Liu Sisi pouted and said, "Yang Guo is such a scumbag, why did he marry all of Xiaolongnv?"

Di Li Reba murmured: "Although I think it's good for Yang Guo to only marry Xiaolongnv, but seeing the ending of the other four 44-year-old girls, I hate it anyway.

Yang Guo feels that he is... a merciless and heartless scumbag!"

After you said something to me, the living room fell silent instantly, and the five sisters looked at each other with strange eyes.

If the scumbag Yang Guo is the master, and the five of them together are the little dragon girl, then Cheng Ying, Lu Wushuang, Guo Xiang and Gongsun Lue represent Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha.

They now look like they are blaming themselves, and then complaining about Tang Yan and Gu Li's injustice. The plot in the novel, I just want to beat the master:."

Liu Sisi nodded again and again, "It's not just Fatty, I also have this urge."

Tong Liya and Zhao Liying looked at each other, although they didn't speak, their eyes obviously moved.

It just so happens that the master is still sound asleep, the five of them are going up to cover the master directly, and then beat him up, as long as he runs away in time, the master will definitely not know who beat him.

Yang Mi made a pause gesture, "Don't be in a hurry to beat up the master, I'll send the text and audio versions of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" to Tangtang and Nazha first."

Yang Mi messed around a bit, and then sent the exact same message to Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha.

"Tangtang, Nazha, after finishing "The Legend of Condor Heroes", come to my house in a few days... let's go to our honeymoon! Let's chat there."

Yang Mi thought about it, but still did not invite Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha to the house.

There is a master at home, so it is not convenient to say a lot of things.

Tangtang: "Honey, I promise to be there on time!"

Nazha: "Sister Mimi, I must be early!"

Yang Mi put away her mobile phone, and waved to the four 44 sisters who were looking at this place, "Go! Beat up the master!"

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Chapter 411 The sky is upside down! (Get up early and ask for subscription)

"Bang bang bang..." on

"Oh...Master, take it easy, it's us!"

"Master, don't be cruel!"

The five wives of the Han family sneaked up on the grand master of the Han family in the middle of the night, planning to secretly teach him a lesson, and then run away directly.

But things did not develop as they expected.

Han Changsheng woke up the moment the quilt covered his head, and after receiving three punches and five kicks, he immediately counterattacked successfully, and directly wrapped the five sisters into the big quilt, and tied them into a big rice dumpling.

Master Han was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

He took the five sisters downstairs and beat Pippi hard, whoever got up and ran away was caught and beaten more severely.

"My lord, we were wrong!"

"Master, we dare not."

"My lord, there is no next time for us."

Han Changsheng let the five sisters beg for mercy, but he ignored them at all.

He was really scared just now, fortunately he saw Fatty's feet in advance, otherwise he would punch subconsciously, and the five 55 girls would not die or be disabled.

After beating one person twice, Han Changsheng stopped.

The five sisters stood pitifully in a row, covering their backs with their hands, their heads lowered, not daring to look at Han Changsheng who was sitting on the sofa.

Boom! Han Changsheng patted the tea table, and the shocked five sisters shuddered, and then hummed: "Tell me! Who came up with my idea!"

Swish! Yang Mi, Tong Liya, Zhao Liying and Liu Sisi all pointed at the bewildered Di Lieba, and said in unison: "It was Fatty's idea!"


Fatty's children's shoes jumped three feet high, Xiaobai pointed at the four 44 pits of her sister, and shouted loudly: "Master, I want to report! It was the elder sister's proposal to cover you and beat you up, and the second sister gave advice. , the third sister and the fourth sister are the executors, I was dragged and dragged to the third floor by them, I absolutely did not do anything to you, master!"

"That's... Fatty's idea!"

"Yes, absolutely not!"

"that is.……!"


Han Changsheng patted the coffee table again, scared the five sisters to shut up, and then said coldly: "Pang Di, do you know the first scene when I opened my eyes:: what I saw kicked my foot towards my head , you still dare to quibble, really don’t teach you a lesson!”

Fat Di's children's shoes waved his hands again and again, stepped back step by step, and explained timidly: "Master, listen to me, I... ah! Master, please be gentle, I was wrong!"

Seeing that his master began to teach Fatty a lesson, the four on the side started laughing.

Fatty is indeed the best cannon fodder, the four of them quarreled, and the master just exposed Fatty's lie, this feeling is not too happy.

The four sisters were enjoying themselves, when suddenly they felt a little cold.

Looking up secretly, he caught a glimpse of his master's cold gaze.

The four sisters shrank their necks and backed away again and again.

"Master, we... ah! Woohoo... It was Fatty's idea, and it was Fatty's hand. What did you do to us?"

Han Changsheng grabbed the four sisters one by one, slapped them behind, and said coldly: "When you lie to me, can you fill up your IQ first? It was my head that Fatty kicked. The three punches and four kicks on the body were all done by you!"

"It was them! It was they who beat them! Master, hit them hard!"

Fat Di yelled gloatingly, lowered his head under Han Changsheng's knife-like gaze, and stood not far away holding the hem of his clothes like a doormat.

It's better not to speak indiscriminately at this time, otherwise if the master notices and catches you, you'll be beaten up again.

Han Changsheng taught the five 55 girls one by one, let them stand in a row again, and then sat on the sofa again.

He glanced at the five sisters with squinted eyes, and said in a low voice: "I think I am very good to you five 55s. Since we officially confirmed the relationship, I have not done anything to sorry for you five 55s, so I ask you to beat them up collectively." what is my reason"

Fat Di stretched out his hand and pushed Yang Mi, Yaya, Yingbao and Sisi hurriedly blocked the eldest sister's back, and identified the eldest sister as a shield.

The eldest sister usually puts on Boss Han's airs at home, if she doesn't show up at this time, she is worthy of... Boss Han's name! "..."The Legend of Condor Heroes""

Yang Mi glared at the four 44 sisters, opened her mouth, but her voice sounded like a mosquito.

"Can you say that again."

Han Changsheng...had heard it clearly, but he couldn't believe the words he heard.

Yang Mi repeated it with a much louder voice.

Han Changsheng frowned and said, "The reason you all came up to beat me up is because of "The Legend of Condor Heroes". You five 55 asked me to record it for you, but after the recording, you came to beat me up."

Rao, he thought of countless reasons, but he never thought that the reason why the five sisters beat him turned out to be something that he couldn't think of at all.

He worked hard for three days and three nights, but what he got in return was a brutal beating with his head covered.

These five 55-year-old girls have gone against the sky! "Because Yang Guo didn't marry Cheng Ying, Lu Wushuang..."

Yang Mi aggrieved and explained softly, and then Tong Liya and the others added that the chattering was...the answer.

Han Changsheng pointed at his nose with a smile on his face, "You put me in Yang Guo's place and thought I was a scumbag, and then for a while... angrily decided to go up and beat me up"


The five sisters nodded resolutely, and then put on the expression and gesture of being generous to die.

What they are saying now is absolutely telling the truth, if the master really wants to beat them, he should kill them.

Han Changsheng: "..."

You big-headed ghosts! These five 55-year-old girls are really good enough. They can read a novel and read it like a madman! Seeing that their master has not spoken for a long time, the five sisters began to worry again.

They are not afraid of being beaten by the master, because the master's strike is very light and does not hurt at all. What they are most afraid of is that the master will ignore them.

"Sir, don't be angry, we know we were wrong."

"Yes! If you are still angry, sir, beat us again: let it out!"

Han Changsheng waved his hands, his face was serious, and his voice was a bit cold, "I'll beat you up again: I won't do it, but you five 55, please remember, don't playfully attack me when I'm asleep. Because I will subconsciously fight back, and that will hurt you, understand?"

He wouldn't be angry, because the fists and kicks of the five 55 girls were like scratching his body, and they didn't do any harm.

He was mainly afraid that the five 55 girls would be injured by him without knowing the severity, then he would be to blame for death.

"I understand!"

The five sisters nodded repeatedly, and promised that there would be no next time, and they were still happy in their hearts.

It turned out that the master taught them because he cared about their safety, which means that the master was not angry at all.

Han Changsheng raised his right hand and shook it, "One pay per person, tonight."


The five sisters looked at each other and bit their lips in response.

As long as the master is not angry, everything else is up to the master.

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Chapter 412 Five Kind-hearted Sisters

On Hanjia Villa, cloakroom on the first floor.

Before breakfast was eaten, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying began to wash and dress up, but they didn't draw eyebrows or put on red makeup.

Both of them usually go to work with bare faces, even if they want to see Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha today, they never thought of overpowering each other with exquisite makeup.

The wife of the Han family needs to have the bearing of the Han family, and she doesn't need to compete for beauty to get any admiration, Di Lieba looked at the two delicate faces in the mirror, and muttered: "Eldest sister, third sister, do you really want to see her?" See Tangtang and Naza? I think it would be fine if I lived my whole life alone."

Liu Sisi hesitated for a moment, but agreed: "I also think it's good to be alone for the rest of my life, at least to keep my mind and desires as few as possible, and there won't be so many messy things."

Yang Mi's hands froze, she shook her head firmly, "No! Absolutely no!"

To be honest, Yang Mi once thought of giving this kind of answer.

But she once asked the master what happened to Guo Xiang, but she got the answer of being alone for a lifetime.

Yang Mi didn't know why, whenever she thought of Guo Xiang's sad end, she always felt an inexplicable heartache.

Zhao Liying frowned and turned her head, "Sister, why do I feel that you really want Tangtang and Nazha to be the sixth and seventh sons of Han?"

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