What Yaya said is really good, when Tangtang officially enters the Han family, Ying Bao will become the fourth or fifth son of Han.

Tong Liya asked concerned: "Sister, are you going to be busier after moving to a new place?"

Yang Mi shook her head and said, "It's only been a few days, and the people below are busy, so Ying Bao and I are responsible for the general direction.

Besides, our master doesn't start any new projects now, so there aren't many things the company needs to be busy with."

Han Changsheng frowned and said, "Mimi, if you want to manage Mixing Tianxia well, you can't just point at me, develop as you should, don't be tied down."

Yang Mi smiled and said: "Don't worry, master, we will definitely manage it in various ways."

Multi-faceted expenditure and fan-leaf model operation, this is the development plan discussed by Yang Mi and Zhao Liying, because it is what a media group needs to expand its influence.

As for not relying on the master, that is impossible.

The reason why Mixing Tianxia was able to grow its assets from 5 million yuan to more than 40 billion yuan in one year is because of... the master who is behind the scenes.

The whole company has reached a consensus. Instead of...developing those...projects whose profitability is unknown, it is better to wait for the behind-the-scenes activities to come up with new projects.

With the quality of the projects produced behind the scenes, even if a blockbuster "New White" is produced every year, it will still make a steady profit without losing money, and even make a profit if you can eat and drink enough.

If there is another "East and West", or "I", "Green Snake", then this year will be enough.

As for whether there will be development other than film and television dramas, we will wait behind the scenes! Everyone chatted until 55:[-]:, and Han Changsheng began to work on barbecue matters.

The roasted whole lamb is put into a large oven and slowly roasted under the high temperature of fruit charcoal.

Put all kinds of tin foil on the medium oven, which contains marinated eggplants, mushrooms and other vegetables, as for chicken wings, grilled sausages, lamb skewers and other foods, they are naturally on the small grill.

Grill all kinds of marinated skewers on the fire, and the aroma of all kinds of meat will come out at once.


Fat Di swallowed, and said greedily, "Master, when can I eat? I'm so hungry."

Han Changsheng shook his head and laughed, "I just baked it and you want to eat it, and you are not afraid of diarrhea.

There are peanuts and dried tofu on the table, eating the two together can taste like meat."

Fatty froze, "Really or not?"

Han Changsheng smiled mysteriously, "You'll know if you try it."

Fatty grabbed some peanuts and dried tofu and ate it, then asked confusedly, "Why didn't you eat it?"

Tong Liya said speechlessly: "The master wants you to eat together...he wants you to fill your stomach first, lest you starve to death, you really want to taste the meat!"

Fatty was stunned, and ran to the master indignantly, staring at him so straightly.

Master Smelly, you know how to lie to her, don’t you know that Fat Di’s little belly is ready to eat barbecue? Di's eyes flickered.

"Why do you want to curse me with your eyes? I still don't want to eat kebabs. If you don't want to eat it, just say it, and I will give it to your second sister."

"Thank you sir."

Tong Liya smiled sweetly, and snatched the mutton skewers from her master's hands.

Fat Di was stunned, and ran directly to Tong Liya, and said with a smile: "Second sister, my good second sister, share some skewers with me and try!"

"Several strings are impossible, let me give you one string first!"

Tong Liya held back a smile and gave Fatty a bunch, and then divided up half of the rest before eating.

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Chapter 422 Little Fatty Who Steals Drinks (Subscribe for the second watch)

Yu Liya of m.com only ate half of one in her hand, and Fatty has already picked up a bunch of it quickly.

The girl looked at the second sister pitifully with big eyes, the red oil on both sides of her mouth was very funny.

"I'm afraid of you."

Tong Liya reluctantly distributed five skewers to Fat Di, and ate the remaining two skewers by himself, and put the remaining skewers in Han Changsheng's mouth, "Master, try it, it's delicious."

"Yes, you can eat."

Han Changsheng stopped eating after eating a piece of meat, and let Yaya wipe his mouth for him.

As a big man, he doesn't need to compete with the girls for food, and it won't be too late for him to eat when there is more food.

Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha ate a bunch of mutton skewers, resisting the urge to eat more, and wanted to give the mutton skewers to Si Si and Pang Di, but Yang Mi stopped them.

Boss Han whispered to his two future younger sisters: "Since you are all planning to enter the door of my Han family, then don't care about these...external things, master, your figure will become better."

After a long time, Yang Mi also discovered some miraculous features of her master.

My master's hands seem to have magical powers, whenever the five sisters have unnecessary fat on their bodies, the master will disappear once or twice.

Under such circumstances, the five of them 55 naturally eat three meals a day without any scruples, and Pang Di is... dare to add a fourth and fifth meal.

After eating it now, not only has my figure not lost shape, but it is even more exquisite than before.

Tang Yan and Gu Li glanced enviously at Yang Mi's perfect figure, and thought about it...the picture of the day, let go... eat directly.

Now that the big sister in the future has made a promise, don't worry so much anymore, let go of those... unnecessary pretentiousness, and enjoy the delicious food carefully made by the little brother Changsheng.

As Han Changsheng expected, when the vegetables in the tin foil were roasted, the seven girls who were tired of eating meat began to focus on the vegetables, and left the grilled meat skewers to him, the chef.

And he doesn't need to do it himself to eat these various skewers, Mimi and Yaya will take turns to feed them, which is simple and trouble-free.

Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha glanced enviously at the happy scene, but did not go up to participate.

They will do this kind of thing in the future, there is no need to alert Brother Changsheng out of envy.

In the middle of the barbecue celebration, Pang Di's children's shoes suddenly yelled: "It doesn't feel like a celebration to eat like this! I want to drink, drink the wine made by the master!"

Han Changsheng frowned, and habitually slapped Fat Di on the back, "What kind of wine do you want to drink? Eat your grilled chicken wings!"

Didn't this girl trick him into feeling uncomfortable? The time before yesterday, Tang Yan slept too long, and got hurt when he woke up hungry at night and stole food.

If you still drink tonight, maybe something will happen again.

Fatty saluted in a funny way, and said with certainty: "Master, I promise that I will drink half a ounce just like the day before yesterday, and I will never drink an extra drop!"

Han Changsheng gave me an annoyed look, but it doesn't work."

Fat Di tugged at Han Changsheng's sleeve and shook it back and forth, his voice was sweet and cute.

"Well, why don't you just drink half a tael, if it doesn't work, let's drink less."

Liu Sisi jumped over, hugged Han Changsheng's waist and acted like a spoiled child, "Master, let's just drink a little bit, is this also a celebration for our family's honey trip around the world?"

Zhao Liying came slowly, grinning cutely, "Master, my eldest sister and I have worked hard for a long time to finish the relocation of the company's office building, please let us have a drink!"

"You guys drink, drink less, or don't blame me for using family law."

Han Changsheng directly raised his hand to surrender, but he also warned the three little girls.

If the three girls are coquettish together, his blood volume will be emptied directly, so don't stop him, otherwise the blood volume will be negative.


The three little ones jumped three feet high, and ran into the wine storage room happily with a triumphant attitude, and found out: the bottle of wine that was not finished the day before yesterday and the bottle of champagne for wine.

And in order to reassure his master, Fatty also found a small wine cup with a capacity of half a tael, and used it to share the wine.

Fatty poured seven glasses of wine before he was about to pour champagne, but was stopped by Liu Sisi.

Before Fatty could take any action, Liu Sisi asked Han Changsheng, "Master, can this wine be mixed with any wine?"

Han Changsheng frowned and said, "Don't use strong ones, you won't be able to enjoy the taste, and you'll get drunk easily."

"Don't worry! Guaranteed against strong ones."

Liu Sisi patted her heart to assure her, then went back to the kitchen and took out seven bottles of cocktails, "Is this okay?"

Han Changsheng glanced at the text less than 4, and nodded slowly.

This degree is not as high as champagne, mixed with half a tael of wine, it won't make seven girls drunk.

"Open exchange open exchange..."

Fatty snatched a bottle of blue rose-flavored cocktail, poured a full glass, and watched the wine quickly change its beautiful color.

The other six girls followed suit and filled their wine glasses.

It was Han Changsheng's empty glass, and Tong Liya helped to pour the wine.


The seven girls cheered, but took a small sip.

Only one cup per person, if it is really dry, there is no need to drink, and it is even easy to pour a cup:, so it is better to drink slowly.

After taking a sip of wine, the seven girls became hungry again.

I ate the roasted whole lamb in one mouthful, and drank some wine to satisfy my hunger, which caused the wine in the glass to drop rapidly.

Fatty glanced at the wine bottles and cocktails next to him, and kept rolling his eyes, but he didn't know what the hell he was thinking.

When Han Changsheng got up to go to the villa to fill up the water, Fat Di grabbed the wine next to him and poured it into his own glass:.

Tong Liya was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Pang Di, what are you doing?"

Fat Di took it for granted: "Continue to drink!"

"Aren't you afraid that if you get drunk again, the master will use the family law?"

"Don't worry! Master, this wine is different from other wines. Didn't I just fall asleep when we drank it the day before yesterday?"

Fat Di explained, and poured it while Yaya was distracted, and then poured it into the wine bottle: cocktails to refill.

This end was finished when Han Changsheng's footsteps came.

Fat Di hurriedly put the wine bottle away, but Han Changsheng saw the cocktail in her hand.

Han Changsheng frowned, stared at Fatty and said, "What evil are you doing?"

Fatty grinned and shook the cocktail in his hand, "I can't do anything bad, you won't let me drink more wine, it's fine if I drink more of this."

"Although the alcohol content is small, you can't drink too much, or you will get drunk easily when mixed with alcohol."

"Don't worry, master, I'll just drink this bottle!"


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