"Could it be that Han Changsheng has some other identity?"

"I don't know, but let's not provoke people."

"Nonsense! This Han Changsheng is such a secret, who wants to cause trouble for the upper body!"


"My son-in-law took a close look at it: it says that Qin Xianglian is thirty-two and thirty-two years old.

Sue the prince's son-in-law.

Deceive the king, despise the emperor.

A man who repents of marriage moves to another bed.

Killing one's wife and destroying one's conscience.

Force Han Qi to death in the temple.

Put the paper of pleadings on Grandpa's lobby... grit your teeth and decide which one it is!"

After Han Changsheng and Zhang Yimou walked into the separate small room where they drank tea, Zhang Yimou, the owner, did not speak, but first invited Han Changsheng to listen to a section of "The Case of Guillotine Beauty".

At the end of the classic aria, Zhang Yimou asked: "Director Changsheng, how do you feel?"

Han Changsheng pondered: "Singing, facial makeup, dancing, costumes, reciting and fighting, ten years off stage and one minute on stage, coupled with a strong sense of history, this is the charm of the quintessence of Chinese culture."

Zhang Yimou sighed: "Yes, Peking Opera is the quintessence of the country, but unfortunately there are not many people who like to listen to it."

Han Changsheng smiled lightly and said: "Isn't this normal? Peking Opera is all about... a heavy sense of history. If you let children under the age of ten listen to it, not only will they not be able to hear anything, but it may scare them to tears. For those of my age, I can't do it." You can hear the taste, only those who have a certain calm mind can calm down and listen to this charming Chinese quintessence."

Zhang Yimou patted the table, laughed and said, "That's right! This thing is like wine. Young people like to drink beer in big gulps. Only when they reach a certain age do they like to take small sips to taste the sweet, bitter, spicy and salty taste of baijiu."

Han Changsheng rubbed his nose, "National Teacher, why do you seem to say that I am very old?"

"Haha, your age is young, but your heart is calm enough. You are as old as fifty or sixty."

Zhang Yimou laughed, raised the teacup in his hand and said, "Try this big bowl of tea, this is the two-cent bowl of jasmine tea that I specially asked the boss to keep."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, took a sip, and praised: "Excellent value for money!"

The jasmine tea itself is not that expensive, but if the big bowl of tea costs two cents a bowl, it is really... worth the money.

"Your four words describe it just right."

Zhang Yimou praised, and suddenly said: "Your talent as a director may be worth as much as this jasmine tea. It can even be said that no one in the younger generation of directors can surpass you!"

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Zhang Guoshi, are you trying to kill me?"

Zhang Yimou shook his head and said: "If you don't deserve your talent, you will be flattered, but if you are not worthy of your talent, you will be flattered."

Han Changsheng: "You value me so much"

Zhang Yimou: "Of course! You made "I'm Immortal" and "Green Snake", both a sci-fi and a fantasy. Competitors? But..."

Zhang Yimou praised Han Changsheng, then changed the subject, frowned and said: "Your "East and West" is purely for making money, which makes you lose a lot of points in my heart.

Because from my point of view, with your talents and virtues, you should continue to make movies that... can show the style of my Ming Empire, not this kind of comedy martial arts movies purely for making money."

Han Changsheng shook his head and said indifferently: "My point of view is different from yours. "East and West" is a New Year's film, and what it wants is... the joyful atmosphere of the New Year. It doesn't need any thoughts, and it doesn't need any aftertaste. It is enough for people to laugh, because if the New Year film cannot make people laugh, then it is really funny."

Zhang Yimou frowned, "Even if it's a comedy movie, it should make the audience reminisce about life after watching it, instead of getting nothing after laughing."

Han Changsheng shook his head and said: "The comedy movie you mentioned, the core is the attitude towards life that the director wants to express, and the comedy is the shell.

And the core of "East and West" is laughter, and the outer shell is also laughter, in short, it is to solve all worries with a smile."

Smile... Zhang Yimou of Xie Baiyou was stunned for a moment, and then recalled the process of watching the film for the first time.

At that time, he was really happy from the beginning to the end, what kind of shooting technique, what kind of emotional expression, what kind of picture aesthetics, all forgotten in the laughter.

Even the worries in his heart were forgotten in the laughter.

Chapter 426 I Can Retire With You With Peace of Mind

Zhang Yimou let out a long breath and looked at Han Changsheng with emotion, "It seems that you are not only one of the seventh-generation directors, but also the sixth-generation director. Your ideological realm is also outstanding."

"Master Zhang is too famous."

Han Changsheng shook his head, not accepting the compliment.

These three movies are all obtained by him standing on the shoulders of giants, and none of them really belong to him.

So for him, this kind of boasting does not give him any expression of joy.

But in Zhang Yimou's eyes, his performance is a symbol of calmness.

Zhang Yimou thought about the information he wanted, and said curiously: "In addition to filming "East and West", you want to sweep the box office, and you also intend to compete with Hua Yi's "Warcraft"!"


Han Changsheng nodded, then shook his head, "But it's not to compete with Hua Yi's "Warcraft", but to subdue Blizzard's "Warcraft", and it can even be said to subdue American fantasy movies.

There is no sense of accomplishment in defeating domestic films, only by defeating foreign films can foreigners see the strength of our Ming Empire film industry."

"Okay! Well said, we have to let those.....foreigners with bulging nostrils see the style of our Great Ming Empire movie!"

Zhang Yimou praised excitedly, and then said with emotion: "I was worried that you would be immersed in the honor and money of the past, but now it seems that you are much more rational and sharp than I imagined. The film industry of the Ming Empire has With you here, I can retire with peace of mind."

Han Changsheng frowned, "Why does the national teacher feel that you are young!"

There is a saying in the film industry that the older you are, the more popular you are, and this kind of aged director is even more popular.

Zhang Yimou shook his head and said, "I'm 67 this year, how many more years can I do? The film industry of the Ming Empire will depend on you... kids who are growing up fast."

"You should know something about my experience over the years. The first film I made, "Red Sorghum", directly won the Golden Bear Award for Best Film at the Berlin International Film Festival.

At that time, I didn't know that it was used by foreign countries to vilify our Ming Empire. After being complacent, I continued to make a series of films such as "Big Red", "Qiu Ju", and won awards and soft hands.

Later, I understood the sinister intentions of foreigners, so I hurriedly changed my thinking and filmed "Hero" and "House of Flying Daggers". Unfortunately, my thinking has become old and rigid, and I don't know if I can realize my wish in this life."

When Han Changsheng heard what Zhang Yimou was saying, he suddenly understood the reason why he came here.

This...Zhang Guoshi is one of the leading figures in the fifth generation of directors of the Ming Empire. He has the film industry of the Ming Empire in his heart, so he wants to find a successor, and he is one of his choices.

After thinking it over, Han Changsheng suddenly felt an unwanted burden on his shoulders.

After he returned to normal, he wanted to be free and happy for the rest of his life, but he didn't want to bear such heavy expectations.

Han Changsheng thought about it for a while, then he had a flash of inspiration, and smiled at Zhang Yimou: "Master, have you ever thought about making a movie with foreign actors in it?"

Zhang Yimou nodded and said: "I have thought about it, but I can't, or dare not!"

Han Changsheng understood this sentence.

With Zhang Guoshi's current fame and status, if he shoots a movie with all foreign actors, he will definitely be criticized by domestic audiences.

Han Changsheng thought for a while and said, "What about a completely westernized movie?"

"Total Westernization"

"That's right! The script is Westernized, the actors are Westernized, first get it to be shown in a foreign country, and collect the banknotes in the pockets of the old coat to fill our wallets! Simply put, it is... cheating foreigners of their money."

"But it requires the least amount of money.

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