Han Changsheng drank half of the cup, and said calmly: "I didn't talk about anything, I just talked about buying the script of "The Man From Earth"."

Fatty scratched his head in confusion, "Master, I don't know when you wrote this script."

Tong Liya thought for a moment, then hesitated and said: "The master seems to have written this script, I heard from my elder sister that it was thrown in the screenwriters union in Hollywood, USA, and the price seems to be 500 million US dollars."


Tang Yan at the side just took a sip of water, but at this moment he was spouted out by 500 million dollars in shock, and directly poured Han Changsheng all over his head and face.

Tang Yan hurriedly stood up and apologized again and again, "Brother Changsheng, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

After saying that, Tang Yan didn't care about other things, he pulled up the white shirt on his body and began to wipe Han Changsheng's face, making the tip of Han Changsheng's nose full of fragrance.

"I'm not angry, you go sit down!"

Han Changsheng threw his head back, stretched out his hand and pulled off Tang Yan's white shirt, covering her white belly, and pushed her on the sofa next to him.

Is this girl trying to cheat him to death? Yaya, Sisi and Fatty are all on the sidelines, do you need her to help him wipe his face? I saw the picture of their five 55-year-old girls chatting about 500 million dollars.

"Ten thousand dollars, the master has made three hundred million in one fell swoop."

"I didn't expect Brother Changsheng's script to be sold at such a high price. I'm really convinced."

"Is Zhang Guoshi out of his mind? Why did he pay such a high price for the master's script?"

"You can't say that, it must be Zhang Guoshi's vicious vision, who can see the value of the master's script in one fell swoop."


Han Changsheng looked at Yaya, Sisi and Fatty, and Tang Yan and Nazha, his eyes became suspicious.

Why are the five of them so harmonious? Is there something he doesn't know about this? Tong Liya noticed Han Changsheng's suspicious eyes, understood it instantly, and immediately gave feedback.

She patted Tang Yan's back lightly, pretending to be angry and humming: "Smelly Tangtang, stay away from my father in the future, don't take advantage of him!"

Liu Sisi nodded knowingly, "That's right..., I'll come after wiping the master's face, and you'll be responsible for providing the clothes."

Tang Yan bit her lip shyly, "Isn't it because I wanted to express my apology out of desperation? I definitely won't do it in the future."

Han Changsheng temporarily confused his mind when he heard these few words, and said, "The $0 is just a gimmick, it's actually impossible to have so much."

Fatty said confusedly, "What do you mean?"

Han Changsheng shrugged, "I: don't say it."

"Cut! As if we wanted to know so much."

Fat Di curled his lips, and pulled Sisi and Nazha aside to play games.

Tong Liya and Tang Yan looked at each other, and went to the side to chat...

At 5:[-]:[-] in the afternoon, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying returned home on time, put on slippers and did not change, home clothes, and ran into the study on the first floor.

Yang Mi hugged Han Changsheng's nose, and after taking a sip, he said excitedly: "Master, you really sold that... script for 500 million dollars"

Han Changsheng said helplessly, "I've already said it's a gimmick."

Sitting on Han Changsheng's lap, Zhao Liying wondered, "What do you mean by a gimmick, just to hype it up and raise the price of this script?"

Han Changsheng shrugged and said: "With my zero reputation in the world, I won't be able to shoot this movie for a while, so I might as well let Zhang Guoshi do it, and he will bear those... criticisms.

And in order to increase the popularity of this movie, Zhang Guoshi will say that the script of this movie was purchased for 000 million US dollars, but in fact the seller and the buyer are ourselves.”

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying suddenly realized, "So it's purely for hype."

They said how could a script be sold for a super high price of 500 million US dollars. It turns out that all of this is really a gimmick.

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows and said, "This movie can only make money but not win awards. If it's not popular, it won't be popular, but you have to register a new film company abroad, and come up with a domestic re-export:."

"It's simple, go to the Virgin Islands to register a new company, and it can be completed in one day."

"Virgin Islands companies...to avoid tax"

Yang Mi shook her head and said: "Our Ming Empire has always been tax-free for companies that can make money from overseas. Registering in the Virgin Islands is just to keep the company's information secret. After all, we will expand overseas markets in the future. Why don't we just give 500 million US dollars to the company?" Stay in your script account and be our front line."

Han Changsheng nodded suddenly, "That's fine, but it may take a long time to expand the overseas market. Isn't it a waste of 50 US dollars?"

Yang Mi smiled and said: "It's okay, just leave a way out for others. In case the country needs money urgently in the future, the money can be transferred back."

With the company's current cash flow, it is easy and simple to take out 3 million yuan and put it outside.


Zhao Liying stared at Han Changsheng for ten seconds, and suddenly said: "Sister, let the master take care of everyone in this new company!"


Han Changsheng pointed to his nose and said speechlessly: "What kind of owner should I be? You five sisters can just choose one to be in charge."

"Is that so? Then, my lord, among our five sisters, who can be the owner of this new company?"

Zhao Liying raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile, Yang Mi who was beside her also looked at her master with the corners of her mouth bent, as if waiting for his hit.


Han Changsheng opened his mouth, but still couldn't choose someone.

This question is a free proposition. If you choose one of the five, you will be wrong. Why not... Hey, Han Changsheng's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Why should you choose? You five 55s can take on everyone together. .”

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