While talking, Zhao Jianfei had already followed Zhao's father to the field, holding a plate of rice seedlings in his hands, bent over and started planting rice seedlings.

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Chapter 408 It's Too Difficult for Me to Lie Innocently

Yu m.com Zhao's father taught Zhao Jianfei while planting seedlings, "I know you don't like farming and have always yearned for life in the city, but you remember me, our Zhao family's ancestors have been farmers for generations, and this root is here As for the land, I don’t care how much money you earn in the future, you have to keep this land, if you dare to sell this land, don’t blame me for clearing your family tree!”

Zhao Jianfei nodded with a low eyebrow, "Dad, don't worry, I will never forget the craftsmanship of this kind of land, even if I have children, I will pass it on."

Father Zhao snorted coldly, and pointed to the rice seedlings in front of Zhao Jianfei, "Your words are better than your singing, and the rice plants are not stable after you have been in school for three years. Look at what you look like when you plant them crookedly." !"

Zhao Jianfei laughed dryly and didn't dare to promise anything.

These rice seedlings are not soldiers, why do they want to be so neat and tidy, and they don't line up troops.

Thinking of this, Zhao Jianfei subconsciously glanced at Han Changsheng on the shore, and once again showed unconvinced eyes. This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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My brother-in-law's theoretical knowledge is... bragging, but looking at his girl-like hands, this kind of rice technology must not be able to catch up with myself.

Father Zhao noticed his son's eyes, gave Zhao Jianfei a slap, and said angrily: "Your brother-in-law is a person who does great things, can he not pursue like you?"

Zhao Jianfei said aggrievedly: "You know that I'm your son because you're used to my brother-in-law, okay?"

Zhao's father glared, "A son-in-law is half, your brother-in-law is my half son, I just get used to him, what's wrong with you?"

Han Changsheng: "..."

The father-in-law is just educating his wife and younger brother about the family rules, how could he get caught up in this? He can lie innocently on the side of the road, isn't this life too difficult?

Zhao Liying tugged Han Changsheng's clothes, "Sir, don't worry about my brother, he's just like this, he never grows up."

Han Changsheng smiled wryly: "Ignore it, you can't do it, your father wants to use my hand to educate your brother again."

He really... wanted to ignore it, but the old man kept praising him as a good son-in-law, and the hopeful eyes kept looking at him, no matter how stupid he was, he knew what the old man was thinking.

Zhao Liying was taken aback, "Can you help?"

My younger brother has always been stubborn. If he could be taught well, the sticks of his grandfather and father over the years would have taught him well. "Just look at it."

Han Changsheng patted Ying Bao's little head, calmly picked up the rice seedlings on the side, and walked slowly to the other side of the paddy field, squinting his eyes to look at the water and the mud at the bottom of the paddy field.

Ying Bao came over, "Master, you don't mean to go to the ground, I'll get you water boots"

"No need."

Han Changsheng held the seedling tray in his left hand, picked up a rice seedling with his right hand, and threw it forward.

Pfft! The rice seedlings fell straight on the water, and then got caught in an instant, and even the waves couldn't knock them down:.

This one rice seedling started, but Jian Sheng's right hand flickered quickly, and then a rice seedling kept flying and fell into the water, and in the blink of an eye, it was lined up in a straight line in front of his eyes, like a neatly trained soldier.


Zhao Jianfei, who had always been curious about this place, was dumbfounded, and wondered if he bent over too much, causing his brain to lack oxygen and hallucinations.

He was serious about planting rice seedlings, all of which were twisted and crooked. As a result, my brother-in-law just stood on the bank and threw the rice seedlings in a straight line. This is not a hallucination or something! Father Zhao gave Zhao Jianfei slapped his face, pointed to the second row of rice seedlings in the paddy field and said loudly: "Did you see it? You can't grow it well if you plant it seriously. Your brother-in-law throws rice seedlings casually, which is better than dad's planting. This is The gap between you and your brother-in-law!"

Zhao Jianfei was taken aback, "Brother-in-law is better at growing rice than you."

"Nonsense! Your father is as crooked as I throw a seedling. How can he throw it so straight like your brother-in-law."

Zhao's father looked at his son-in-law who was not far away, and was full of admiration in his heart.

The seedling-throwing skills of the son-in-law, let alone his father-in-law, no one in the four miles and eight villages can catch up.

After Han Changsheng planted a plate of rice seedlings, he stopped throwing them away.

The brother-in-law has already started to grow rice honestly, so he, the brother-in-law, doesn't have to help his father-in-law with education.

Zhao Liying took the water pipe to help Han Changsheng water and wash his hands, and praised: "Master, your skill in throwing seedlings is too good, better than my serious planting."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "You have grown rice before."

Zhao Liying poked her neck arrogantly, "Of course I planted it. When my father planted rice when I was young, my younger brother and I would go to the fields with my father."

"Then you are still wearing water boots in the mushroom house"

"It was broadcasting live at that time, so I don't need to show my image because I'm so pretty?"

Han Changsheng: "..."

This girl can switch back and forth between the cute, stupid and domineering president, which really makes him rare: not enough... Ah,... Month 4, Sunday, April [-], suitable for marriage.

Han Changsheng and Zhao Liying got up early, watched the make-up artist apply makeup to Zhao Jianfei, and then watched the pick-up team drive out of Zhaojiacun.

Then, the two rushed to the new house in the urban area together with Zhao's grandfather, Zhao's grandmother, Zhao's father and Zhao's mother, and waited for the arrival of the bride and groom there.

The new house is in the center of Langshi, with an area of ​​more than 150 square meters and a price of more than 100 million.

With so much money, Zhao Jianfei, a student who has just graduated, can't afford it.

Zhao's father took out part of it, and the rest was mostly taken by sister Yingbao.

Han Changsheng has no objection to this, the money is earned by Yingbao, it has nothing to do with him.

In addition, Ying Bao is not a demon who can help his younger brother, and Zhao Jianfei is not a dou who cannot be supported. He has his own ambitions and does not want to rely on his sister to get ahead.

Xu Xiaoli was pregnant, and the process of picking up the bride was very smooth, and she returned to the new house at 10:18.

After some wedding procedures, everyone took a family portrait together, and then went to the reserved hotel.

At the wedding ceremony, Zhao Liying made the symbol of "brotherly love"

Helping my brother and sister-in-law to put on the bracelet and anklet, I choked up and said, "Brother, I don't have much time at home, so I hope you can take good care of your parents and honor your grandparents..."

Zhao Jianfei nodded firmly, "Sister, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of my parents and grandparents!"

Han Changsheng waited for Ying Bao to come down, held her in his arms and softly comforted her, then let Ying Bao cry.

Ying Bao has always shown her strength, but in fact her heart is still very fragile.

Faced with this scene of watching her younger brother grow up and get married, it is inevitable that she cannot control her tears.

Fortunately, Ying Bao wept for a while... then returned to normal, and then stayed by Han Changsheng's side to take pictures with relatives and friends.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, the wedding ended smoothly, and the group stayed in the new house for a while before returning to Zhaojia Village.

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Chapter 409 How to Solve Lovesickness (Fourth Watch Subscription)

At the entrance of Zhaojia Village on m.com.

Because Han Changsheng and Zhao Liying were leaving, the Zhao family all came to see them off.

Zhao Liying hugged Zhao's mother, feeling a little depressed, "Mom, you and my dad can go back, don't send us off."

Zhao's mother touched Ying Bao's little head, and said: "Call home if you have nothing to do, and get along well with your four 44 sisters and sisters at home, don't be jealous."

".……I know."

As soon as Zhao Liying heard her mother's remonstrance, her depressed mood disappeared instantly, and she felt a little ridiculous.

My mother these days... has always taught her how to be jealous and how to win in court battles.

As a result, in front of the master, what the mother said was completely reversed.

Exhort and exhort, finally Han Changsheng and Zhao Liying got into the car and left.

Zhao Liying drove the car slowly, saw her mother's shadow getting smaller and smaller, and then disappeared, so she stepped on the accelerator and drove forward quickly.

Han Changsheng glanced at Ying Bao's gradually recovering expression, and let go of his hanging heart.

He was really afraid that Ying Bao would be overwhelmed with grief and cause tears, and then lose his sight and turn over the car, so he was always ready to jump out of the car with Ying Bao in his arms to escape.

Zhao Liying noticed the strange eyes on the right side, glanced quickly, and said angrily, "Why don't you trust my driving skills?"

Han Changsheng shrugged, "To be honest, I'm really worried, because you are a female driver after all."

"Hmph! Don't look down on the female driver, I have experience driving a racing car, and I can let you experience it now."

"Don't, don't, I want to live a few more years, and I don't want my name to become a joke."

"what a joke"

"Han Changsheng becomes Han Shortsheng."


! "

Ying Bao endured and endured, and finally giggled happily.


Seeing that Ying Bao had regained his happy mood, Han Chang let out a sigh of relief.

It's good for the little girl to recover, otherwise he will have to worry about it all the way.

Two hours later, the Mercedes-Benz Vito parked in the garage of Han's villa.

Hearing the movement, Liu Sisi and Di Lieba ran out curiously in their pajamas, and then caught sight of Han Changsheng who got out of the car, and the two pairs of beautiful big eyes suddenly burst into bright starlight.

Tat T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T

"Wow! Master is back!"

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