Tong Liya stared at Yang Mi suspiciously, "Sister, don't you think that there are too few younger sisters in your family, so you want to open two tables of mahjong?"

Yang Mi blinked and put away her guilty eyes, imitating the master's appearance and said calmly: "It's nothing to do with that, I'm just overflowing with sympathy.

I've read an article that says that happy women like us who enjoy the pampering of the master will become extremely kind and sympathetic, especially when facing vulnerable groups like Tangtang and Nazha, I really want to reach out to help them."

Fat Di tilted his head and thought for a while, then asked suspiciously, "Why don't I feel this way? Don't I feel unhappy because I haven't been spoiled by the master?"

Liu Sisi rolled her eyes, "Children's Shoes Han, if you didn't feel this way, you would have lost your mind and come up with an idea that night, and went upstairs to beat the master collectively, which would cause us to be punished by the master."

Fatty stared and shouted: "Fourth sister, can you be reasonable! I just proposed it, and your four sisters also agree, and you beat me no less!"

"Can we be beaten without your proposal?"

"If you don't go up, won't you be beaten? Now blame me, cross the river and tear down the bridge!"

"Bad idea king!"

"You broke your promise!"

"Okay, stop arguing, you two, we are now discussing about Tangtang and Naza, not bickering!"

With a headache, Tong Liya slapped each of the two little girls, and then beat them honestly.

Taking advantage of the silence in the room, Tong Liya sighed again: "I seem to be like what my elder sister said recently. I am so happy and sympathetic to be spoiled by the master, otherwise I wouldn't let the master help Tangtang and Nazha relieve their waist and arms. sore."

Zhao Liying touched Tong Liya's tender hand, and said with a sweet smile: "Second sister, your sympathy is overflowing...Recently, when I met me in the Mushroom House, I was already very kind, but now I may be even more kind. "

As soon as these words came out, the room fell silent for an instant.

The five sisters are still thinking about that...still: the tall figure busy in the kitchen, the admiring eyes are as bright as the stars in the dark night, with a beautiful and charming demeanor.

Before meeting the master, the five of them had the idea of ​​crying alone from time to time, and always felt that the seemingly glamorous days were not too happy.

But after becoming the master's wife, Fa never appeared again.

The five sisters face life every day. What they see in front of them is the bright sunshine, and the rain will turn into a pleasant note.

It seems that under the care of that tall figure, everything in the world has become beautiful, and there is no more haze.

Maybe it's just... Under the influence of this kind of happy mood, the five sisters became overwhelmed with sympathy.

"It's time to eat, Sisi, Fatty, come and help."

Han Changsheng's voice sounded from the kitchen, bringing the five sisters back to their senses in an instant.

The five sisters looked at each other and smiled, got up together and walked towards the kitchen.

Thinking so much about what to do, just follow the master to be happy for the rest of your life, wouldn't it be nice? The delicious love breakfast was just served on the table, Fatty squeezed directly to Han Changsheng's right, opened his mouth and said coquettishly: "Master, feed me."

Han Changsheng paused the hand holding the steamed dumpling:, helplessly said: "Don't you have long hands?"

Fat Di raised his silly chubby face, and said confidently: "It's grown, but I just want you to feed me!"

"...You, you, when will you grow up?"

Han Changsheng sighed, still took a steamed dumpling and handed it to Fatty's mouth.

He really wanted to slap Pang Di, but he couldn't stand Pang Di's coquettish behavior, so he was helpless too! Pang Di happily took a bite of the steamed dumpling, and said with a sweet smile, "Thank you, master."

Seeing this, Liu Sisi also squeezed to the left of Han Changsheng, without saying a word, she opened her mouth and waited for her master to feed her.

Han Changsheng stroked his forehead, dumbfounded, "Sisi, don't you have long hands?"

Liu Sisi pouted and said, "It's grown, but you fed it... Fatty, you have to feed me too."

Han Changsheng smiled helplessly, and handed the remaining half of the steamed dumplings to Liu Sisi's mouth, "I'll give you the remaining half."

"Thank you sir."

Liu Sisi smiled sweetly, and directly ate the steamed dumplings fed with love.

She and Fatty bickered countless times, and she had eaten each other's saliva long ago, so she didn't have any disgusting thoughts at all.

After eating half of the steamed dumplings each, Liu Sisi and Di Lieba calmed down and ate the food in their own bowls.

After breakfast, Tong Liya and Liu Sisi went to the kitchen to clean the breakfast utensils, while Fatty went to Han Changsheng's side.

She held Han Changsheng's arm, and said quietly, "Master, you will spoil me for the rest of your life."

Han Changsheng curled his lips, "That's not necessarily true, if you get angry with me from time to time, I'll probably only spoil your fourth sister and the others."

Fat Di shook his head again and again, and said righteously: "No, I will never be angry with the master!"


Han Changsheng squinted at Fatty, and curled his lips.

That night when the five sisters teamed up and got beat up by him, I can still vividly remember that girl still has the face to say such things, I really don't know what to say about her.

Stepping... Yang Mi and Zhao Liying walked out of the cloakroom, both wearing white slim suits with high waist and long trousers.

Elegant and capable, refreshing and simple, proper two domineering female presidents.

The two daughters walked up to Han Changsheng and kissed each other, "Master, we are going to the company."

Han Changsheng pinched the little nose of the second daughter, "Drive slowly on the road, don't worry."


The second girl smiled sweetly and went to the door to put on casual shoes.

Fatty came running up and down, and said in a low voice: "Eldest sister, third sister, are you sure that my second and fourth sisters don't need to go?"

Yang Mi smiled lightly: "Ying Bao and I can do it, you stay at home with the master."

Fatty muttered: "It's fine if the second sister is at home."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes, "If your second sister is at home alone, if you accidentally make a mistake, you might tell the master everything."

The family has lived together for a long time, and Yang Mi has also discovered some small characteristics of the family.

Among the five sisters in the family, Yaya, the second younger sister who is actually the most virtuous and virtuous, is the one most favored by the master.

But if the base number for the master to favor Yaya is one, then the base number for Yaya to favor the master can be ten, or even one hundred.

It's not about responding to requests, but about doing what the master says.

It's also fortunate that Yaya is not Boss Han, otherwise, the family would probably already have three thousand beauties in the harem.

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Chapter 413 Seeing Longevity and Mistaking Life (Third Watch Subscription)

Tang Yan's home on

Gu Li Nazha sat on the sofa in the living room with her knees hugged, her eyes looking out the window were a little dull, and the dark bags under her eyes were heavy.

She has been a guest at Sister Tangtang's house for several days, and now she is waiting to go to the world with Sister Tangtang.

Tang Yan came out of the kitchen with two boxes of milk, his face was a bit haggard, and the dark circles under his eyes were as obvious as Gu Li Nazha.

Tang Yan handed Gu Li Nazha a box of milk, and said softly, "Naza, drink some milk!"

Gu Li Nazha took the milk and put it on the coffee table, sighing: "Sister Tangtang, I can't drink it."

Tang Yan frowned, inserted the milk straw in her hand, and forced it to Naza's mouth, "If you can't drink it, you have to drink it. We are going to meet Mimi and the others today. If you don't drink it, you won't even talk about it." There's no energy left in the matter."

Gu Li was stunned, took the milk and drank it in big gulps.

Yes, she needs strength to talk about things today, even if she may fail in the end, she has to go all out so that she won't regret it.

Tang Yan was also drinking milk, and his eyes were a little confused.

Although she didn't know the specific purpose of Mimi giving her the complete set of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", she still finished it.

And it took a few days and nights to read it together with Nazha.

For this reason, they have only slept for less than twelve hours in the past few days, and the dark circles under their eyes have come out.

After reading it, she guessed what Mimi's purpose was.

If Changsheng's elder brother is Yang Guo, Mimi and the other five sisters are...Little Dragon Girl, and Tang Yan and Nazha are...Cheng Ying, Gongsun Lue and other girls.

Mimi's meaning for the full set of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is very clear, they will live happily ever after with the little brother Changsheng.

And if she, Tang Yan and Nazha still wanted to love the little brother Changsheng, she would probably end up alone, or even die young because of lovesickness.

Gu Li Nazha crawled over to touch Tang Yan, "Sister Tangtang, what are you thinking?"

Tang Yan came back to his senses, breathed out the fragrance lightly, "I didn't think about anything."

"Then have you thought about how to tell sister Mimi and the others?"

"Just tell Mimi and the others what's on your mind!"

Gu Li was taken aback for a moment, then hesitated and said, "Aren't you afraid that you don't even have friends?"

Tang Yan sighed and said, "I'm very scared! But I'm even more afraid that I won't even have the chance to speak my mind. This time, I will fight no matter what. At worst, I won't see Brother Changsheng again!"

"Then I will tell the truth!"

In order to make a small fist, Gu Li Nazha didn't know whether to cheer herself up or Tang Yan. …

The office building where Mixing Tianxia is located.

If Yang Mi and Zhao Liying, the two domineering female presidents, had come earlier, then Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha would have come... a coincidence.

Four 44-year-old girls met in the lobby on the first floor, and immediately looked at each other and smiled.

Those four 44s are really destined, not only are they the same, they even have the same dress.

Compared with Yang Mi and Zhao Liying who are facing the sky, Tang Yan and Zha are also very simple.

Tang Yan is wearing a pink suit, trimmed and cut to show her graceful and colorful appearance, and it is a little more warm.

Gu Li Nazha white silk woven shirt, white jeans, all show white skin and beautiful slender legs.

However, the second daughter still changed her appearance to a simple one, in order to cover the dark circles under her eyes.

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying noticed the slight dark circles under the eyes of the two girls, and they knew that they must not have had a good rest in the past few nights.

"Tangtang, Naza, let's go up and have a rest and chat."

Yang Mi took Tang Yan's arm and walked towards the elevator, Zhao Liying naturally accompanied Gu Li.

Four people 4 entered the office of the president of Mixing Tianxia, ​​and Yang Mi specially gave an order not to disturb.

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