Han Changsheng raised his hand and patted Fatty's little head, and said fondly, "Egg pancakes and hot milk."

Fatty swallowed, "I want to eat."

Han Changsheng said helplessly: "Before you eat, don't you have to wash your face and brush your teeth? Your disheveled hair was captured by the camera."

Well, Fatty froze, opened his eyes slowly, followed his master's finger, and saw the four cameras on the surrounding wooden pillars facing here.

she "Yeah"

With an exclamation, her feet flew upside down quickly, and rushed into the room like the wind, even the camera couldn't capture her picture.

Han Changsheng: "..."

Crazy girl, what I'm talking about is... Fat Disu Twenty minutes later, Fat Disu came out facing the sky, his eyes were shining, his black hair was tied into a ponytail and tied behind his head, he didn't see the disheveled hair just now appearance.

Behind her was Liu Sisi, who was woken up by her, with the same plain face and ponytail, standing with Fatty, that is... a pair of sisters who grow out of hibiscus in clear water.


Fat Di ran behind Han Changsheng and hugged him, and purposely aimed his beautiful face in the sky at the camera.

Liu Sisi walked over with a smile, just stood beside her master and watched, she didn't do anything wrong to appear on camera.

She's not as greedy as Pang Di, and she hasn't been photographed greedy and sleepwalking, so she doesn't need to respond at all.

Di Lieba looked at the steaming omelette, swallowed her saliva and said greedily, "Master, I want four omelets, the most beautiful one."

Liu Sisi rolled her eyes, "It's all stuff you eat in your stomach, what do you want to be beautiful, this is not a mask."

Fat Di curled his lips, "This is the sense of ritual in life, and besides, this is something made by the master, so it must be able to achieve a complete color and fragrance."

Liu Sisi smacked her lips: "What kind of sense of ritual in life, I think you are.....going to be hypocritical when you have nothing to do."

"I don't have the same knowledge as you, a person who has no interest in life."

"You have no interest in life."

Tong Liya raised her head helplessly, and shouted to Sisi and Fatty: "You two, don't stand around like nothing else, come over and serve the hot milk on the table, and then go and ask Tangtang and the others to get up, otherwise the hot milk will not taste good when it gets cold .”

Liu Sisi: "I serve milk."

Di Lieba: "I'll call someone."

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Chapter 390 Energetic Fatty

Yu m.com "Egg pancakes are delicious, with a light salty taste and the scent of chopped green onions. I want to eat more after eating."

"This milk is also delicious, as expected of fresh milk."

"Susu was transported from Telunsu Ranch, and the quality of the milk it produces is called Telunsu milk."

Everyone who got up was eating egg pancakes and drinking milk, the expressions on their faces were indescribable enjoyment, especially Huang Lei was the happiest.

His position in the Mushroom House is basically that of a patriarch and chef, and now that Mr. Han is here, he can relax a bit.

After eating, Huang Lei gave Han Changsheng a thumbs up, "Wake up early in the morning for a walk, and when you come back, you can eat warm meals made by Mr. Han and lie lazily on the chair. This little life is not too comfortable! "

Huang Bo nodded in agreement and said: "This may be... the life I yearn for. A busy day is a day, and a day of laziness is also a day. If that is the case, why don't you spend the day happily?"

It's okay to be emotional, this is what middle-aged men over [-] like Huang Bo and Huang Lei like to do.

And a young girl like Fatty, who is sluggish before getting up, but alive and kicking after getting up, doesn't have this kind of emotion.

She rested her head on Han Changsheng's shoulder and said energetically, "Mr. He, what do we have to do today?"

He Jiong said: "Planting watermelon seedlings, the other thing is... visiting Manyuan Village to do a survey of people's sentiments."

Fatty lifted his spirits, "Do we still have a watermelon patch?"

It's too boring to do public surveys, it's more fun to plant watermelon seedlings.

He Jiong pointed to the open space not far away, "The one outside is...the watermelon field, but only part of it has been planted with watermelon seedlings, and we have to plant the rest."

Fatty stood up and looked at it with his feet on his feet, and said enthusiastically, "Shall we go now?"

"Let's go after a while!"

Tong Liya dragged Fatty to make her sit down, she was very ladylike.

She is the oldest in the family, and she is not as energetic as Fatty and Sisi.

So even though her physical fitness is not bad, after nearly a year of life, she is still becoming more and more lazy like a master.

Dili Reba obediently took a rest for a while... Then, after 5 minutes, she pulled Liu Sisi up and ran to the watermelon field.

Han Changsheng was worried about the two crazy little girls, so he dragged Tong Liya to follow.

Tang Yan, Gu Li Nazha and Zhang Zifeng followed behind.

“This is a watermelon patch”

Di Lieba looked at the thirty rows of loess vacant land covered with plastic film in front of her, and was suddenly stunned.

Didn’t it mean that some of the watermelon seedlings have been planted? Why are there so many empty? Ten ridges, quite a few."

Di Lieba scratched her head, "But why dig one by one with the shovel?"

"Sister Fatty, there's a planter here."

Zhang Zifeng came, with a circular scale-shaped seedling planter, and Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha behind, dragging four dishes in their hands.

"The planter..."

Dili Reba took it curiously, squeezed the handle of the seedling planter, and instantly understood how to use it.

Chick! Insert it into the soil, put it directly into the ground, pinch the handle of the seedling planter, and a small hole for planting seedlings will appear.

Fatty pushed Liu Sisi who was on the side, "Fourth sister, don't just stand there, throw watermelon seedlings!"

"You're just standing there stupidly."

Liu Sisi replied, took a plate of watermelon seedlings from Tang Yan, took out one and was about to throw it into the seedling planter, but was stopped by Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng flicked Di Lireba's little head, shook his head and said with a smile: "Pang Di, when you said Sisi, can you first make sure that the position of your seedlings is correct, this watermelon should be planted at the top of the furrow, isn't it?" This goes to the lower end of the water."

Fatty scratched his head in a daze, "There is still such a saying"

"If there is no such saying, why make ditches? Wouldn't it be better to just level the ground?"

Han Changsheng tapped the left and right sides of the top of the furrow, "You just plant on this furrow, with a row of watermelon seedlings on one side, don't go too far in and don't go too far out."


Fatty saluted mischievously, and with a snort, inserted the planting device in the ditch beside him, "Fourth sister, let's do it!"

Liu Sisi threw it easily, and the watermelon seedling in her hand fell into the seedling planter accurately.

Chi Chi Chi... Di Li Reba and Liu Si Si started to work, and the other four 44 girls also started working.

Tong Liya and Gu Li Nazha are in a group, Tang Yan and Zhang Zifeng are in a group, and Han Changsheng is in charge of being the people who eat melons.

The six 66-year-old girls have never done much farm work, so the speed is really not fast. Fortunately, this is purely playful labor, and they are not very tired when they are laughing.

Watermelon seedlings were planted one after another in the three ridges, and the staff of the three groups changed.

Liu Sisi, Zhang Zifeng and Gu Li Nazha used the seedling planter, and Di Li Reba, Tong Liya and Tang Yan were responsible for putting in the watermelon seedlings.

This was done twice, and by the time Fatty, Yaya and the others used the seedling planter again, the twelve ridges had just been planted.

"Ouch! It hurts!"

Just as Fat Di used the seedling planter, he raised his hand suddenly with a cry of pain, and the little fat face was twisted into a ball.

"What's wrong"

Han Changsheng flicked to Fatty's side like lightning, grabbed her hand and saw the big blisters at the end of two index fingers.

"It's blistered."

Han Changsheng frowned, and was about to use Qingdi Changqi to rub off the blisters on Pang Di's hands when he suddenly remembered that he was outside, so he stopped his hands involuntarily.

If he directly healed Fatty's injury, the footage captured by the camera would be spread, and some of his secrets might be exposed.

Turning his head to look at the tender hands of Yaya and Sisi, he found that the tails of their index fingers or middle fingers were covered with blisters.

Han Changsheng waved his hand, "Let's go, don't do it yet, go back to the Mushroom House to treat the injury."

Fatty glanced at the remaining watermelon patch, and said unwillingly: "There is still half of it to be finished."

Han Changsheng tapped Fatty's little head, "After this half is completed, the blisters on your hands will be completely worn out, and if you get infected at that time, you will face the danger of amputation. Don't you want to be a six-fingered piano demon?" no"


The scene of six 66 girls being amputated shivered in fright and dared not say anything.

They put away the tools in their hands and ran back to the mushroom house quickly.

He Jiong noticed that the faces of the seven people were not right, and asked concerned: "What's the matter?"

Han Changsheng waved his hand, "It's okay, they work hard and find out who's soaked, I'll treat them for a while."

He Jiong frowned, "How do you treat this blister? It's easy to get infected if it's squeezed."

Huang Lei said: "Don't let them work for now, after the tissue fluid is naturally absorbed, the blisters will heal without treatment."

Han Changsheng smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, use a sterilized steel needle to pierce the blister, squeeze out the tissue fluid inside, and then apply some povidone iodine."

He also knows that blisters without medicine are the best treatment method, but there will be two or three days of pain, and he is not willing to let Yaya, Sisi and Fatty suffer for so long.

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Chapter 391 Fat Di: I Didn't Expect Fourth Sister to Be Clever

On m.com Han Changsheng lit the alcohol lamp, took out a medical silver needle and burned it for physical disinfection.

Di Lireba said anxiously: "My lord, this silver needle won't burn my skin."

Han Changsheng laughed and said, "It's not like I just pricked your blisters, I'll only do it when it cools down."

After the silver needles had cooled down, they pierced the blisters on Pang Di's hands, smeared them with iodophor, and wrapped them with white medical gauze.

While wrapping the gauze, Han Changsheng used Qingdi Changqi to instantly heal Fatty's injury.

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