The six daughters of Tong Liya looked sideways at Fatty.

This girl is really good enough, even dare to lie to the master, when the master finds out one day, she will have a meal: the family law cannot escape.

After eating and drinking, the barbecue feast ended at 99:[-], and then Pang Di and the others began to enter a state of excitement, and this state of excitement lasted until two o'clock in the middle of the night.

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Chapter 423 Nazha: I don't want needles! (Third watch for subscription)

On the third floor of

Han Changsheng helped Yaya cover her with a thin quilt to prevent her from being illuminated, and then turned over and walked out of the house.

He's...not tired now, but very thirsty, and he really wants to drink a bucket of water in one go.

Tread....Han Changsheng was drinking water in the living room on the first floor when a sound of footsteps came from the stairs.

Turning his head to look, first there were delicate little feet wearing sandals and slippers, then a pair of ivory white, and then Gu Li Nazha came down wearing a white nightdress.

"Hey brother Changsheng, you drink water too."

When Gu Li Nazha saw Han Changsheng, he was taken aback for a moment, and then walked over with a smile.

But she faltered as she walked, and her eyes were a little dazed. She didn't know whether she was asleep or drunk.

Han Changsheng frowned and reminded: "Naza, look at the road, don't bump into it."

"It's okay, I'm not drunk."

Gu Li Nazha waved her hand indifferently, then swayed her body, and kicked her right foot to the bottom of the sofa with a bang.


Gu Li Nazha's body trembled and fell to the side.

Fortunately, Han Changsheng had a quick hand to support her, otherwise her little head would definitely hit the coffee table, and her head would be bleeding at least, or she would faint directly.


"Can it not hurt? This sofa base is solid hardwood."

Han Changsheng sighed, and carefully supported Gu Li Nazha to sit on the sofa.

He told this girl to pay attention, and she kicked on the sofa, which really convinced her.

"Brother Changsheng, my toe won't be broken, right?"

Gu Li sobbed with rain, and the confusion just now was gone.

"Let me help you take a look."

Han Changsheng picked up Gu Li's delicate white little feet, the cyan on the big toe was very glaring.

Gently touching the belly of her finger, Gu Li's complexion suddenly became: pretty white, her voice was crying, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, my toe must be broken!"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "Don't worry, the toe is not broken, but your toe cover will definitely fall off in a few days."

Gu Li Nazha worried: "Will it hurt?"

Han Changsheng smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, it won't hurt much with me here, but it will be very inconvenient for you to walk these few days, and the toe cover may fall off, and it will take at least a month for it to regrow. "

Nazha breathed a sigh of relief, broke through his tears and said with a smile: "Then it's all right, I can recuperate in peace at the little brother Changsheng's house."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, and stared at Gu Li Nazha suspiciously, "You seem to like living here very much."

He also noticed something strange these days.

From Tang Yan to this Nazha, they have behaved at home these past few days. They don't feel like guests at all. They seem to regard themselves as half of the hostess, and they have no scruples in what they say or do.

Gu Li was stunned for a moment, her eyes flickered for a moment, and then she said as if nothing had happened: "If I stay at the little brother Changsheng's house, I won't have to live alone in my little house, and I can chat with Sister Yaya and the others if I have nothing to do. Playing games with Sisi, Fatty and the others happily!"

Han Changsheng: "You don't work anymore"

Gu Li nazha said: "If you are injured, you need to rest. Besides, my limping will affect your image, and you will lose fans."

At this time, she still cares about whether she loses fans or not, this girl has a really big heart.

Han Changsheng got up helplessly, "I'm going to get the medicine box, you just sit down and don't move around."

"Don't worry, little brother Changsheng, I will be honest."

Gu Li Nazha looked at that... broad back, smiled sweetly, and then pouted.

Sister Tangtang also said that she was injured that night... on her leg, and was healed by Brother Changsheng.

If it was such a simple situation, would she be smirking while touching the medical gauze on her legs from time to time? The nightgown she wore was not cleaned properly, but was put away solemnly, it was sister Mimi's nightgown, okay? it is good.

Among them, there must be something unspeakable! While Gu Li was thinking wildly, Han Changsheng returned with the medicine box.

He cleaned and disinfected thumb toe carefully and conscientiously.

Gu Li Nazha stared at Han Changsheng's focused and earnest face, and looked down in a daze.

The charm of little brother Changsheng who concentrates on treating diseases and saving lives is ten times stronger than before, which makes her heart move even more.

If I really step into the door of the Han family in a few days and become the wife of the younger brother Changsheng, will I be able to enjoy the pampering treatment of sister Dao Yaya and the others? laughed out loud.

And just as he fantasized about those children's shoes, Han Changsheng took out a 12cm long silver needle from the medicine box.

When Gu Li Nazha saw the silver needle, the fantasy picture instantly shattered.

She shivered for a moment, retracted her right foot, and even rubbed it against the sofa, "Brother Changsheng, you're not going to stab me with a needle, are you?"

Han Changsheng reached out and grabbed the retracted right foot, he couldn't laugh or cry: "Your toe cover is full of blood, if you don't let it out, it's easy to get infected."

"No! I don't want needles!"

Gu Li's voice was hoarse and she struggled hard, her face was pulled into a ball, that little pear blossom with rain seemed to be bullied by Han Changsheng.

She has been afraid of injections since she was a child. The tip of this silver needle is longer than the needle of a syringe. It should not be too scary! Han Changsheng held his forehead helplessly, "This is a silver needle. With its ultra-fine tip, you won't How much tingling, good boy, come here and let some blood out."

"Don't! Just don't!"

Gu Li Nazha shook her head like a rattle, just... she couldn't pass.

No matter how you say the silver needle is a needle, it will definitely hurt if you get stuck.

"come over."


"No... come here, I can do it directly!"

"come on!"

"Come on you!"

Seeing that the tie was still there: stubbornly resisting, Han Changsheng grabbed the little foot of the tie of children's shoes and pulled her over directly.

The silver needle on the right hand moved like lightning, and pierced under the nail of the thumb involuntarily.

Spend some more time with this girl...the wound doesn't need to be healed anymore.

Gu Li shuddered, raised her face and wailed to the sky, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

Han Changsheng glanced at the strained face, knocked on her foot angrily, and said softly: "Are you sure the pain will be so severe that you will yell?"


The child's shoes were dazed for a moment, and he lowered his head to look at the silver needles shaking back and forth on his toes, only to realize that the pain he imagined did not appear, only a feeling like a mosquito bite.

She grinned through tears, stared at Han Changsheng and praised: "It really doesn't hurt anymore, brother Changsheng's medical skills are really amazing."

"I praise you!"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, turned the silver needle to release the blood under the nail plate little by little.

This girl is just like the fat one, she has always been insane, only when the shock is suppressed will she be honest.

Gu Li Nazha looked at Han Changsheng with a serious face, and pulled down the nightgown with a blushing face.

Brother Changsheng was pulling too fast, and she was pulled over before she could even react, so that her nightgown ran up a bit.

But... Gu Li looked at the little brother Changsheng suspiciously, and pouted.

Is it because my charm is too small or the little brother Changsheng is too upright? His big hand only holds his ankle, and his eyes don't move at all, and he doesn't even move up a bit.

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Chapter 424 Try Touching Me Again! (four more subscriptions)

In Gu Li's wild thoughts, Han Changsheng helped her toes drain the blood, disinfected them again, and then bandaged her.

When bandaging, Han Changsheng used some Qingdi Changqi to stimulate the end of the nail.

activity to prevent it from falling off.

After finishing it together, Han Changsheng stood up and said, "Okay, go ahead and do whatever you want."

"what are you doing"

"Put the medicine chest back and go upstairs to bed."

Gu Li was anxious, and said quickly: "Don't go, you have to carry me upstairs!"

Han Changsheng frowned and turned around, "Can't you go up by yourself?"

Gu Li Nazha pointed to her right foot, "Do you think I can jump upstairs with my left leg alone? It hurts so much."

"You don't touch the ground with your heels"

"But if you don't wear slippers, your heels hurt. If you wear slippers, you'll scratch your toes."

Gu Li pouted and looked at Han Changsheng pitifully, her long eyelashes fluttering, she had a kind of stupid and cute feeling.

As Sister Fat Di said, when acting cute and acting like a baby, you must be serious, and you must not have the slightest falsehood and sloppy, this is the self-cultivation of an actor.

Han Changsheng: "..."

Anyway... After all, he had to recite: Then go upstairs! "Wait."


Gu Li looked at the helpless back of little brother Changsheng with a grin, and secretly made a victory gesture.

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