He Jiong: "I must come again when I have time!"

Huang Lei: "By the way, you can continue to help me cook."

Han Changsheng hugged one by one, even Guli Nazha and Tang Yan also gave a separate hug.

"I announce that the third season of "Flowers and Handsome Guys" is finished!"

Wang Zhengyu announced the end loudly, and hugged Han Changsheng with emotion.

This... Director Han only participated in three episodes of "Flowers and Handsome Guys", but he brought a lot of traffic to the whole show.

In these three episodes, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room was more than that of the first episode, and it directly exceeded [-] million in the last episode.

It can be said that this program can achieve such unexpected success, at least half of the credit for this... Director Han.

But Wang Zhengyu also knew that with this... current status, it would be very difficult for this... to give favor to the show.




Eight members of "Flowers and Handsome Guys" parted ways at Xishuangbanna International Airport.

Huang Bo and Sha Yi each flew to the place where they received the notification, while Han Changsheng flew back to the capital together with six of them.

When we arrived in the capital, Yang Mi's assistant, Yang Xiaoxiao, was waiting at the airport, but Yang Mi and Zhao Liying, who were supposed to be here, were not there.

A look of doubt flashed in Han Changsheng's eyes, "Where are Mimi and Yingbao?"

"The two presidents are at home."

Yang Xiaoxiao replied respectfully, without explaining the specific reason.

Tong Liya said to Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha: "Tangtang, Nazha, Ying Bao is waiting for my master at home, just this time I won't send you back."

Tang Yan smiled and said, "Sister Yaya, why are you being polite to me? My assistant is here to pick me up."

Gu Li Nazha: "Yeah, sister Yaya, you don't have to bother, my assistant is here to pick me up."

"See you later, bye."


Tang Yan watched as the five members of the Han family disappeared in the Mercedes-Benz Vito, and then took Gu Li Nazha's hand, "Are you sure your assistant is here?"

Gulinaza: "Of course."

"Then take your car!"

"Your assistant didn't come"

"I'm here too, but the two of us sisters can sit together and talk."


Gu Li Nazha suddenly smiled, took Tang Yan's hand and sat on her Audi 4...

On the Mercedes-Benz Vito.

After the car door was closed, Han Changsheng called Yang Mi: "Mimi, why didn't you two come to the airport?"

Yang Mi said: "We'll wait at home for Han Changsheng to frown, "but something happened to Ying Bao."

Yang Mi raised her eyebrows and said, "How did you know something happened to Ying Bao?"

"With Ying Bao's personality, when I come back, she will definitely pick me up instead of waiting for me at home.

you, too."

"You'll know when you get home."

Yang Mi didn't explain anymore, and Han Changsheng didn't ask, because from Mimi's tone, Ying Bao's incident should not be serious.

After arriving home, Han Changsheng knew that he guessed wrong.

Something happened to Ying Bao, she drank too much.

But Yingbao drinking too much and Fatty drinking too much are two different routes, Fatty drinking too much is drinking crazy, Yingbao drinking too much is actually crying.

Seeing Han Changsheng come back, Yang Mi's tightly locked brows were loosened... and heaved a long sigh of relief.

"You came back in time. I can't bear it any longer. I'll leave Ying Bao to you."

Yang Mi didn't wait for Han Changsheng to react, she directly threw Han Laosan who was holding her and crying into Han Changsheng's arms, and ran away in a hurry.

Ying Bao has been crying in her arms for more than an hour, crying until her clothes are soaked, and if she doesn't... change clothes, she is really afraid of catching a cold.

Han Changsheng held Yingbao in his arms and looked back, Yaya, Sisi and Fatty, who were still concerned about Yingbao, all ran away.

I knew it was so! Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, touched Ying Bao's hot forehead, "Ying Bao...how much did you drink?"

Ying Bao stuck out his tongue and replied vaguely: "No...not much... just two glasses of wine brewed by my master himself.

"It's just two glasses, didn't I tell you not to drink more than one?"

Han Changsheng frowned, and tapped Ying Bao's little head.

The wine he brews is completely different from the outside ones, with an alcohol content of at least [-]% and a great stamina.

It's easy to get drunk after just one drink:, what's more, Ying Bao drank two glasses, she is going to sleep for a whole day! "Don't pat me on the head, if you pat me stupid again."

Ying Bao patted his big hands on his head, opened his sleepy eyes and looked straight at Han Changsheng, and said foolishly, "Hey, it's strange, why do you look so similar to my master!"

Han Changsheng's face darkened, "What is resemblance, I'm always good."

"No, no, it's impossible. My master is the only one who looks so handsome in the world. You can't be like him!"

"Look carefully!"

Zhao Liying raised her tender hand and pinched Han Changsheng's cheek for a moment: Shake, then suddenly grinned silly, "Hey, it's really my master! Master, when did you come back?"

Han Changsheng took Ying Bao's thieves away, and directly put her down, "Just after you came back, why did you drink so much wine? Didn't I tell you not to drink too much?"


After hearing Han Changsheng's question, Ying Bao suddenly started to cry again, and cried very sadly.

When Han Changsheng saw Yingbao's pear-blossoming appearance, his heart ached.

He held Ying Bao in his arms and patted Ying Bao on the back, "Don't cry, don't cry, tell me why you drink."

Zhao Liying sobbed with her mouth flattened, "Master, my mother called, she said that my younger brother is getting married, we should go home and see them."

Han Changsheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I'll just go home when I go home, and I never said I won't go back with you."

He thought that Yingbao was drinking because of some grievance, but he never thought that it was going back to her mother's house.

For him, this kind of coaxing the old mother-in-law and the old father-in-law is too simple! Zhao Liying's crying stopped suddenly, she raised her chubby face, which I saw pitifully, and said pitifully: "But... But... the last time I called, I said that I had a baby, and my mother almost came to accompany me in confinement. Later, I said that she didn't come when I went home to give birth. This time, the lie will be exposed when I go back. "

Han Changsheng supported his forehead speechlessly, that's right, when he accompanied Ying Bao and the others to the Xilamu Grassland at the end of July last year, Ying Bao said that the two of them had already cooked rice, and both of them had millet porridge.

Just thinking of this, Han Changsheng suddenly said: "That's not right, Ying Bao, didn't you say you were not afraid last time? You also said that your parents will get used to us being together after ten months, and then we will be fine."

Ying Bao cried, "I'm bragging about that, but I'm still really scared!"

"It's all right, I have everything."

"Thank you sir, you are so kind to me."

"I'm nice to you, shouldn't I?"

Han Changsheng patted Ying Bao to comfort him, and then he reacted suddenly that something was wrong.

He lowered his head and squinted his eyes to stare at Ying Bao's shining pupils, and said with a half smile but not a smile: "Xiao Yingbao, you speak clearly! Are you playing tricks with me?"

Zhao Liying was stunned, then laughed and said, "Master, listen to my explanation."

"Explain, you'd better explain to my satisfaction, otherwise you are ready to lead the family law!"

"I was indeed drunk before, but just now I lay in the arms of the eldest sister and cried for a while, and gradually recovered, and then I was completely awake in the arms of the master."


"I swear I never told a single lie!"

Han Changsheng bent the corner of his mouth, turned Ying Bao over with his left hand, raised his right hand, and swung Ying Bao's back quickly.

Crack! "Ah!"

Ying Bao trembled, and said aggrievedly: "Master, why did you hit me? I told you that I didn't lie."

Han Changsheng said angrily: "Beating you has nothing to do with lying, how did I warn you not to get drunk before drinking, did you ignore it!"

"I... I just accidentally..."

"Crack! Make you careless!"

"My lord, I was wrong, I will never... drink more!"

"Crack! After hearing what you mean, you still want to drink, don't you?"

"No drink! Not a sip of wine! Sir, I was wrong, and I really know I was wrong."

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Chapter 401 The Closer to Hometown Feels More Timid (Wake Up Early for Subscription)

Outside the m.com house, the four daughters of Yang Mi, who were listening, retreated with smiles.

Ying Bao still has the strength to beg for mercy, which means that the master is not scared to death, so there is no need to save her.

Tong Liya tugged Yang Mi's hand and winked.

Yang Mi followed in confusion, and went to the study on the first floor, "Yaya, what's the matter?"

"Sister, it's about Tangtang and Naza..."

Tong Liya roughly recounted the conversation she heard last night, and sighed: "Tangtang and Nazha are really bewildered, why do you think they just stare at the master?"

Yang Mi raised her finger to point upstairs, and said with a wry smile: "How normal, don't you know what's going on when you think about Yingbao, back then many people said that Yingbao was a moth to the flame, and the end would definitely be miserable.

But now, who doesn't envy her, the youngest Han."

"That's right. At the beginning, many people said that the four of us were obsessed with ghosts, but now they are all very envious."

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