."

Xingmu patted, Han Changsheng started from the first chapter of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" 1: Fengyue Ruqing, until the fourth chapter 44: 4 Quanzhen's door stopped.

"Eh, why is it gone?" Yang Guo didn't have anything wrong, right?

"Zhao Zhijing is hateful, Guo Jing should have slapped him to death at that time."

"Compared to Yang Kang, I like his son Yang Guo more and more."

"Hey! Poor Mu Nianci passed away without seeing her son grow up."

Seeing that Han Changsheng got up and didn't speak, everyone immediately knew that it was time for him to sleep again, so they didn't rush him, but were discussing the plot of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" there.

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Chapter 389 Yaya: I'll accompany you (subscribe for the fourth update)

Yum.com Manyuan Village is located in Xishuangbanna, the southernmost tip of Yun Province, where it is warm all year round.

This place is away from the hustle and bustle, surrounded by the surrounding mountains and rivers.

In the early morning, the warm sunshine woke up the small village.

Surrounded by the surrounding orchards, the quaint bamboo building of Mushroom House looks more primitive, fresh and has a sense of tranquility.

Han Changsheng just got up, just in time to see Huang Lei who got up early and stretched his legs.

"Mr. Han, you are early enough."

"Ms. Huang is not too early."

Han Changsheng smiled and said, "You are... flexing your muscles"

Huang Lei said with emotion: "Get up early and go for a run. This person must exercise in middle age. Unlike you young people, he is still full of energy."

"Teacher Huang still has perseverance."

"Run around"

Han Changsheng shook his head and said, "No, I'm going to milk some fresh milk for Pang Di and the others."

Huang Lei said with a smile: "You are really worthy... of your reputation as a doting wife and crazy devil!"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "I'm not right when you say that, I don't believe that if my sister-in-law and niece are here, you won't be used to them."

Huang Lei paused for a moment, then shook his head and said with emotion: "You're right. In a person's life, the first half of his life is busy with fame and wealth, and the second half of his life is devoted to his wife and children."

Han Changsheng shrugged, "We are just the opposite. I have been busy with Yaya and the others for the first half of my life."

Huang Lei said with a smile: "Aren't you a hard-working man? It should be your wife who is busy for you!"

The two chatted for a while, Huang Lei went out for a run, Han Changsheng looked for milking tools in the warehouse, walked out along the kitchen, and prepared to take a shortcut to milk Susu's fresh milk.


Tong Liya's voice sounded behind Han Changsheng, making him stop.

Han Changsheng looked back, Yaya was walking slowly with the two dimples at the corners of her mouth.

Wearing a light sportswear, with a pony tail tied on his head, his face turned upside down exudes a youthful atmosphere.

Han Changsheng hugged Tong Liya and kissed her forehead, touched her pink face and said softly: "Why don't you sleep for a while?"

Tong Liya tidied Han Changsheng's clothes, smiled and said, "Just like you, the biological clock is fixed."

"Where's Sisi and Fatty?"

"The two little lazy cats are still asleep."

Han Changsheng thought about those two little girls who slept late every day, shook his head and said with a smile: "I'll go milk the cow, if you're sleepy, go to sleep for a while, if you're not sleepy, just look around and see the scenery."

"Together, I will accompany you."

Tong Liya smiled sweetly, took Han Changsheng's arm and followed him out of the mushroom house.


Seeing Han Changsheng, Susu let out a cry of joy, and let him do what he did during the subsequent milking process.

"Master, let me squeeze too!"

Seeing Han Changsheng milking the cow effortlessly, Tong Liya couldn't help becoming interested.

"You try it!"

Han Changsheng made room for Tong Liya to milk the cow, and then held his hand, and the big hand stuck to the back of Tong Liya's hand.


Tong Liya felt the pampering in her master's heart, turned her head and kissed her, then snuggled into Han Changsheng's arms and continued to milk the cow.

The audience in the live broadcast room watched this sweet scene, and the barrage of complaints broke out in an instant.

"I wanted to see how to make breakfast to increase my appetite, but I didn't expect to eat dog food directly to be full."

"Looking at this scene, and looking at the steamed stuffed bun on my plate, it suddenly tastes bad for breakfast."

"It's so sweet in the morning, it's too frustrating, and I'm not afraid of getting diabetes."

"You can't watch it, or I will be fainted by Tian."

The husband and wife squeezed two buckets full of milk at once, which is the end of their love.

Back at the Mushroom House, Han Changsheng lit the fire on the pot and poured the raw milk into it.

Tong Liya stuck to Han Changsheng's body, and said softly, "Master, let me cook milk for you, and you can make another breakfast."

Han Changsheng nodded, carefully put on the two heat-insulating gloves for Yaya, and said: "Remove this milk just when it is about to boil, and put it on again every twenty seconds. A total of four times is enough. Don't burn it."

"I'll pay attention."

Tong Liya kissed Han Changsheng, sat on the small wooden stool beside the stove, and stared at the milk pot intently.

Han Changsheng was taking flour, water, eggs, etc. to make omelet pancakes, and glanced at Tong Liya from time to time to prevent her from being scalded by the milk pan.

Fortunately, Yaya already has a lot of experience in helping the kitchen, so she completed the milk boiling process safely and smoothly.

Chi la... The egg batter was poured into the iron pan, and it was quickly fried on both sides, golden brown, and a faint fragrance permeated the room, and penetrated into the bedroom of the mushroom house.

Di Lieba wrinkled her little nose, got up in a daze, followed the scent to find the kitchen, lay sleepily on Han Changsheng's left shoulder, "Master, what smells so good?"

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