In the moment of astonishment, the transparent wine turned red again from the bottom, and then turned back to carmine in the blink of an eye.

If it wasn't for the constant fluctuation of the wine in the glass, the Zhao family would never have believed that what happened just now happened right under their noses.

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Chapter 404 Accidentally poured Yingbao's half family

Yu Zhao Liying has lived with her master for a long time after all, and has the strongest ability to accept, so she was the first to recover.

She shook her somewhat bewildered head, hugged Han Changsheng, and said excitedly: "Master, it turns out that the wine you make can change, why didn't you tell us?"

Han Changsheng shook his head and said: "You can only drink half a glass of the original version. After dripping the wine, the wine will become stronger and have more stamina. That's not what you should drink."

Dropping wine to make magic is not only for the color of the wine to change, but also for a certain substance in the wine to be excited.

If you really drink it in one gulp, just two liang of wine can directly pour down a big man who can drink three to five pounds.

And with Ying Bao and the others' drinking capacity, one or two altered wines can knock them all down.

"All right!"

Zhao Liying thought about the drinking capacity of the five sisters, and had to give up the idea of ​​trying something new.

However, you can't drink magic wine, it's always possible to become a magic trick! Thinking of this, Ying Bao snatched the Spring Festival wine from Han Changsheng's hand.

She poured a drop of wine into the wine glasses in front of Grandpa and Dad, and then the family watched the miraculous scene again.

Grandpa Zhao and Father Zhao looked at each other, toasted together, and said to Han Changsheng: "Changsheng, come, let us touch each other."

"You have to add me!"

Zhao Jianfei joined in the fun and toasted, the way he looked at Han Changsheng was obviously different.

There are seven points less for targeting, four points for more attention, three points for surprise and three points.

Zhao Jianfei had to admit that this man... who he could barely call his brother-in-law did have extraordinary abilities, at least this miraculous brewing technique really amazed him.

But it's just the brewing technology that amazes him, before confirming that his sister can really live happily ever after, he can only reluctantly admit that this person is Zhao Jianfei's brother-in-law.

Han Changsheng noticed the change in Zhao Jianfei's attitude, smiled lightly, raised his glass and said, "Grandpa, grandma, parents, I wish you four elders good health and all the best, and you must drink less."

Grandpa Zhao: "This kind of good wine should be drunk slowly."

Father Zhao: "Yes! Take it easy, don't worry."

The two elders thought that this miraculous wine was quite precious, so they were a little cautious when clinking glasses, and they still took a sip as before when drinking.

And after taking this sip, the second elder immediately closed his lips tightly to prevent the hot wine gas from exploding from his mouth from escaping.

If the wine just now is as soft as a clear spring, with a fresh taste.

The wine that has been changed now is... a hot volcano, as fierce as an ancient general who charged into battle.

It's just...a real fight with real swords and guns, either knocking me down or I knocking you down.

As veteran soldiers who have been drinking for many years, the two elders naturally couldn't admit defeat, they gritted their teeth tightly to let the hot smell of alcohol rush into their stomachs, and then sweated all over their bodies.

After a long time, the second elder finally wiped off the sweat from his head, opened his mouth and breathed out the smell of alcohol.

Grandpa Zhao: "Excellent! This wine is strong enough! It's very good!"

Zhao's father: "It's been many years since I've had this sweaty drink, so happy!"

Zhao Jianfei glanced at it and muttered, "Is this wine really that delicious? I'll try it too."

Zhao's father waved his hand and just... slapped him across the face, "Put your hand down, boy! How can you drink this kind of good wine, go and drink your Spring Festival wine!"

"If you don't drink, don't drink, who cares!"

Zhao Jianfei snorted the welcome spring wine, not envious at all, definitely not envious.

Isn't it just a wine that changes color? His Spring Festival wine is not bad at all! With this color-changing wine as a medium, the atmosphere of the Zhao family's meal instantly became lively. The "brother-in-law" in Zhao Jianfei's mouth

Names gradually began to increase.

Big mouthfuls of meat and small mouthfuls of wine, the voice of the conversation unknowingly grew louder, making the picture of Ying Bao returning to her mother's house much better.

After drinking and eating, Grandpa Zhao and Father Zhao suddenly said that they were sleepy, and then fell asleep on the kang.


Grandma Zhao and Mother Zhao looked at the two sleeping soundly, a little dumbfounded.

Son-in-law and son-in-law are still there: on the table, why did these two elders fall asleep so out of tune? Han Changsheng explained: "Grandma, mom, this wine has a bit of stamina, but it will be fine after a night of sleep."

At this moment, Zhao Jianfei waved his hand, "Grandma, mom, let my grandpa and my dad sleep together! I'll drink with my brother-in-law."

After saying that, Zhao Jianfei picked up the wine on the cabinet next to him, poured himself a small half glass, and then poured a drop of jasmine wine, personally experiencing the magic of a handful of wine changing colors.

Zhao Jianfei clinked glasses with Han Changsheng, "Brother-in-law, I respect you for this cup, I hope you can treat my sister well and don't let her be sad, otherwise I will definitely fight you hard!"

"Wait a minute..."

Before Han Changsheng finished his blocking words, Zhao Jianfei had already drained the wine in his glass.

But Zhao Jianfei would do well if he kept going, his body swayed, his eyes became dizzy, and he just turned his head...and fell down.

If it weren't for Han Changsheng's quick-witted support, Zhao Jianfei would have fallen to the ground.

"Why is this child still so frizzy? When will he grow up!"

Mother Zhao took over Zhao Jianfei, and she had no intention of complaining about Han Changsheng at all.

My son-in-law said that this wine has great stamina, but my son is very good, so I have to... drink it in one gulp! It's all right now! Drink it down.

Han Changsheng: "..."

This is the first time he accompanied Yingbao back to her mother's house, but in the end he knocked down three of the six members of Yingbao's family.

If word of this spreads, will he still be able to accompany Yingbao back to her mother's house next time? Zhao Liying tugged at Han Changsheng's sleeve, shook her head and said, "Master, don't worry about my grandpa and the others. They often get drunk and are used to it."

Han Changsheng rubbed his nose and smiled wryly: "But I brought down the three of them by myself, grandpa. It's not good for your reputation if it spreads."

Zhao Liying smiled sweetly, "It's okay, it's just that you drink a lot, it won't affect my reputation."

Han Changsheng: "Didn't you say you married a big wine bag?"

Zhao Liying shook her head and smiled, "No, it's too late to praise you for drinking like a wine fairy."

In rural areas, Jiu Xian, who can drink to a certain extent, is something that every family wants to be friends with.

Because in the rural area, people with a radius of ten miles and eight villages can basically be regarded as relatives, so there are a lot of weddings and weddings.

And whenever these things happen, drinking is unavoidable. At this time, the host's favorite thing is to invite a wine master to accompany him. If the wine master's company is good, the reputation of the host's family will also be heard.

While talking, Mother Zhao had already taken care of Zhao Jianfei, and started to clean up the leftovers on the table with Grandma Zhao.

Seeing this, Zhao Liying followed to help.

Han Changsheng glanced at the three 3 lying down on the kang, and wanted to get up and tidy up.

Mother Zhao stopped her and said: "Changsheng, put it down, this work is what we women should do, you go and rest."

"Mom, let me clean up too!"

Han Changsheng smiled wryly.

Grandma, mother-in-law and wife are all packing up, grandpa, father-in-law and brother-in-law are all down, and it would be too embarrassing to leave him standing alone.

"Take a rest when you are told, Yingbao, take Changsheng out for a walk."

Mother Zhao saw her son-in-law's embarrassment, and said to Zhao Liying.

"it is good."

Ying Bao responded, took Han Changsheng's hand and walked out, "Master, don't worry about it, grandma and mom will take care of it."

"You usually don't help clean up"

"Help, but you're here today, aren't you?"

Zhao Liying blinked and smiled sweetly.

The relatives in the family are big, but the master is even bigger.

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Chapter 405 Yingbao has a good eye! (Fifth watch for subscription today)

Yu "Mom, how is Changsheng's child?"

Zhao's mother pointed at Han Changsheng's back and asked Grandma Zhao.

The Zhao family can become one of the best families in Zhaojia Village, Yingbao, this precious daughter can only occupy a small part.

The identity of the eldest son and grandson of the father-in-law can only account for half of it.

The rest of the credit is... my mother-in-law.

My mother-in-law is a college student who graduated from university decades ago. She speaks well and does things well, and she is impeccable. Her father-in-law and the villagers all call her Granny Zhao in Zhaojia Village.

Grandma Zhao said in a low voice: "This child is elegant and handsome, and his disposition is first-class and calm. One in a million is not enough to describe his eventuality. Yingbao's vision is very good!"

Zhao's mother sighed: "It's good, but Changsheng has five 55 wives, and Yingbao can only get one-fifth of Changsheng's care. I am very worried that Yingbao will not be happy for the rest of his life!"

"You are worrying in vain!"

Grandma Zhao waved her hand and said: " who only marry one wife may not be...a good husband, but Changsheng, on the other hand, never leaves his eyes from Yingbao's side, and Yingbao always sits next to Changsheng, The...happy smile on her face is much more than before."

Mother Zhao thought about everything just now, nodded and said, "Ying Bao is indeed happier than before."

Grandma Zhao said: "That's it, as the saying goes: Children and grandchildren have their own blessings.

I think Changsheng is affectionate but not sentimental, and he will treat Ying Bao well all his life."

Mother Zhao sighed, "I hope!"


Han Changsheng and Zhao Liying walked out of Zhao's house hand in hand, and walked along the concrete road of Zhao's house, meeting villagers from time to time.

These people greeted Ying Bao warmly, and smiled kindly when facing Han Changsheng.

Zhao Liying smiled sweetly and said: "80% of the Zhao Family Village is named Zhao, and the rest of the villagers are either offshoots of the Zhao family, or... the relatives of the Zhao family are all related, so this The relationship is pretty good."

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