"The wind is a bit strong, you have to put away the knives and everything else, don't hurt anyone if you get blown apart."

All the people packed their things in a hurry, and the torrential rain poured down, blurring people's vision.

Big crackling raindrops dripped all around, splashing countless water splashes, and the ground of the mushroom house was filled with water at a visible speed, making it wetter and more permeable than before.

Huang Bo smiled and said, "Mr. Han, the water you poured just now was really wasted."

Han Changsheng shrugged his shoulders and said, "Who knew that the rain would come so fast and so suddenly, I would have known that I wouldn't have wasted the... tap water at the beginning."

Fat Di crisply said: "It's not a waste, master, if you don't spray water in the sky, who knows that you can artificially create a rainbow!"

Liu Sisi echoed, "If there were no artificial rainbow, the beautiful picture of the rainbow circling the rainbow would not appear."

Sha Yi pointed to the pineapple on the ground that hadn't been put away in time, "Will this pineapple be soaked for a long time?"

Huang Lei said: "It's okay, the rain in Xishuangbanna comes and goes quickly. When the rain is over, let's make all these pineapples into pineapple slices, and dry them in the sun for a few days."

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Chapter 399 Talking about Young Brother Changsheng at Night

As Huang Lei said on m.com, the torrential rain in Xishuangbanna really came and went quickly.

But within ten minutes, the torrential rain disappeared, and the dark clouds in the sky had long disappeared, and even Father Sun showed a smiling face again.

If it weren't for the rain still remaining on the ground, everyone would have thought it was the sprinkler just now.

"Come on, let's work together, don't let the fruits of our labor become rotten pineapples."

"Boil it, wash the big bamboo baskets in the warehouse, and dry the pineapple in the sun."

After the heavy rain, the weather suddenly became cooler, but everyone's enthusiasm for work was high.

Cutting pineapple, boiling pineapple, roasting pineapple, this assembly line operation is connected in an instant.

When Huang Bo came out of the kitchen to pick up pineapples for the fourth time, he wiped the sweat from his head.

The weather is cool after the rain, but the kitchen is burning and cooking pineapple slices, and with him walking back and forth, it is not too hot.

Huang Bo looked at Han Changsheng's seven-member pineapple-cutting group in the gazebo, and said enviously: "Mr. Han, your seven-member group should be renamed the annoying group. We are sweating in the kitchen because of the heat. The seven of you 7 is cutting pineapples in the cool breeze, and can taste fresh and delicious pineapples from time to time, so it's not too comfortable."

Han Changsheng shrugged his shoulders, "Who told you that a man of your gender can't cut pineapples as well as I do? If you can change your gender into a woman, or you can cut pineapples faster than me, then you can sit next to me."

Sha Yi, who was chopping wood, put down his ax and shouted: "Mr. Han, if you want to say that, I think I can sit next to you."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Why are you cutting pineapples faster than me?"

Sha Yi laughed and said, "Then I can't compare, but I'm actually a girl, but I've been hiding it well for so many years."

Everyone paused, and then couldn't help laughing.

Han Changsheng shook his head happily, "Mr. Sha, you really don't care about your gender just to do light work!"

Huang Bole said: "Mr. Sha, if you are a girl, where did your two sons come from?"

Sha Yi thought for a while, "Ke'er can be a boy!"

Fat Di was stunned, and then fell directly into Han Changsheng's arms, "Hehehehe...I can't do it anymore, let me laugh enough before working, otherwise I'm afraid the skin knife will cut my hand."

Yaya smiled and said, "Teacher Sha, I think sister Ke'er will make you kneel on the washboard after you go home."

Liu Sisi said: "Kneeling on the washboard is too light, kneeling on durians is the only way to do it."

Gu Li Nazha: "Mr. Sha, An Ji and Xiao Yu'er will call you Mom when you go home."

Tang Yan: "Then call Sister Ke'er Dad."

When everyone in Mushroom House laughed, the barrage in the live broadcast room fell into a sea of ​​joy.

"It's confirmed, Mr. Sha is... a master of drama."

"Ms. Sha is a man who grows on my smile."

"I turned into a girl just to be lazy, I didn't expect you to be such Sha Yi."

"Sha Yi: Can't I laugh at myself as a girl first?"


There was Sha Yi, who was good at laughing, and everyone was playing around while working, but they really didn't feel how tiring the work of making pineapples was.

At night, more than [-] pineapples were all cut and dried in the yard.

Judging by the degree to which the moon is bright and the stars are scarce tonight, it will definitely not rain.

After dinner, it was naturally time for Han's storytelling of "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

From Chapter 1010 at 10:1616 when the young hero talks about killing his father and taking deep revenge at Chapter 16 at [-]:[-], that concludes tonight's storytelling. …

The six 66 girls went back to their room and finished washing, chatted for a while and then took a rest.

And half an hour later, Tang Yan suddenly opened his eyes, poked Gu Li Nazha who was looking up at the window on the far left, and said softly: "Naza."

Gu Li was stunned for a moment, turned her head and said in a low voice, "Sister Tangtang, aren't you asleep?"

Tang Yan crawled into Gu Li Nazha's bed lightly, and said in a low voice, "I can't sleep, let's chat!"

"What to talk about"

"Our little elder brother Changsheng, and the little dragon girl..."

Nazha's eyes widened in astonishment, she looked to Tang Yan's right side, saw Tong Liya sleeping soundly, and then relaxed.

Talking about Brother Changsheng next to his wife, Sister Tangtang is really bold.

Seeing this, Tang Yan said with a slight smile, "Don't worry, I came here to chat because I saw Sister Yaya really fell asleep."

No matter how low Naza's voice was, "Then we have to keep our voices down."

Tang Yan smiled knowingly, "I know."

Nazha thought for a while, put the quilt on the heads of the two, and then said in a low voice: "Sister Tangtang, do you think Brother Changsheng really doesn't have us in his heart?"

"Why do you say that"

"He seldom looked at us all day today."

"Sister Yaya and the others are all by Brother Changsheng's side, why would he look at us?"

"Then what if Sister Yaya and the others are not around?"

"It is estimated that the same will be very few."

Gu Li was taken aback for a moment, "Are we not welcome at all?"

My appearance is not considered to be a top-notch beauty, but she can be considered pretty, right? Sister Tangtang is a sweet beauty. If I were a man, I would definitely want to marry Sister Tangtang.

As far as the two of them are concerned, does the little brother Changsheng not even feel the slightest bit of heartbeat? Get his attention."

Gu Li Nazha was discouraged and said: "Then we have no chance at all?"

Tang Yan shook his head and said: "That's not true, you have also listened to "The Legend of Condor Heroes" these two days, what do you think of Xiaolongnu?"

"A fairy who doesn't eat fireworks in the world, spotless, pure and pure, I feel like you are a shadow of Sister Tangtang."

"I still think there is a shadow of you, after all, Xiaolongnv's aloofness is very similar to yours."

Gu Li Nazha sighed and said, "I hope so, after all, it means that Brother Changsheng has us in his heart."

Tang Yan paused, and said softly: "Have you noticed the time when Cheng Ying, Lu Wushuang and Xiaolongnv appeared?"


Gu Li Nazha thought for a while, and said: "Compared with Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang, Xiao Longnu appeared later."

Tang Yan nodded and said, "Yes! People outside say that the little dragon girl is the real protagonist, but who would have noticed that Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang appeared first?"

Gu Li was overjoyed, "You mean, little brother Changsheng brought in the orphan Yang Guo, Sister Yaya and the others are Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang, and we are Xiaolongnv"

Tang Yan smiled wryly and said, "I also hope so, but I don't know what the final result of the few of them will be."

Gu Li Nazha happily said: "Then do you still need to think about it? Naturally, they are all together."

"hope so!"

"Don't worry, it must be."

"How can you feel relieved if you haven't seen the final outcome?"

The two daughters chatted a little more, Tang Yan went back to her bunk and fell asleep sweetly.

And at this moment, Tong Liya, who had been sleeping all this time, opened her eyes.

She tilted her head and glanced at Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha on the left, she frowned slightly, and she didn't know what she was thinking when her eyes flickered.

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Chapter 400 Yingbao: Master, I was wrong

Get up early in the morning on m.com.

Had breakfast.

Twelve people 12 face the most complicated parting.

The farewell of Han Changsheng, the eight 8 guests, and Huang Lei and He Jiong, the four 44 owners of Mushroom House.

Then there is the difference between Han Changsheng's eight people 8 in the last issue of the season of "Flowers and Handsome Guys".

He Jiong took out a pen and paper, and said sadly: "It's such a perfect relationship, the parting is the saddest.

Fortunately, the relationship between us has not reached the most perfect level, so this heartache is not so deep."

Han Changsheng said with a light smile: "There are bosom friends in the sea, and neighbors in the world.

It's just a temporary separation, who knows that we won't see each other again in the future, everyone really doesn't need to be sad."

When the words fell, Han Changsheng wrote down twenty-eight characters with a pen.

If there is no rain, you should hold a small umbrella to protect the insects from the wind and cold.

The oil is hot and jumps into the pot, just for you and me to laugh.

"Teacher He, Teacher Huang, Peng Peng, sister, goodbye."

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