Although the saying goes well, the third year of the female college holds gold bricks, and the ninth grade of female college students has everything.

But she only wants to be a little girl in the arms of her master, not a young lady of the master.

Zhao Jianfei opened his mouth, but still didn't dare not to say the following words.

When we quarreled when we were young, he always won.

But once the elder sister makes a move, his younger brother will definitely die.

Because if he dares to do it, what he will enjoy is... the quadruple beatings from his grandparents, his parents, and his mother, it shouldn't be too miserable.

Zhao Liying squinted at her younger brother, walked into the kitchen with a victorious attitude, and was dragged aside by her mother.

Mother Zhao said: "Girl, when will you and Changsheng have children?"

Zhao Liying faltered and said: "Mom...this hard to say!"

After saying that, Ying Bao recalled the previous scene, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

Grandparents, parents, and the like didn't seem to care about her belly at all, they were all looking at their master the whole time, as if it didn't matter whether her belly was big or not.

Thinking of this, Zhao Liying wondered: "Mom, why don't you seem to be surprised that my belly is not getting bigger?"

Zhao's mother tapped her precious daughter's forehead, and laughed and cursed: "You are the meat that fell from my stomach, do you really think you can lie to me for more than nine months? You filmed that "East and West" long ago!" Mom will see that you're not pregnant."

Zhao Liying was taken aback, "Then you still called me to scare me and said that you would come and accompany me in confinement."

Mother Zhao rolled her eyes, "If I don't scare you, can you come back today? Do you have to wait until the day your brother gets married, and then leave on the same day?"

Zhao Liying stuck out her tongue and smiled.

Mom really knew her, and she really planned to do this, but after being frightened by her mother, she didn't dare.

Zhao's mother glared at her precious daughter angrily, and snorted softly: "You just said that it's hard to say that you want a child. Why does Changsheng not want a child?"

Zhao Liying shook her head and said, "No, Changsheng and Second Sister have worked hard for a long time, but they still haven't conceived yet, so we don't need to worry about it."

"Your second sister is your second sister, and you are you. If she can't get pregnant with you, can she not get pregnant with you?"

"I can't say that. All five of us checked together. Everyone is fine. It's just that the chance didn't come, so no one is pregnant now.

Zhao's mother frowned, "What does this have to do with chance? It's purely the result of not working hard. It happens that you and Changsheng are living alone at home these few days. If you work hard together, maybe this child will come."

Zhao Liying blushed, "Mom, can we not talk about this topic?"

She has been married to the master for less than a year, and as a newly promoted woman, it is too embarrassing to talk about such topics with her mother unscrupulously.

Zhao's mother smacked her lips and put on a posture of someone who had come here, "You child, what's so embarrassing about this matter, it's normal for people to pass on the family line, isn't it normal?"

Zhao Liying stomped her feet and said coquettishly, "Mom"

Zhao's mother waved her hand, and put on a lamenting face, "Don't call me mom, I won't listen to you when I tell you about a child! You are so hard-winged, and you won't be able to keep girls!"

Zhao Liying: "..."

Although she knew that her mother's face was purely... pretending, but she really couldn't ignore it.

Ying Bao sighed, and said obediently: "Mom, tell me."

"That's right."

Zhao's mother smiled with satisfaction, and exhorted: "Do you know why you are only Han Lao San instead of Han Boss? It's because you don't have a child, or you don't have a son. If you give Chang Sheng an eldest son, you must be... ...Boss Han."

Zhao Liying curled her lips, "Return to the boss Han, I don't even want to be the third brother Han, it would be great if I could be the fifth brother Han."

Zhao's mother glared, "You kid doesn't know how to fight for the top and wants to go down, the more you live, the more hopeless you are!"

"Do you know why our family's status in Zhaojia Village is so high? It's because your grandfather is the eldest son and grandson of the Zhao family, and your father is also the oldest in his generation."

"Eldest son and bastard son, that's a completely different treatment!"

"Don't look at you being so good and good outside, if it weren't for the status of your grandfather and your father, you would have..."

Zhao Liying felt very helpless listening to her mother's nagging.

Can the eldest son and grandson outside be the same as the Han family? In the Han family, the most favored ones are neither the eldest sister, nor Han Laosi, Han Laowu, the two happy juniors who seem to be confused but are actually smart.

The most favored is the virtuous and virtuous second sister, who is well-behaved and sensible! Feilu reminds you: three things to do when reading books, push to see the latest chapter Baidu search 99 playmates find 99 novels

Chapter 403 Ignore Mom's Words

Yu Zhao Liying listened to her mother's ramblings, she nodded her head and said yes, and didn't say anything about my family being different.

Let's listen to my mother's nagging first, and when I get home, what should I do?

Ying Bao waited and waited, and when her mother paused, she hurriedly handed over some cold water, then pointed to the outside of the house and said, "Mom, hurry up and cook! If you don't cook, my grandpa and the others will be hungry."

Zhao's mother stopped talking, and confessed: "Keep in mind what mother said, don't let it go to your ears, you should be more careful every day."

"Yes, yes, I will remember what my mother taught me, and I promise I won't forget it!"

Zhao Liying nodded obediently, and instantly forgot what her mother said just now.

What my mother said is a summary of her life experience over the years, and it does not apply to their old Han family.

If it is really kept in mind, it will easily cause family conflicts.

So the best way is... to ignore it.

Ying Bao took advantage of the time when his mother was cooking, and ran back to the main room in a hurry, and then saw that his master and grandpa had a good chat, but it was Zhao Jianfei, a brat who looked aggrieved.

Ying Bao watched for a while, and asked curiously: "Grandpa, grandma, dad, what are you talking about with Changsheng?"

Grandpa Zhao chuckled, "Let's talk about planting crops. The knowledge of longevity is... a lot!"

Zhao's father nodded and agreed: "Don't look at Changsheng as if his fingers don't touch the spring water, but when it comes to growing crops, he also speaks clearly and logically, at least he is much better than your brother."

Grandpa Zhao and Father Zhao are native farmers, and in their hearts, they can't talk about other things together.

Only the ability of this kind of crop is great, that is the real powerful person.

Because of this ability, even if you return to the countryside to plant a field, you can guarantee that you will not be hungry due to drought or flood.

Because of this, their impression of the grandson-in-law who had just met suddenly improved a lot.

Zhao Jianfei's face darkened, and he said in disbelief, "No matter how much theoretical knowledge is, what's the use if you don't go to the field and plant it yourself, how can you know how to grow crops well!"

Father Zhao raised his hand and just... slapped him across the face, "You... have been planting crops with me for more than ten years, so why haven't you planted the crops well until now?"

"Isn't that after I went to college, the skills of this kind of land are rusty?"

"You have a fart skill, you know how to mess around when you plant rice! You don't care about the distance between seedlings!"

Zhao Liying glanced at her younger brother who was slapped by her father, and sat beside her master with a smile.

The younger brother was beaten, and her elder sister has only two words to describe it, she deserves it! There is a saying that it is better not to compare yourself with the master.

There are too many skills in the master's head, so much that the five sisters don't know how many things the master knows.

Therefore, anyone who competes with the master will end up like a younger brother, which is more miserable.

"Dinner is ready! Ying Bao, Xiao Fei, come over and serve it!"


The meals Zhao's mother cooks are all main dishes, and they have the characteristics of the north, and the quantity is enough and rich.

Stewed ribs with beans, beef in sauce, knuckle in sauce, braised pork belly with potatoes, plus cucumbers, fried peanuts, pig ears and other appetizers.

In addition, there are two special delicacies of Langshi specially bought by Zhao's father in the city, Yongqing Huji Roasted Chicken and Yongqing Ningji Sausage.

Father Zhao put away the bowls and chopsticks for Grandpa Zhao, and said to Han Changsheng: "Changsheng, let's drink some"

Han Changsheng glanced at Zhao Liying, Yingbao said obediently: "Father, if you drink alcohol, drink the wine that Changsheng just brewed! Health can also beautify your face."

Zhao Jianfei curled his lips, "Wine for beautification and beauty is only drunk by women, and it has no strength at all.

The old men have to drink the welcome spring wine!"

Zhao Liying raised her hand and just... slapped her across the face, "Then you drink your Yingchun, let grandpa and dad drink wine!"

After the words fell, Ying Bao's children's shoes ran out briskly, and then brought back a bottle of wine in a kilo from the car.

The outer packaging of this wine ordinary bulk liquor glass bottle with an oak cork on it, which looks very inconspicuous.

But paired with the bright red wine inside, it looks mysteriously beautiful.

Boo! The oak cork was just opened, and the light red wine mist floated out from the bottle mouth, making Grandpa Zhao and Father Zhao's eyes wide open instantly.

Grandpa Zhao rubbed his eyes, looked at your still-existing light red wine mist in disbelief, and said in astonishment: "Girl, are you sure this wine is just brewed by Changsheng?"

"Of course, I also helped out when the wine was divided."

Zhao Liying poked her neck arrogantly, then poured two or two drinks for grandpa, father and her family, and put the rest of the wine on the side cabinet.

Grandpa Zhao and Father Zhao looked at each other, still staring at the red wine with mist floating in front of them, not daring to open their mouths.

Although the father and son are not well-informed, they still know a little about this wine during their years of drinking.

The wine that can emit wine mist must be at least a hundred years old. It is really hard for them to believe that the wine is newly brewed.

Zhao Jianfei glanced at his grandfather and father who were afraid to drink, shook the Yingchun wine bottle in his hand and muttered: "Grandpa, Dad, this wine is really bland, it's better to drink this Yingchun wine."

"Kids know what a fart, go aside!"

Grandpa Zhao glared at Zhao Jianfei, winked at Father Zhao, and took a sip of the wine in front of him together.

This kind of century-old 100-year-old wine is hard to come by, and you must not drink it in large gulps, or you will ruin this good wine.

Grandpa Zhao's eyes lit up, and after swallowing the wine for a minute, he spit out the faint aroma of the wine, "Entrance: soft, fragrant and mellow!"

Father Zhao clicked his mouth twice, "It tastes sweet and has a long aftertaste,'s not too spicy."

Zhao Jianfei raised his wine glass, drank half a cup of Yingchun wine in one gulp, and said with a smile: "Oh, this Yingchun wine is hot and strong enough. Drinking the wine that gentlemen should drink is... happy!"

Han Changsheng glanced at his brother-in-law who was always finding fault, picked up the welcome spring wine on the table and glanced at it, 54.

He opened the wine cap, and gently poured a drop of Yingchun wine into the glass in front of him.

Ding dong... The transparent wine drop hits the calm wine, splashing a drop of light red wine, bouncing a ripple.

Under everyone's astonished eyes, the top layer of the bright red wine gradually turned transparent.

Then the transparent color starts from the top, moves down slowly, and finally gets faster and faster.

In less than ten seconds1, a glass of bright red wine turned: transparent.

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