Tong Liya knew what the eldest sister meant.

Master's temperament has always been very lazy.

If the elder sister hadn't begged the master last time, the master probably wouldn't have gone to see the office building that cost more than a billion yuan.

And this kind of housewarming and ribbon-cutting, I am afraid that the master will still not want to go.

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Chapter 419 This Is Called Connecting Minds

Yu "Yo ho! It's fun again! Fourth sister, go upstairs and make a dress!"

Tong Liya told the four 44 curious sisters about the phone call, which made Fatty cheer, and then called Shang Nazha to push Han Laosi to the second floor clothing room.

"This is Sisi's clothing room! The tools are so complete!"

"Fourth sister, you know so many things!"

Tang Yan and Gu Lina stepped into the garment room, and were immediately amazed.

The two of them came to Han's villa before as guests, and they were guarded guests, so naturally they were not allowed to enter certain parts of the villa.

Now that I have become a half master, I can actually enter other places except the third floor.

Liu Sisi smiled happily, "My tailoring skills were taught by the master, as for these...the machines are all bought by my elder sister for me."

Tong Liya smiled and said: "Tangtang, Naza, you don't have to be envious, you can tell us what you like, maybe the master can teach you."

Nazha scratched his head foolishly, "I prefer spicy food, is this a hobby?"

Fatty grinned, "Of course it's a hobby, because I also like to eat, but I like to eat the yogurt lumps made by the master."

Tang Yan smiled sweetly, "I prefer to eat desserts, and I want to make desserts, but I can't do it well because of my clumsy hands."

Tong Liya embraced Tang Yan and kissed, excitedly said: "I didn't expect Tangtang to like making desserts, so let's learn from the master together."

Married to the master for so long, the four 44 sisters besides her can be said to know nothing about cooking.

Until now, she is the only one learning to cook from the master, and now she finally has one more partner.

Fat Di nodded again and again, "Tangtang is the best way to learn how to make desserts. I made a birthday cake for the master on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. We were tired all morning. I don't want to be tired again."

Tong Liya rolled her eyes angrily, "It's me and your elder sister, the third sister has been tired all morning, okay, you and Sisi went out for a walk with the master."

Liu Sisi glanced sideways, "Second Sister, can you be reasonable, can we be tired after walking around so much?"

Tong Liya raised her eyebrows, and said with a half smile but not a smile: "Then if you say that, I will leave the hard work of accompanying the master to me in the future, how about you taking care of the housework?"

The two cubs froze, laughing busily.

"What did the second sister say, leave the heavy task of accompanying the master to us!"

"Yes, this is something we can do, and we are responsible for this."

After playing around, Liu Sisi began to formally make clothes.

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying don't need to come back, because Liu Sisi has already memorized the measurements of the two older sisters, and now it's just... to help Tangtang and Nazha take measurements.

The four sisters were making gowns upstairs, while Tong Liya went to the study on the third floor.

She knocked on the door and walked in, sat in Han Changsheng's arms, "Master."

Han Changsheng put down the record of myths and stories of the Ming Empire in his hand, and put his arms around Yaya's soft and boneless body, "What's wrong?"

"Mixing Tianxia will officially use the new office building tomorrow, and my eldest sister asked if you will go to participate in the housewarming ribbon-cutting ceremony"

"You guys just go."

"But you're bored at home alone."

"It won't be boring, I will make a celebration dinner for you at home tomorrow."

Tong Liya thought for a while, then snapped her fingers and said, "Then I want to eat cold noodles and kebabs tomorrow."

Han Changsheng frowned, "Cold face is cold, it's not good for the stomach, eat less."

What about Tong Liya? The master took a bite, and said coquettishly, "Do you want to eat cold noodles at home? Besides, it's only the 21st, and it's not yet the first few days of the month, so there won't be much reaction."

Han Changsheng said helplessly, "Then I'll do it for you."

"There are also kebabs, and the kebabs with cold noodles are delicious."

"All right, I'll bake it for you, but it takes several hours to melt and marinate the meat, so you won't be able to eat it until tomorrow night."

"Thank you master, you are so kind, master..."


The office building where Mixing Tianxia is located, the underground parking lot.

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying had just walked near the BMW 5, when suddenly, a large circle of entertainment reporters surrounded them, and the guns and short cannons in their hands were directly in front of the two girls.

"Yang Mi, have Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha become the wives of Han Changsheng?"

"Zhao Liying, when will Han Changsheng get a marriage certificate with Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha?"

"Yang Mi, has Han Changsheng already empathized with you? Is there something wrong with your relationship?"

"Zhao Liying, why do you like such a man who loves the new and dislikes the old? Are you being coerced?"

Yang Mi held Ying Bao's arm, and glanced around lightly, her sharp knife-like eyes resembled Han Changsheng very much, which made the entertainment reporters' chaotic questions come to an abrupt end.

Yang Mi gave a cold snort in satisfaction, and then said in a low voice.

"First, Tangtang and Nazha are guests at my old Han's house, and they were invited by Yingbao and me, and have nothing to do with my master.

Second, we sisters haven’t met for a long time, so we chatted very happily, and then we chatted until midnight. Isn’t it normal for Tangtang and Nazha to stay at my house for one night? Third, we love my master, and my master also Love us, please take care of us.


After saying that, Yang Mi sat directly in the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator, and the BMW 5 slammed forward, scaring the entertainment reporter who was about to stop the car to get out of the way.

However, although Yang Mi and Zhao Liying left, the entertainment news was sent out very quickly.

[Zhao Liying keeps silent about Han Changsheng, the relationship may have broken down] [Yang Mi looks stern, suspected of a marriage change] [Han Changsheng likes the new and dislikes the old, Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha may replace Yang Mi's five daughters] [Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha The road to enter the gate of the Han family is full of difficulties, or you will go far away with Han Changsheng】Entertainment news is flying everywhere, but the Han family villa is still in a warm and sunny atmosphere.

My family knows about my own affairs, and the rumors spread outside have nothing to do with them. …

On the 2nd day of the lunar month, the fourth twenty-seventh day of the lunar calendar, it is advisable to move.

Waking up early in the morning, seven of Yang Mi squeezed into the cloakroom, drawing each other's eyebrows and putting on red makeup.

The five Yang Mi sisters usually go out without makeup, but today is a big day in their lives, and they must face the world with the best attitude.

Tong Liya put on her makeup, pointed at the busy back in the kitchen, and asked Zhao Liying, "Ying Bao, are you sure your idea will work, master, can you go out with us?"

Zhao Liying said confidently: "Don't you know our master? He doesn't care much about his own affairs, but he cares about us very much. Just follow what I said, and he will definitely go."

"let me try!"

Tong Liya walked out of the cloakroom without confidence, moved into the kitchen step by step, and then wrapped her arms around Han Changsheng's junior, and said in a soft voice, "Master..."

Han Changsheng patted Yaya's tender hands, and said softly: "Breakfast will be ready soon, just wait a little longer."

Yaya rubbed her small head on her broad back, "It's not about breakfast."

"What is that?"

"Sister wants you to accompany us to cut the ribbon."

Han Changsheng shook his head and said, "Didn't you agree to go by yourself yesterday?"

Tong Liya said: "But when we go out together, we are easily chased and intercepted, and we may even arrive at Haina Building later."

"What's wrong"

"Because of the scandal between Tangtang, Nazha and you, those...entertainment reporters frantically swarmed and stared at our house. On the way back yesterday, Eldest Sister and Ying Bao were questioned by those...entertainment reporters for a long time.

Today, seven of us go out together, those...entertainment reporters may be even crazier, we are very afraid that something will happen."

Han Changsheng frowned, and said slowly, "Then I'll go with you."

He had...forgot those...entertainment journalists have no bottom line in their humanity, if they don't protect them, accidents might happen.

"Master, you are very kind."

Tong Liya held Han Changsheng's cheek and kissed a few times, then returned to the cloakroom with a smile on her face, and made a victory gesture to Zhao Liying.

Zhao Liying was overjoyed, "It's done"

Tong Liya raised her eyebrows, "Of course, but Ying Bao, why don't you say it yourself?"

Zhao Liying said: "When we say we are complaining, the master will think we are exaggerating, but second sister, as a bystander, the master will definitely believe it. After all, you are the most virtuous and gentle in our family, and you never lie."

"Third sister, you have quite a lot of little tricks, even the master dares to plot."

"What is scheming? It's called being connected with each other. Besides, if something happens to us, won't the master feel sorry for you?"

Tong Liya rolled her eyes at Zhao Liying, "Yes, yes, you are right, you are always right."

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Chapter 420 The Seven Fairies Descend to Earth

In front of Haina Building, the new office building of Mixing Tianxia, ​​it is already full of colorful flowers.

This Haina building is [-] stories high, actually [-] floors.

After the renovation, the outside is all blue tempered glass, shining in the sunlight.

But what is even brighter is the "Honey World" at the top of Haina Building

These four 44 bucket big golden characters.

Generally, companies relocate before the time of application, and honey travel is no exception.

But the time agreed by Yang Mi and Zhao Liying's seven daughters is very special, at 13:14, they don't ask for the mantissa 8 of great wealth and wealth, they only ask for life after life.

For the housewarming ribbon-cutting ceremony, Yang Mi didn't invite any friends, so she prepared to cut the ribbon with the seven sisters of the family and some high-level executives of the company.

But there are a lot of entertainment reporters who have heard the news, at least... more than [-] entertainment media outlets, as many as [-] to [-] reporters and cameramen.

A reporter with black-rimmed glasses said: "It's said that Mi Xingtian Tianxia moved to the ribbon-cutting ceremony, and Han Changsheng, as Yang Mi's man, should appear."

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