
! Master, if you mention the words of eldest sister, second sister, Sisi and Fatty, believe it or not, I will let you stay alone in the empty room tonight!"

"Please, it's your suggestion now, okay?"

Zhao Liying froze, and stuck her neck arrogantly, "Hmph! I'm angry now, please coax me."

"Hey, let's not get angry. If you have too much gas in your stomach, it's easy to lose gas."

"I hate you... woo"

The husband and wife fought and quarreled warmly, and Han Changsheng didn't pour it until the footwashing water became cold.

When he returned to the room, he found that Zhao Liying was standing on the kang in a fighting pose, her eyes were as sharp as a knife, and she was holding a fly swatter in her hand.

"Yingbao, what are you doing?"

"Sir, close the door quickly, there are mosquitoes in the room."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "You were bitten"

Zhao Liying shook her head and pointed around, "I didn't get bitten, but I heard the sound of mosquitoes flying."

"Your ears are quite sensitive."

Han Changsheng praised with a smile, and turned off the lights directly.

"Sir, don't turn off the light, I haven't caught any mosquitoes yet."

In the darkness, Ying Bao's voice was full of timidity.

Although she knew that the master was in the room, but her vision suddenly darkened, she was still a little scared.

Han Changsheng went to Ying Bao on the kang and hugged her directly, "You can't beat mosquitoes like this, you must give mosquitoes a dark environment, then let them fly over by themselves, and then crush them to death."

Zhao Liying hugged her master's warm body tightly, her voice calmed down, "Really?"

"Of course, look at mine."

Han Changsheng lay down with Ying Bao in his arms, listening to the small sounds around him with his ears moving.

Hum......Yingbao children's shoes heard the sound of mosquitoes flying, and hurriedly held their breath, for fear of scaring the mosquitoes away.

And at this moment, Han Changsheng stretched out his hand suddenly, and grabbed the mosquito flying in the air.

Crack! Han Changsheng stood up and turned on the light, and handed the mosquito in front of Ying Bao's eyes, "Did you see it? This is experience and strength."

Ying Bao's eyes lit up, and he hugged Han Changsheng excitedly, "Wow! Master, you are so powerful, you are so good!"

"Don't make such a fuss, this is your home..."

"My house is fine...the house has soundproofing measures."

"Wait a minute, I'll cut this mosquito into quarters first."

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Chapter 407 The Salty and Sweet Ying Bao (Second Watch Subscription)

In the early morning on m.com, Zhao Liying was awakened by the warm sunshine.

She yawned and opened her eyes, facing the dazzling doting eyes of her master.

Ying Bao blushed, and Han Changsheng took a bite, shyly slipping into his arms.

Ying Bao smelled the mint scent on Han Changsheng's body that made her intoxicated, and said in a daze, "Master, when did you wake up?"

Han Changsheng glanced at the quartz clock on the wall, "It's been an hour."

Zhao Liying's pupils were wide open, she raised her chubby face in surprise and said, "Then why didn't you wake me up?"

Han Changsheng pinched Ying Bao's chubby face, and smiled softly: "Such a beautiful picture of a beauty sleeping in spring is right in front of me, how can I destroy it, naturally I have to look at it for a while."

"Am I so pretty?"

"It must be, you are sometimes cute and confused, and sometimes domineering President Fan, but you can't be too beautiful."

"Hee hee, your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter."

Zhao Liying took a sip from her master again, and then she smiled sweetly and pulled him up.

Only when Han Changsheng raised his hand, Ying Bao grabbed it, "Sir, don't move, I'll help you get dressed."

"It's not that I don't have long hands, I can do it myself."

"No! You must let me help you dress,"

Zhao Liying broke out with Fan, the domineering female president, and then carefully helped Han Changsheng get dressed, and then walked out with her arms around him.

"Hiss! It's so cold."

As soon as the door opened, Zhao Liying shivered from the sudden cold air, and the hair on her neck immediately stood up.

Langshi has just passed Lixia for a few days now, and the temperature in the morning is only in the [-]s, which is too different from the temperature in the house in the [-]s.

Rao Yingbao wears a lot, but she can't handle this physiological reaction.

Han Changsheng gently hugged Ying Bao, rubbed her face, neck and hands, and then helped her get back to normal.

"These two children..."

Mother Zhao saw the picture here from a distance, and smiled in relief.

What my wife said is true, the two children are so loving, why is she asking nonsense, let him go! After Han Changsheng and Zhao Liying washed up, they found that breakfast was ready, and it was dumplings stuffed with celery and pork.

Zhao Liying picked up a hot dumpling for Han Changsheng, blew it to cool slightly, and handed it to his mouth, "Master, try it quickly, the pork and celery stuffed dumplings made by my mother are the best."

Han Changsheng habitually opened his mouth, chewed a few times and nodded, "It's delicious."

Zhao Liying smiled sweetly, and then began to divide the bowls and chopsticks.

Grandpa Zhao and Grandma Zhao looked at each other with loving eyes.

Judging by the small movements of the two children, we can know that they are quite harmonious at home.

Halfway through breakfast, Zhao Jianfei's fiancée, Xiaoli, rushed over.

This girl's appearance is not like that, she should be able to score 70 points with light makeup.

But with her gentle voice, the overall feeling is that such a girl must be a virtuous and virtuous wife.

Zhao Liying told Han Changsheng about Xiaoli, the future sister-in-law. She and her younger brother were classmates in junior high school, high school, and then college. It can be said that they grew up as childhood sweethearts.

The two of them are both seniors, and they are about to graduate soon. Marriage is completely in accordance with the law.

As for the two getting married, Zhao Liying, the older sister, naturally agreed with both hands and feet.

Zhao Liying took out a new pair of bowls and chopsticks and handed it to Xiao Li, and her sister said, "Xiao Li, eat it while it's hot."

Xiaoli quickly took it, her thankful smile was a little shy, "Thank you sister."

"Don't be polite to your sister."

Zhao Liying smiled, patted her younger brother on the shoulder, "Go and get the gift your brother-in-law gave Xiaoli."

Zhao Jianfei went out of the house in response, and quickly brought the gift from his brother-in-law to Xiaoli, and even brought his own set.

Xiaoli heard from Zhao Jianfei yesterday that the two sets of jewelry were worth millions, but she was still amazed by the exquisite style.

"Thank you brother-in-law."

"You're welcome."

Han Changsheng smiled faintly, and withdrew his gaze from staring at Xiaoli's cheek, but his eyes were a little weird.

Zhao Liying noticed this and asked in a low voice, "What are you looking at?"

Han Changsheng said: "I kind of know why your brother and Xiaoli got married before graduating from university."


"Xiao Li has it."


Zhao Liying was stunned, and subconsciously aimed at Xiaoli's stomach.

The meaning of having it is..... I am pregnant and I want to be my aunt. Han Changsheng took a picture of Yingbao and said in a low voice, "Don't stare, give the young couple some privacy."

Zhao Liying subconsciously withdrew her gaze, and said in a low voice: "Are you sure Xiaoli has it?"

Han Changsheng smiled faintly, "My eyes are fine."

He could not only see it with his eyes, but also felt signs of life in Xiaoli's stomach, obviously there was a baby.

After a warm breakfast, the family started talking about tomorrow's wedding process.

The process is the same as a normal wedding. The groom, Zhao Jianfei, gets up early to pick up the bride, Xiaoli, and then rushes all the way back to their new home in the city. officially over.

Of course, in the process of picking up the bride, Zhao Liying's elder sister and Han Changsheng's brother-in-law cannot go.

The identities of the two are somewhat different, and once they go there, they will be surrounded by spectators.

If there is a traffic jam, it may be late.

So the task of the two is to wait in the new house, waiting for the groom to take the bride back to the new house.

After some discussion, Zhao's father slapped Zhao Jianfei, and said in a deep voice, "Change into the clothes and trousers in the field, and follow me to plant rice in the field."

Planting rice, Han Changsheng looked at the weather, and looked at Zhao Liying in a daze.

Zhao Jianfei is getting married tomorrow, so he is not allowed to familiarize himself with the process with the master of ceremonies, wedding planners, etc. What is the operation of planting rice in the field at noon Zhao Liying shrugged, "Don't ask me, I don't know, but let's follow up and see understood."

The family went out and turned to the left, less than 20 meters away... Zhao's paddy field.

The area of ​​the paddy field is not large, only about one mu; the water quality is clear, and the silt below can be clearly seen.

According to Han Changsheng's observation, the quality of this paddy field is very good, and it should be called a high-quality top-grade paddy field.

Zhao Liying said: "According to my grandfather, this paddy field has been passed down for several generations. According to my family's rules, this paddy field must be planted all year round and must not be left unused. It is said that as long as this paddy field exists, people from natural and man-made disasters will not be hungry."

Han Changsheng secretly calculated, nodded slowly, and praised the wisdom of the ancestors of the Zhao family.

If this acre of paddy field is properly planted, it can produce 150 jin of rice, and it can grind about 00 jin of rice: rice.

This food is enough to feed Zhao's family of six for a year, plus some food reserves at home, so we don't need to panic in times of disaster.

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