And in this house, the outside world's news about Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha suddenly exploded.

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying drive a BMW 5 to and from get off work every day, so this car has become the symbol of the Han family, and has been closely watched by entertainment reporters for a long time, hoping to find some big news.

When Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha came to the Han family villa yesterday, the entertainment reporters had already followed, and some gossip had already started to spread on the Internet.

It's just that it's normal for these sisters to get together, so there's no gossip to write about.

But this morning, when Yang Mi and Zhao Liying went to work, Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha didn't go out with them. Even the entertainment reporters found that the two girls' car was still parked in the parking lot of Mixing Tianxia office building.

All of a sudden, gossip news was flying all over the sky.

[Yang Mi and other seven daughters gathered at Han's villa, but Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha did not show up the next morning, so there are many doubts] [Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha stayed overnight at Han's house, suspected to have entered the gate of Han's house and became Han Lao Liu and Han Lao Qi] [The Han family was surprised to find Han Lao Liu and Han Lao Qi, and the unmarried flower in the entertainment circle lost two again] [Add two more wives to Han Changsheng to make up the seven fairies who descended to earth] [Family of eight They are all handsome men and beautiful women, and they have become the most handsome family in the literary and art circle with their godly looks] When the lace news of the Han family hit the headlines of all major websites, Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha, the two girls in the whirlpool, directly began to talk to each other. to countless calls.

The previous ones... all kinds of questions are okay, the two girls just said that all kinds of reports are nonsense, and they can be solved simply.

But when the two girls received a call from their parents, they hurriedly turned around to find a quiet place, and explained carefully in a low voice.

"Mom, the company sees that I don't have much interest recently, so they took the opportunity to talk to Changsheng...Director Han Changsheng to stir up scandals."

"It's really just a gossip, we really have nothing to do with each other!"

"Oh, I've already said that I'm not in a hurry to find a boyfriend."

"Don't worry, I won't delay my lifelong event!"

"If you want to press me like this again, believe it or not, I will find someone to get a marriage certificate tomorrow."

Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha explained this explanation for half an hour, until the phone was so hot that it ran out of battery, it was considered a temporary end.

The reason why it is said to be over temporarily is because they still have to explain it to Han Changsheng, so as not to be misunderstood by this... little brother Changsheng.

Gu Li Nazha: "Sister Tangtang, you are the best at...speaking, you go!"

Tang Yan: "No! Fat Di said that little brother Changsheng prefers to be confused with girls, and you are the most qualified."

"You are stupid and sweet, you go."

"You are soft and cute, go."

Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha you push me, I push you, but in the end Tang Yan's children's shoes lost.

The reason given by Gu Li Nazha is very strong. Tang Yan's child's shoe is injured. Brother Changsheng, as the master and doctor, will definitely not lose his temper with a patient.

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Chapter 418 A Man Comes From Heaven Sitting on a Pot at Home (Subscription for the Third Watch)

Yu Tang Yan grabbed the hem of his clothes and walked into the study, staring at Han Changsheng with big black eyes, but couldn't speak.

Han Changsheng frowned, "Just tell me if you have something to do, but your leg hurts again."

"It doesn't hurt."

"What is that?"

Thinking of what happened last night, Tang Yan suddenly gained courage, "Brother Changsheng, I'm telling you something, can you not be angry?"

Han Changsheng was noncommittal, "Let's talk first."

"Because of Nazha and I being careless, there have been a lot of gossip articles about you, Nazha and me, I first apologize to you for myself and Nazha."

"It's okay, I know it's fake, but don't you need my help to clarify?"

"No need, we don't care about these."

"That's good."

Tang Yan bit his lip, and said cautiously: " parents urged me to find a boyfriend, and I used you as a shield in my desperation."

Han Changsheng frowned, "What do you mean?"

Nazha timidly said: "I told my mother that you are my boyfriend, and that the scandal outside is true.

That's what Nazha told her mother."


Han Changsheng was dazed and stupefied, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, "I told you that I have five 55 wives like Mimi and the others."

Tang Yan bit his lip and said, "We know that, it's because of this that we are more assured that you will be our fake boyfriend. After all, you were such a gentleman last night, you will definitely not take advantage of us."

Thinking of what happened last night, Tang Yan's face turned red.

She really thought about last night if little brother Changsheng is not a gentleman, should she give up resistance, or should she give up resistance.

Han Changsheng: "..."

Is he sitting at home sitting on a pot and coming from the sky?

These four words are on! Noticing the helplessness on Han Changsheng's face, Tang Yan walked up behind him, put his hands on his shoulders, and said coquettishly: "Brother Changsheng, you will not give birth to me and that one because of such a thing." Get angry"

Touched by Tang Yan's tender hand, Han Changsheng froze for a moment, and quickly dodged forward, "Not angry."

“Really not angry”

"You let go quickly, and I won't be angry."

"Oh, little brother Changsheng, don't drive me and Nazha out."

Hearing the helplessness in Han Changsheng's voice, Tang Yan covered his mouth and snickered, and limped out of the study with his head down.

What Mimi said is indeed true, brother Changsheng is really a passive and warm guy.

"Sister Tangtang, it succeeded."

Gu Li Nazha embraced Tang Yan, who was in a state of joy, and asked questions anxiously.

Although Sister Tangtang's expression still showed signs of success, she was really worried if she didn't ask the last question.

Tang Yan made a triumphant gesture and smiled brightly, "Successful, brother Changsheng doesn't mind being our fake boyfriend."


"Chi Chi..."

Liu Sisi and Di Lieba laughed and peed on the sidelines.

Tangtang and Nazha are about to turn into Han Lao Liu and Han Lao Qi, and they are still talking about fake boyfriends here, the characteristic that they don't blush when lying is comparable to what they have.

Gu Li Nazha pouted and stared at Di Li Reba, "Fat Di! Can you not smile so wickedly?"

"Pang Di is also what you can call me, hurry up and call Fifth Sister!"


"Hurry up!"

"No... giggle giggle... don't scratch me, I'm ticklish... fifth sister... second sister, help me! Fourth sister, fifth sister bully me!"

Under the joint efforts of Sisi and Fat Di, Guli Nazha had to succumb, and it was not until Tong Liya came out that Nazha's children's shoes were saved.

It's just that the girl Nazha is obviously in a group with the lazy Sisi and Fatty.

In just five minutes, Nazha was brought into the world of kings by Sisi and Pangdi, lying on the sofa and playing games together, Xiaobai's feet were up and down, not to mention how comfortable it was.

With one more person to play with, Liu Sisi and Di Lieba were naturally overjoyed.

The two little ones originally planned to drag Tang Yanshui down, but Tangtang was several years older than them, playing two games was too slow, so he gave up.

"Naza, Concubine Yu opened up, and Li Bai is on the opposite side!"

"Fatty, go up, go up! Get popular!"

The three little ones were playing games lively in the living room, while Tang Yan went to the cloakroom to help Tong Liya clean up the housework.

Tang Yan folded the jeans that had just been washed to dry, and asked Tong Liya, "Sister Yaya, do you usually clean up by yourself?"

Tong Liya nodded with a faint smile, "This is our private place after all, so I don't feel at ease letting others clean it up. Anyway...we have a lot of people, so we don't feel tired doing it ourselves."

After the words fell, Tong Liya shouted to the outside: "Sisi, Fatty, if you two little girls don't... pack up your clothes, believe it or not, I will throw them away for you!"

Dili Reba: "Come on! Second sister, you are too diligent."

Liu Sisi: "Why do you have to clean it once every seven days? Wouldn't it be good to clean it once a month?"

"You think your house is a pig's nest, and you clean it up once a month. You two have so many clothes. If you don't clean them up for a long time, can you find who belongs to who?"

Tong Liya yelled at the two little ones who came running, and then smiled at Tang Yan who was stunned: "These two girls are sloppy and lazy every day, and when you officially enter the gate of our house, you must be like this every day." call them."

Tang Yan smiled dryly, and the little girl said fearfully, "But they are my sisters, so it's not good for me to call them that."

Tong Liya shook her head and said, "It's my sister now, but it won't be so in the future."

As the most careful second sister in the family, Tong Liya can see Ying Bao's careful thinking about moving back.

But from Tong Liya's point of view, Yingbao's position can be reduced to Han's fifth at most, and even [-]% can only become Han's fourth.

Tangtang is the kind of girl who is very mature in thought and appearance, she doesn't care whether she is the third child or the sixth child, because no matter where she is, she will take care of the people around her.

As for Na Zha, she also looks cold on the outside, just from the fact that she was quickly brought into the game world by Si Si and Pang Di, you can know that this girl is also a heartless little confused.

Based on this situation, Yingbao's path to become Han Laoqi must be a heavy responsibility and a long way to go.

"Tears are a little sweet and a little salty, your..."

Five 55-year-old girls teamed up to tidy up the cloakroom when Tong Liya's cell phone rang.

Pick it up and look, it belongs to the elder sister Yang Mi.

"Sister, what's the matter"

"Yaya, the decoration of our new office building has been completed, we will start moving today, and we will cut the ribbon tomorrow!"

Tong Liya was taken aback for a moment and then elated, "Is it so fast?"

She, the second wife of the Han family, is very clear about what it means to have her own office building.

That means that Honey World has really squeezed into the ranks of the lowest-level media groups. Honey World's current soft power, hard power and various assets, among the major media groups, at least...can rank eightieth.

Yang Mi smiled and said: "It's been more than 40 days since the renovation. The speed of the housewarming is not too fast. It just so happens that tomorrow is a good day. In addition, we have almost prepared, so we might as well move today and cut the ribbon tomorrow."

Tong Liya: "What do we need to do?"

Yang Mi: "Let Sisi design seven sets of ladies' dresses, let's cut the ribbon together, and then ask the master if he will go."


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