"Master is always back, I miss you to death!"

They hadn't seen the master for several days, and they really missed him very much. At this moment, they wished they could grow on him and follow him everywhere.

Han Changsheng put his arms around the two cubs hanging on his body, and said speechlessly, "You two haven't washed and groomed yet, have you?"

Liu Sisi pouted, "We've washed our faces and brushed our teeth!"

Di Lireba snorted, "I ate the breakfast I made, but it's not as delicious as the master's."

Han Changsheng tugged at the pajamas on the two little ones, "That pajamas"

The two cubs said in unison: "I don't go out, I don't need to change."

Han Changsheng: "..."

He really convinced these two girls that he was no longer human.

Zhao Liying walked over and stared at the two little ones, "Do you only have the master in your eyes and not me, the third sister?"

Di Lieba blinked, "Hello, third sister, of course we came out to welcome third sister back home."

Liu Sisi nodded, "That's right! We see that Third Sister is weak and weak, so we don't want to throw you to the ground."

"Is it"

Zhao Liying raised her eyebrows and said with a half smile but not a smile: "Since that's the case, then I'd better share the delicious food I brought back from home with my second sister."

The pupils of the two little gourmets were wide open, staring at the five 55 plastic bags that the third sister took out from the car.

"Yongqing Huji Roast Chicken, Dacheng Donkey Meat, Langfang Bacon, Xiyuzhai Pastry, Xuejia Wotou."

The two cubs smelled the fragrant smell in the air, and their stomachs started growling.

Liu Sisi jumped down and ran directly to Zhao Liying's side, and said with a smile on her face, "How can I let Third Sister carry such a heavy thing? I'll do it."

Di Lireba snatched the plastic bags of Yongqing Huji roast chicken and Dacheng donkey meat, and ran back quickly, "Sister, go back to the house and rest, we will do all the work!"

Zhao Liying pouted, and pushed the small box into the room.

He also helped her carry things. Looking at the appearance of the two girls, you can tell that their attention is on the food.


Tong Liya came slowly, helped Han Changsheng take off his coat and brought him slippers, then stood beside his master, staring at him so prettyly without saying a word.

Han Changsheng stretched out his hand to grab Yaya's soft little face, and directly blocked her mouth.

The family of six lived together for a long time, and Han Changsheng could understand what they were thinking without them saying anything.

For example, today's Yaya.

This girl obviously misses him very much too, but as the second sister, she can't act like a baby in front of her younger sister, so she can only act like a baby with her eyes.

Then, as a master, he must give back a affectionate kiss to relieve Yaya's lovesickness.

After a while, part your lips.

Yaya stared straight at Han Changsheng's face, her hands were still tightly hugging him.

We haven't seen each other for a few days, and she also misses her very much, and doesn't want to leave the warm embrace of the master.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng stretched out his arms, gave Yaya a princess hug, and strode upstairs...

Knowing that Han Changsheng had returned home, Yang Mi also finished her job of traveling the world.

She returns home at noon and wakes up at night.

Glancing at the four 44 younger sisters who were sleeping in a mess beside her, she lightly went to the ground to dress and wash, and then went all the way downstairs, as expected, she smelled the familiar aroma of food.

Yang Mi walked to the door of the kitchen, looked at the tall and familiar figure, her eyes suddenly became obsessed.

They missed the master, so the master stayed with them for several hours.

They miss the master's food, without them asking, the master will come to the kitchen and start working, so don't spoil them too much.

Yang Mi walked quickly into the kitchen, put her arms around Han Changsheng's waist, put her delicate cheek against his firm and warm back, and murmured affectionately: "Master..."

Han Changsheng patted Yang Mi's tender hand, "Quickly let go."

Yang Mi rubbed her little head and muttered, "No! I'm not afraid of being burned!"

Han Changsheng said helplessly: "You are not afraid of being scalded, but my clothes are soaked through."


Yang Mi looked at the large piece of wet clothes in front of her eyes, and stuck out her tongue.

She even washed her hair when she took a shower just now, but... forgot to dry it.

Han Changsheng covered the stew pot and covered it with a towel.

Turning around, dragging Yang Mi to face her behind... a slap.

Yang Mi covered her back aggrievedly, pouted her mouth and said coquettishly, "Master, why did you hit me?"

"Hit you if you want, without any reason."

Han Changsheng raised his hand and gave another slap, and then carried Yang Mi, who was acting coquettishly, to the living room.

Since Boss Han wants to act like a spoiled child, he has to find a spot for her to act like a spoiled child. Slapping her a few times is the best point.

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Chapter 410 Go!Beat the master! (Fifth watch for subscription today)

Yu m.com Yang Mi had acted coquettishly in Han Changsheng's arms enough, and the two switched positions.

Han Changsheng was lying on Yang Mi's lap, and Yang Mi was pressing Han Changsheng's head with gentle and soothing movements.

Yang Mi pressed: while asking: "Master, it's going well this time to accompany Yingbao back to her mother's house"

"It went well..."

Han Changsheng talked about what had happened in the past few days, and it made Yang Mi giggle.

"My lord, you are really good. After drinking a drink, you even drank three of Ying Bao's family members. You are too ruthless as a son-in-law this time."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "You can't blame me, I told them that wine has great stamina, but they didn't listen."

Yang Mi smiled and said, "Yes, yes, it's not your fault, it's Ying Bao's grandfather, father and her younger brother."

How could the master be wrong? The fault must be the other party! But fortunately, the master didn't pour daddy down when he came home with her, otherwise dad might be crazy about drinking. Yang Mi laughed and bowed her head: "Master, Can the wine you make really change color?"

"If you're curious, you can try it tonight."

"No, you'll pass out."

Yang Mi shook her head again and again, not being fooled at all.

Ying Bao and Fat Di passed out once each, and then they were both beaten by the master.

She, Yang Mi, is the boss of the family Han, she doesn't want to be beaten in front of four 44 sisters, it's too embarrassing.

Han Changsheng raised his head and looked at the exquisite face flickering above, and said softly: "Mimi, I didn't give you an unforgettable wedding, are you sorry?"

Yang Mi's hand froze, she bent her mouth and said, "Why do you say that?"

Han Changsheng: "Doesn't every girl want to have a dream wedding?"

On the way back, Ying Bao kept talking about the details of his younger brother's wedding.

Many things he didn't care about, Ying Bao can tell the beautiful meaning contained in them, it can be seen that her wedding is also a very important fantasy point in Ying Bao's heart.

Yang Mi thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "We've all lived for so long, we don't need those...external packaging."

Han Changsheng stared at Yang Mi's eyes for three seconds, but Mimi's eyes flickered, and she turned her head unnaturally, obviously speaking insincerely.

Han Changsheng raised his hand and pinched Mimi's cheek, and said what he had been thinking all the way, "That's good, after I meet Sisi and Fatty's parents, the six of us will choose a good day and auspicious day to hold a grand ceremony." wedding."

"Everything is according to the master."

The corners of Yang Mi's mouth curled into a happy arc, but she sighed in her heart, and the faces of Tangtang and Nazha emerged in front of her eyes.

If the picture she wanted to see appeared in a few days, then everything would be great.

But if something happens that she doesn't want to see, the wedding may have to be postponed.

Thinking of this, Yang Mi raised her hand to hold Han Sheng's big hand, and said with a sweet smile: "Master, can you let us listen to the complete version of "The Legend of Condor Heroes"!"

Han Changsheng was taken aback, "Why do you still like "The Legend of Condor Heroes"?"

Yang Mi giggled and said, "Of course I like it. I listened to you all the time when you were talking, and didn't you tell Second Sister and the others that Little Dragon Girl has shadows of our five 55s?"

"You watched the live broadcast"

"I watched it! I watched it with Ying Bao."

"Then I'll record it for you after dinner, and there will be a text version directly."

Yang Mi cared: "Don't make it too late"

Han Changsheng smiled lightly, "Don't worry, with my body, I'm fine if I don't sleep for seven days and seven nights."


Han Changsheng... did what he said, after dinner, he got into the study, turned on the voice-to-text software, and babbled about "The Legend of Condor Heroes" by himself.

The five sisters were fascinated by listening to it at first, but at 11:[-], they were rushed back to the third floor by Han Changsheng.

He will give a complete ending, there is no need for five 55 wives waiting here.

Three days and three nights later, Han Changsheng put the full version of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" with more than 120 million words in Yang Mi's hands, then yawned and went to sleep on the third floor.

Without sleep for three days and three nights, his body can endure it, but he cannot resist the human nature of wanting to sleep, so it is better to sleep.

And while Han Changsheng was asleep, Yang Mi copied and pasted four copies of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" in text and audio, and distributed them to the four 44 sisters in the family, and then everyone spent a day and a night watching them all. .

After reading it, the five sisters gathered in the living room with complicated expressions and sat around on the sofa.

Yang Mi rubbed her red eyes and sighed, "Will Guo Xiang really be lonely forever?"

Yang Mi didn't know why, when she saw Guo Xiang, she felt inexplicably close, it seemed because Guo Xiang's character was very similar to her when she was a child.

Tong Liya sighed: "Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang are also never married."

Zhao Liying pursed her lips, her voice was crying, "Gongsun Lue was the worst, he committed suicide to change Yang Guo's antidote."

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