"That's not too bad."

Han Changsheng smiled lightly and said nothing.

There may be many reasons why the villagers are friendly, but one of the reasons is that Ying Bao does not live in Zhaojia Village.

Otherwise, it is very difficult to guarantee that Brother Dayi will not happen.

Along the way, the husband and wife came to the entrance of the village, and the quality of the cement road under their feet began to decline.

Zhao Liying turned her head and pointed at the cement road in the back, "It is said that I spent money to repair the cement road in this village, but in fact my grandfather took the money in my name. In addition, every household in the village paid for it. It cost five or six hundred, and then such a cement road was built.

Later, my grandfather told the villagers that my family can donate money for repairing anything, but every household in the village also has to pay, and there are very few things that need to be built in the village."

"Grandpa, his old man's wisdom is still there!"

Han Changsheng praised the white-bearded old man who was lying on the kang and sleeping soundly.

The ancients said: Don't worry about being few but worrying about unevenness, the same is true for spending money.

Like Brother Dayi, it’s always a village. After a long time, others will get used to it. If you don’t pay, others will say you are stingy and cheap.

Mr. Zhao's way of doing this is very good, Yingbao can make a big contribution, but other people must follow suit.

When repairing things, everyone has to think about their own little coffers.

"Grandpa has always done things like this, grandma always said that grandpa is cunning and cunning, hehe."

Zhao Liying giggled and began to complain about her grandfather.

Han Changsheng shrugged and didn't answer, Yingbao could complain about her grandpa, but he followed up with complaining about Mr. Zhao...that's rude.

Zhao Liying pointed to the rolling mountains in the distance, "See the mountains in the distance? When I was young, my brother and I liked to go up the mountain with grandpa.

At that time, we could always pick all kinds of wild vegetables, and occasionally we could catch wild rabbits to satisfy our hunger.”

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "You can catch wild rabbits"

"No, but grandpa has a hunting dog that can catch wild rabbits. It's named Huzi. As long as grandpa takes the tiger out with him, he will always get something. Where's the wild boar?"

"Why didn't I see it just now?"

Zhao Liying sighed and said: "Huzi died when I was too old when I was in junior high school, and then grandpa never...never raised a hound, grandpa said he couldn't stand another parting."

Han Changsheng put his arms around Ying Bao, and patted her little head.

Mr. Zhao must have put a lot of effort into the hounds that can hunt rabbits and even wild boars. It is almost equivalent to raising a child. The pain of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person is beyond words.

The husband and wife strolled around and returned to Zhao's house when the sun was setting.

When we got home, Mr. Zhao, Father Zhao, and Zhao Jianfei had already woken up and were sitting on the kang talking nonsense.

Mr. Zhao gave Han Changsheng a thumbs-up, "Longevity is really good. It's not a problem to wake up after being drunk, and there is a sense of relaxation all over the body."

Father Zhao also praised, "Yingbao said that wine is a wine for health preservation. I didn't believe it at first, but now it seems that it is indeed so!"

Han Changsheng smiled lightly and said, "It's good that the second elder likes to drink it. It just so happens that we brought a total of four bottles this time, and the remaining three bottles will be left for the second elder to drink slowly."

"Good good!"

Mr. Zhao laughed, and when Ying Bao brought back the other three bottles of wine, he took two bottles away and left one bottle for Father Zhao.

Father Zhao glanced at the lonely bottle in his hand, and immediately hid it.

Then he not only confiscated the wine that Zhao Jianfei got secretly, but also gave Zhao Jianfei a slap in the face, "This wine was given to you by your brother-in-law, what are you taking for nothing?"

Zhao Jianfei: "..."

If I had known it would be like this, how nice it would be for him to blow directly on the bottle when drinking at noon.

Before the sunset had completely set, the Zhao family's dinner began again.

Most of them are leftovers from noon, and there are three new dishes, stir-fried pork with garlic moss, chili mushrooms, and stir-fried beef.

Zhao Liying helped serve the rice, and said crisply: "Grandpa, Dad, do you want to drink?"

"Stop drinking, have a good meal with Changsheng!"

Mr. Zhao waved his hand and refused sternly, so did Mr. Zhao.

It is not ugly to be drunk, but the grandson-in-law and son-in-law accompanied the granddaughter and daughter back to their mother's house for the first time, and the two elders passed out drunk: it's time for two meals, it's hard to say this word! "..."

Ying Bao secretly gave Han Changsheng a thumbs up and smiled sweetly.

The master is really powerful, after drinking down grandpa and father, these two elders who like to drink dare not drink anymore.

Although there is no wine, the dinner is still quite lively.

Mr. Zhao and Mr. Zhao have already recognized Han Changsheng, so they regard him as a junior in this conversation.

Although Zhao Jianfei did not 100% recognize the identity of Han Changsheng's brother-in-law, he has already recognized [-]% of it, and the remaining [-]% must be increased in his later life.

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Chapter 406 Ying Bao: I'm Angry, Hurry Up and Coax Me

After dinner on m.com, while Han Changsheng and Ying Bao were washing up, Zhao's mother helped the precious daughter tidy up her room.

Knowing that Ying Bao came back today, all the quilts in the house have already been replaced with new ones, so what Zhao's mother did was... spread out the quilts, and she doesn't need to take care of the rest.

Zhao Liying pointed to the red quilt embroidered with mandarin ducks, and said to Han Changsheng arrogantly: "I see, what is this?"

Han Changsheng glanced suspiciously, "Yuanyang."

Zhao Liying rolled her eyes, "What mandarin ducks, this is a quilt that my mother made for me. It was made the day we received our marriage certificate. It's the first time I use it today."

Han Changsheng noticed the admiration in Ying Bao's eyes, and his heart moved immediately.

It seems that although the mother-in-law scolded Ying Bao a few months ago, she still loves Ying Bao very much.

Otherwise, her old man would not have sewed the quilt months in advance.

Thinking of this, Han Changsheng put his arms around Yingbao tenderly, "If you like it, let's take this joy back home."

Zhao Liying shook her head, puffed her mouth and said: "No, Sisi and Fatty will definitely fight to cover it when I bring it back, so I will stay at home. When will we come back, and when will we cover it together."

The hi quilt was sewn by mother for her daughter, how could Han Lao Si and Han Lao Wu cover it, naturally she, Han Lao San and the master had exclusive use of it.

"Okay, if you want to come back, I'll come back with you, and we'll cover you with a big red quilt, but isn't it a bit hot to cover in summer?"

"Then I can prepare a thin quilt!"

"Broad to."

"Hee hee, wait."

Ying Bao finished acting like a baby, went out to fetch a basin of water, then went to the main room to pour some hot water.

Zhao's mother asked: "Didn't you just wash your face? P: What are you doing with so much hot water?"

Zhao Liying took it for granted, "Wash Changsheng's feet!"

Mother Zhao stared, "You are still in charge of washing Changsheng's feet, is your status so low in the family?"

Zhao Liying said helplessly: "When Changsheng was at home, he cooked all three meals a day, and the five of us meant that our ten fingers would not touch the spring water.

If I can't even fetch water to wash my feet, I'll just... just eat and wait to die at home."

Zhao's mother complained, and said: "But don't you usually have to go out to act to make money? Isn't that the same hard work?"

Zhao Liying smiled wryly and said: "Since Changsheng started making the first movie, I basically stayed at home all the time. Later, my eldest sister was afraid that I would get sick, so she asked me to be the vice president of Mixing Tianxia to manage the company with her.

Later, when Chang Sheng writes a new script, we will go out to film with Chang Sheng.

And even if there is a gap between filming, Changsheng will cook us delicious food, his hard work is much more than the five of us."

Mother Zhao opened her mouth, but felt that she couldn't say anything.

Although her daughter's explanation made her feel that her son-in-law was really hard, but when she heard her daughter washing his feet, she felt uncomfortable.

Father Zhao waited for the precious daughter to walk out of the house, and then he glared at his wife, "How long have Changsheng and Yingbao been married, you mother is still asking why you think the young couple is not living enough....chaos, I want to add some chaos to them "

Zhao's mother said: "I don't care about our precious daughter?"

Father Zhao glared, "Shut up if you care about our precious daughter, don't make trouble for the young couple by asking questions!"

Zhao's mother glanced at Zhao's father, turned her head and ignored him...

Yingbao House.

Han Changsheng looked at the water for washing his feet, and couldn't laugh or cry: "You are exaggerating, you just don't wash your feet for a few days, it won't smell bad."

The Qing Emperor in his body is not angry... he is a vegetarian, not to mention not washing his feet for a few days, even if he hasn't bathed for ten or eight years, he won't have any peculiar smell on his body.

Zhao Liying said arrogantly: "It has nothing to do with whether it smells good or not. I wanted to pour water for you a long time ago: water for washing your feet. It's just that my second sister is fighting for work every day at home. I can't get it. Now it's finally my turn." up!"

"You can do it."

Han Changsheng shook his head speechlessly, and pulled Ying Bao into his arms, "Then why don't we wash our feet together, so that you won't have to do another pot later."

"You don't have feet"

"You're the only one with athlete's foot!"


Ying Bao sweetly changed her sitting position, put her two tender white feet directly into the water basin, stepping on her master's big feet one by one.

This way of washing feet is quite warm, you can tell the elder sisters when you get home, and everyone will wash their feet like this every night.



"very nice!"

Han Changsheng saw Ying Bao opening his mouth, and followed her to say these two words.


Ying Bao smiled sweetly, and touched his master's carefully carved face with his backhand, "Master, how do you know that I want to say this sentence?"

Han Changsheng put his arms around Ying Bao's small waist, put his chin on Ying Bao's right shoulder, kissed Ying Bao with his head, and then said with a smile: "Because Yaya is always alone when she is with me. Say this."

Ying Bao pursed her lips, "It's disgusting! Can we not talk about Second Sister at such a warm moment?"

"That said Sisi"

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