If she walked back with her heels, she would definitely be able to walk back, but it would definitely hurt.

That being the case, why not take this opportunity to be coquettish and cute.

Taking this opportunity to take advantage of little brother Changsheng, isn't he sweet? Han Changsheng returned here, ignored the outstretched arms of the child's shoes, and slapped her arms down.

"I don't carry you on my back, I hug you up."

After saying that, he stretched out his hands, pressed the bottom of the nightdress with his right hand and passed through Na Zha's legs, and supported Na Zha's neck with his left hand, hugging Na Zha's light and fluffy body effortlessly.

However, even if he was hugging someone, Han Changsheng's hands were still clenched into fists, not clinging to Gu Li's prickly skin.

Such a princess hug caused Gu Li Nazha's body to hang in the air, her hands subconsciously wrapped around Han Changsheng's neck, and even scratched it mischievously.

Han Changsheng frowned, stared at Gu Li's sharp eyes and said, "Don't touch my neck."


Gu Li Nazha straightened his right hand, and with a flush on his face, he stared straight at Han Changsheng, his eyes shining like stars in the sky.

Brother Changsheng's domineering appearance is so cool! I love him so much! Han Changsheng ignored Gu Li's eyes and strode towards the stairs, planning to send this little girl who was looking for trouble back to her room as soon as possible.

But he walked so fast that Gu Li's hair fluttered and scratched the tip of his nose.

When a touch of lemon fragrance entered the nose, the tip of the nose also itched.


Han Changsheng blew away that lock of hair, but he couldn't stop the itching on his nose.

He glared at Gu Li Nazha, but found that the girl was staring at him directly, ignoring his staring at all.

"Na Zha...Na Zha..."

Han Changsheng yelled a few words, and finally woke up Gu.

Oops! The sneak peek turned into a silly look, I am so ashamed! The child's shoe blushed, and said in embarrassment: "Brother Changsheng, what's the matter?"

"Do you have... some eyesight."

"What's wrong"

"Your hair makes my nose itchy, scratch it for me."

"Didn't you let me touch you?"

Han Changsheng glared at Gu Li Nazha, who was giggling, and said angrily: "If you tell me to scratch you, scratch it, what are you talking about!"


Gu Li nazha obediently helped Han Changsheng scratch his nose, then pinched it suddenly, and exclaimed: "Brother Changsheng, your nose is so straight!"

Han Changsheng's pupils stood up, and his voice sank, "Believe it or not, I just threw you on the stairs"

Gu Li withdrew her hand aggrievedly, pouted and said pitifully, "I'm just curious."

"Pinch your own nose if you're curious, and touch me again to try!"

"If you don't touch it, don't touch it!"

Gu Li turned her head angrily, swung her hair and hit Han Changsheng on the face.

Just when she turned her head, Gu Li covered her mouth and smirked, then shook her head again.

When Nazha was about to shake his head for the third time, Han Changsheng's little finger of his right fist popped out, and scratched Gu Li Nazha's left leg with the nail cover, and the little girl who stabbed it just... shivered.

"Oh, it hurts!"

Gu Li patted Han Changsheng's hand, and rubbed his left leg with a mournful face.

"You know it hurts. If you dare to move around again, it's not a matter of scratching you. I'll just throw you on the ground!"

Han Changsheng glared at Gu Li Nazha, as if he was about to throw away.

This girl is injured, it's fine to carry her upstairs.

But if she dared to provoke him when his hands couldn't move, she was looking for a beating! "No, little brother Changsheng, I know I was wrong!"

Seeing that Han Changsheng was a little angry, Nazha finally calmed down and allowed Han Changsheng to carry her to the guest room on the second floor in the posture of a princess.

Han Changsheng twisted the doorknob of the guest room, turned sideways and hugged Gu Lina inside.

"Turn on the lights!"

Crack! Gu Li Nazha obediently turned on the wall lamp, and the guest room was instantly lit up, showing Tang Yan's picture of Begonia sleeping in spring in front of Han Changsheng's eyes.

Perhaps it was the reason why the bright light hurt the eyes, Tang Yan woke up slightly, frowned and looked over, confusedly said: "Na Zha, why do you turn on the light when you don't sleep at night?"

Han Changsheng ignored the confused Tang Yan, threw Nazha beside Tang Yan, turned around and left.

That girl is too clingy, throw it away and leave immediately.

Seeing the familiar figure from behind, Tang Yan was stunned for a moment, and then instantly sobered up.

She glanced at the closed door, then at Na Zha, whose face was red and a little painful, her eyes widened in surprise, and she said incoherently, "You guys...it's...so late at night..."

Tang Yan never expected that after only one night, Nazha would step into the door of the Han family, which made her envious and jealous.

If I had known this earlier, she would have done it that night, okay? Gu Li Nazha thought for a while, and immediately understood what Tang Yan's chaotic words were trying to express.

Her face flushed, and she raised her right foot in reluctance, "Sister Tangtang, what are you thinking, I just wanted to go downstairs to drink water, but I accidentally kicked my toe, luckily little brother Changsheng was there too Lou, he just helped me treat it, if you don’t believe me, take a look..."

Tang Yan looked it over carefully, and heaved a sigh of relief. It's good that we didn't lose a chip, and everyone is still on the same starting line.

Gu Li stared at Tang Yan with squinted eyes, and suddenly asked: "Sister Tangtang, what happened to you and Brother Changsheng that night?" It's just...the dishes and bowls fell on the floor and scratched my right leg, and Brother Changsheng helped me heal it."

"Are you sure you're going to knock over a plate and bowl?"



Gu Li Nazha suddenly sighed, and said sadly: "Sister Tangtang, you still said that you will be good sisters with me, but I didn't expect that you would lie to me even for such a trivial matter, and you still don't care about our sisterhood."

"You and I.……"

Tang Yan opened his mouth, and had to smile wryly to tell what happened that night.

"Chi Chi..."

Gu Li covered her mouth and smiled, "I didn't expect little brother Changsheng to have such a strong sense of vigilance, it's just... this ability to distinguish is not good, and he can still treat you as a thief."

Tang Yan patted Gu Li Nazha lightly, and said: "You smile, don't talk about it, I don't want Mimi and the others to call Changsheng little brother."

Gu Li Nazha swore: "Sister Tangtang, don't worry, I'm not stupid, I will definitely help you keep this secret."

Tang Yan got up and turned off the lights, then lay down and suddenly said quietly: "Naza, when do you think we can really step into the gate of the Han family?"

Gu Li Nazha shook her head, "I don't know, little brother Changsheng's emotional feedback ability is too weak, I guess he will treat us as guests for a while."

Tang Yan whispered in his ear: "Naza, do you think we want..."

"No, didn't the eldest sister give us a set time of one month?"

"It is stipulated, but with the help of the eldest sister and the others, this month will pass soon."

"Sister Tangtang, let's make an agreement first, don't sneak in ahead of time, you have to tell each other."

"Don't worry, you can see it without telling you."


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Chapter 425 New Year's Movies Are Really Funny Only If They Don't Make People Laugh

Yu m.com Laoshe Teahouse, a business card in the capital, is also the place where Zhang Yimou meets Han Changsheng for tea.

This teahouse is near Qianmen Street, and it should be the most authentic portrayal of the song "Qianmen Love and Big Bowl of Tea".

At this time, people who came in and out of Lao She Teahouse all looked in amazement at Zhang Yimou standing at the gate of the garden, and occasionally someone with a head and a face would go up to say hello and exchange pleasantries.

Zhang Yimou, before... was one of the top directors in the Ming Empire, and there are many who are on the same level as him.

But in the 08 Olympic Games, he presided over the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven for all nations to come to court, and he was named Zhang Guoshi in one fell swoop.

It is also because of this that the people who came to Lao She Teahouse to drink tea were really surprised, which made Zhang Guoshi stand at the door to greet the person who is really a big man.

"Master Zhang treats guests, I still stand at the door and wait in person, I really want to see who is here."

"You don't want to see who the person is, but you also want to go up and make a face-to-face meeting."

"Hey, who isn't everyone? Aren't you all waiting for this?"

Whispering, a taxi stopped in front of Lao She's teahouse.

Wearing a coat, Han Changsheng got out of the car, bowed his hands to Zhang Yimou, smiled neither humble nor overbearing, "I'm sorry to trouble the national teacher to wait for a long time, I'm panicked."

After absorbing some memories of the evil emperor, Han Changsheng can be said to have passed through the long river of life for tens of millions of years, so he will not show respect to others because of his status.

But an old man in sixties like Zhang Guoshi was standing in front of the door waiting for him, which made him feel a little sorry, after all, his real age was just over 20 years old.

"It's not a long wait. I just waited for a minute."

Zhang Yimou bowed his hand in return, and looked back at the taxi far away, with a flash of light in his eyes.

Among the younger generations he has seen, none of them come and go in luxury cars.

Even if you want to keep a low profile, you still drive hundreds of thousands of cars.

Only this one came here for an appointment by taking a taxi, which was the first time he had ever seen in his life.

And although he said fear in his mouth, his attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, which made him look forward to the... chat for a while.



The figures of Han Changsheng and Zhang Yimou disappeared at the door, and those around... the spectators who said just now that they wanted to make a relationship looked at each other.

No matter how much they thought about it, they never expected that the guest Zhang Guoshi was waiting for was such a young man.

"He's that... Han Changsheng, right?"

"It is indeed him."

"But in terms of status and status, Zhang Guo is such a young man that he is almost as good as Zhang Guoshi."

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