Feeling the coolness in his hands, Fatty's pupils widened, "Master..."

"Go and sit aside, I'll heal your second and fourth sisters."

Han Changsheng patted Fatty lightly to silence her.

Di Lieba thought of her master's miraculous medical skills, she shut her mouth obediently and sat aside.

The second sister said that the third sister...was conquered by the master's medical skills. At this time, you must be optimistic about the master, lest Tangtang and Nazha can't control it.

Han Changsheng healed the blisters of Tong Liya and Liu Sisi by drawing a gourd according to the example.

But when it comes to Tang Yan, Gu Li Nazha and Zhang Zifeng, they only plan to cure [-]% of them.

The remaining [-]% ​​was kept as a trace of treatment, so as not to reveal the secret of Qing Emperor's long anger.

Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha were treated by Han Changsheng holding hands, staring straight at the serious and handsome face, red clouds flew up on their faces, and their hearts were bumping like a deer.

When the two of them are usually filming, they also touch hands with other people, but they treat it as work, and they don't have any strange ideas.

But at this moment, the hands of the two of them were held by the hot big hand of the little brother Changsheng, and the feeling was instantly different.

Gentle, considerate, and careful, the two of them immediately felt an unprecedented sense of security.

It seems that around the body of the little brother Changsheng, there are towering trees above their heads as a cover, and no matter how big the wind, frost, snow and rain can fall on them.

"It's no wonder that Ying Bao knows that Brother Changsheng has four 44-year-old wives and wants to jump into the Han family to be Han's third child. If he knew about this kind of thing, he jumped into the Han family directly."

Tong Liya caught the strange look in the second girl's eyes, and quickly winked at Sisi and Fatty, and the two little ones immediately took over the task of helping the second girl tie the medical gauze.

The master helped to pick out a blister, Tangtang and Nazha bumped into each other like this.

If he helps to bandage this again, the second daughter might throw herself into her arms directly.

When it was little sister Zhang Zifeng's turn, she...had no strange expression.

Although she is eighteen years old, she is at the age of first love, but she just thinks that... the little brother Changsheng is a bit handsome, and the other...things attached to Han Changsheng, she has not thought too much.

Tong Liya felt this and breathed a sigh of relief.

It will be a lot easier without a little sister who wants to play tricks on the master.

After the treatment was over, Pang Di children's shoes waved his hand, aiming at the watermelon field, "Continue to plant watermelon seedlings! Be sure to plant all of them!"

Han Changsheng frowned, "The injury on his hand hasn't healed yet, what kind of watermelon seedlings are planted! Rest in the mushroom house."

This girl, forget about the pain when the injury is healed, it's really a secret leaked out.

Di Lieba moved her ring finger and fingers, and smiled, "Master Fang, there are five fingers on one hand. You can't use your index finger, but you can use your other hands."

Liu Sisi nodded in agreement, "Master, don't worry, we will wear gloves this time, and we will definitely not get hurt again."

"You guys..."

Han Changsheng was helpless, these two girls were basically out of touch at home, but when they came here, they were very active in their careers, so he really didn't know what to say.

Coming to the watermelon field again, Han Changsheng also started to speed up the progress of planting watermelon seedlings and to prevent Liu Sisi and Di Lieba from getting injured again.

However, the work he participated in was not using a seedling planter, but throwing watermelon seedlings.

Di Lieba and Liu Sisi each held a seedling planter and stood on both sides of the two watermelon fields.

Han Changsheng stood in the middle of the two girls, about one meter away.

Whenever the two girls put the seedling planter in the soil, he would throw out a watermelon seedling and let it fall accurately into the entrance of the seedling planter.

After being planted in two ridges, Han Changsheng would also help six 66 girls press their arms to relieve the soreness on their arms, so as not to be unable to lift their hands after going back for a while.

Three groups turned into four groups, and with Han Changsheng as an assistant, this watermelon seedling activity was finally successfully completed after more than an hour.

"Yeah! Finally the planting is over, you can go back and rest!"

Di Lireba jumped three feet high, very happy and proud.

Thirty ridges of watermelon fields, she has at least planted five ridges, the sense of accomplishment is simply not too strong.

Han Changsheng tapped Fatty's little head melon, annoyed and funny, "Take a break, I really thought it was over after planting the watermelon seedlings."

"What else to do"

"Water it, otherwise all the seedlings will wilt when the sun shines."

"I'll come, I'll come..."

Liu Sisi and Di Lieba competed to water, and then sprayed Han Changsheng from time to time.

"...I know it's no good for you two little girls to fight over watering!"

Han Changsheng's face darkened, and he really wanted to go up and slap each of the two naughty little girls.

But under the current that can turn freely, he can only hide far away.

These two little girls have always ignored their madness, and they will restrain their arrogance only after being taught a lesson, so it's better not to ask for bad luck at this time.

"Hehehehe...Master, come and water it!"

"Yes! Water it and you will thrive!"

Liu Sisi and Di Lireba flicked the hose in the water to Han Changsheng, Xiaopang's face was full of cheerful smiles.

It seems that the master also has something to be afraid of, so I will use this thing to scare him in the future.

The two little ones poured water happily, and then felt that the arm was getting heavier and heavier.

When the two of them wanted to find someone to replace them, they found that the master was alone in the watermelon field, and the second sister and the others were gone.

Di Lieba scratched her head and said in a low voice: "Fourth sister, what should I do, second sister and the others have all run away."

Liu Sisi rubbed her nose and said, "Or let the master do it for us?"

"But the master will definitely pour water on us."

"Then what should I do? My arms are so sore that I can hardly lift them up."

"Then let's throw away the water pipe and go back to rest"

Liu Sisi shook her head, "There are only ten ridges left. Going back to rest at this time, doesn't that mean giving up halfway?"

Dili Reba stared at her big black eyes, and said slyly: "Go and give the water pipe to the master, let's go back to rest together."

Liu Sisi sneered, "Do you really think I don't know about your escaping thoughts? When the master takes over the water pipe, he will definitely pour water all over me, but you are fine."

"Are you the fourth sister? I have to take care of my younger sister."

"I don't take care of a sister like you."


The plan was seen through, and Di Lieba couldn't help pouting.

It seems that the fourth sister is not much less clever than her.

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Chapter 392 Liu Sisi: Fatty Di!Take your life! (Second more for subscription)

Seeing Liu Sisi fighting wits and courage with her, Dili Reba in m.com couldn't help feeling a little discouraged.

But when she caught a glimpse of her master, she suddenly had another plan in her mind.

She smiled slyly, and walked towards Han Changsheng with the water pipe in her hand, "Master, my hands are so sore, can you water us?"

"it is good."

Han Changsheng took over the water pipe with a light smile, poured water seriously, and then caught a glimpse of Fatty who stayed by his side, "Why don't you go back to the mushroom house?"

"Master works hard here, how can I go back to rest."

Dili Reba put a smile on her face and squeezed Han Changsheng's shoulders obediently, then pointed to Liu Sisi who was not far away, "Master, Fourth Sister ordered me to water the water just now, I'll water her for you!"

Before she finished speaking, Di Lieba directly turned the water pipe and sprayed it on Liu Sisi.

"Ah! Fatty Di! Just wait for me and see how I will deal with you in a while!"

Cold water suddenly fell from the sky, Liu Sisi shivered subconsciously, and while running wildly, she pointed at Fatty not far away and yelled.

"Cut! With the master here, let's see how you deal with me!"

Fat Di curled his lips, and stood next to Han Changsheng, not daring to take a step away, and put on a cute smile at him, "Master, I have avenged you, for a while...you must protect me!"

"I will definitely protect you."

Han Changsheng twitched the corners of his eyes, pouring water speechlessly.

He dotes on the two girls so much, how could he have the idea of ​​watering them, it's impossible.

In Han Changsheng's helplessness, Dili Reba followed him closely, allowing him to water the remaining ridges of watermelon seedlings without any mistakes.

"Master, go back and rest."

Di Lieba caught a glimpse of her master's somewhat disappointed eyes, and couldn't help but let out a deep breath.

Fortunately, she was smart enough to leave without finishing the water pipe, otherwise she would have to change into a new suit now. …

"Smelly Fatty! Take your life!"

Just as Di Lieba stepped into the gazebo, Liu Sisi, who had been waiting for a long time, jumped up and rushed towards her.

"Wow! Master, help me!"

"Save you big-headed ghost! Master won't help you!"

Han Changsheng glanced at Pang Di who was circling around him, then looked at Si Si who was chasing Pang Di, looked up at the sky to enjoy the scenery, completely ignoring Pang Di's plea for help.

The reason why he didn't make a mistake in watering just now was because he didn't have a chance. Now that Si Si cleaned up Pang Di for him, he couldn't be happier. How could he save Pang Di? "Fourth sister, I was wrong!"

"Forgive you this time, and next time, let's see how I deal with you!"

The fight between the two little ones ended with Di Lieba's self-aware apology.

Fat Di apologized very carelessly, and Liu Sisi's forgiveness was also careless.

The two of them are used to fighting and fighting, so there shouldn't be too many scenes where you apologize and I forgive.


Di Lireba stared at the helpless master, ran directly to Tong Liya and sat down on the left: , and hugged the second sister and acted coquettishly.

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