Yang Mi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You think it's a play, and five people can take care of it together. The owners of this offshore company hold 100% of the shares."

Han Changsheng spread his hands indifferently, "I haven't registered a company before, so I don't know."

Zhao Liying said bluntly: "Master, if you don't understand, then listen to us honestly. You are the owner of this offshore company, but when will the 3 million funds be used?"

Han Changsheng: "I will use it after Zhang Guoshi finishes shooting the new movie, but spend some money to read the script first, so as not to make any mistakes."

Yang Mi: "Okay, then let's register this offshore company first, and wait for the master's news before injecting funds into it."

Zhao Liying: "What's the name of this offshore company? Otherwise, it's called Changsheng Film and Television"

Han Changsheng shook his head and said: "That sounds like my company, no, I think it's called Qingsong Film and Television! Evergreen pines and cypresses also imply ease."

"Okay! That's the name."

Chapter 428 It's useless to put the regulations on the two of us

When Han Changsheng discussed things with Yang Mi and Zhao Liying.

In the outside world, rumors about the meeting between Han Changsheng and Zhang Yimou at Laoshe Teahouse began to circulate.

Han Changsheng is still the topic of hot headlines, and Zhang Yimou is a top domestic director.

The meeting between these two people seems ordinary, but the combination of the two makes this meeting very topical.

[Zhang Yimou greeted Han Changsheng in person outside the Lao She Teahouse, chatting and laughing on an equal footing] [Han Changsheng, how could he let Zhang Yimou greet him in person, with a smile without fear, his disrespectful attitude is undoubtedly revealed] [Han Changsheng got the Golden Dragon After winning the best director award, he is already full of ambition, arrogant and supercilious] [Shangzhong is never scary, what is scary is a newcomer, the director is proud of his talent after he becomes famous, and I am the only one who is the only one who is the only one who is the only one who is the only one in the world] There is a lot of disturbance from the outside world, which has nothing to do with the two people in the topic.

Han Changsheng still stayed at home reading and studying, while Zhang Guoshi quickly arrived in Hengdian after signing a secret contract and getting the script.

He rejected the interference of outside reporters, and set up ten pure foreign actors one mile away...all white in one day, and finished filming "This Man" in two days.

After Zhang Yimou finished filming, he flew back to Beijing under the siege of many entertainment reporters.

He called Han Changsheng and said a word, "Director Changsheng, I've finished filming the movie, let's direct it."

Guidance is a joke word, but there must be a meeting.

Consciously or unintentionally, the place where the two met again was Lao She Teahouse.

The two appeared this time, but they were not surrounded by people who were eating melons. Han Changsheng got out of the taxi, and a group of entertainment reporters surrounded him.

"Zhang Guoshi, may I ask what you talked about after meeting Han Changsheng again? Is it about the new movie?"

"Zhang Guoshi, may I ask why the actors you selected in Hengdian are all foreigners? Do you look down on actors from the Ming Empire?"

"Han Changsheng, let Zhang Guoshi greet you in person, does it feel normal to you?"

"Han Changsheng, how does it feel to be on an equal footing with Zhang Guoshi, isn't it great?"

The babble of chatter was heard, but Han Changsheng turned a deaf ear.

He glanced lightly at the many entertainment reporters, and his sharp eyes pierced these people to shut up, and then he said calmly: "I can only say that the things we are talking about are related to movies, but everything about movies is temporarily unknown. Let me tell you, let me go."

As soon as the last two words came out, the entertainment reporters in front of them dispersed in an instant, and watched helplessly as Han Changsheng escorted Zhang Yimou into the Lao She Teahouse.

On the contrary... some entertainment reporters are more like thieves, put away their cameras and microphones, and entered Lao She Teahouse pretending to be guests, but Han Changsheng and Zhang Yimou were nowhere to be found.

In the private room of Lao She Teahouse, Zhang Yimou gave Han Changsheng a thumbs-up, and enviously said: "If I have your deterrent power, I can save a lot of time every day!"

Han Changsheng joked: "It's simple, the national teacher, you are mentally ill, and everyone is afraid of you."

"Forget it, I guess I'm mentally ill, and I can't maintain a sane state for a long time like you."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yimou took out a USB flash drive and handed it to Han Changsheng, "The fragments of the movie and the cut pieces I cut are all in it, please guide me."

"Don't kill me anymore, or I'm really going to float away."

Han Changsheng reluctantly took the USB flash drive, connected it to the phone with a data cable, and quickly watched the entire movie in fast forward mode.

He closed his eyes and recalled the original version and this one, and gave Zhang Yi a thumbs up, "The national teacher is... the national teacher, Changsheng admires it!"

Han Changsheng used to think that his directing ability has improved a lot, but after watching this new film, he immediately discovered the gap with Zhang Yimou.

Compared with the original version, the new version has basically restored more than [-]% of the pictures, and it seems that in order to truly break through and then stand up, this...Zhang Guoshi even filmed the whole process according to the script he provided, without changing any settings, without changing any settings. Change a line.

Even the use of bright, low light gives the film even more mystery, thanks to this... unique talent for color.

Zhang Yimou shook his head and said with a smile: "You don't have to praise me, I know that some pictures are slightly flawed, so I have to leave the finishing work to you."

Han Changsheng responded with a smile, and looked at Zhang Yimou's gleaming pupils, "The National Teacher has gained everything from this shooting."

Zhang Yimou grinned happily and said happily: "It's not just a harvest, it's just... a big harvest! I used to like big scenes, but after shooting this movie, I suddenly discovered that small scenes also need a lot of shooting skills , bright and dark light, brilliant and changeable colors... etc., these things in a small scene require another technique different from the big scene. This shooting really benefited me a lot. !"

He said before that he would break and then stand, this was a joke, but he never expected that this time he really almost broke and then stood.

Presumably, when he goes home to study for a few days, he can gain more.

Han Changsheng smiled and said: "It's good that the national teacher has income, the cost of this shooting..."

Zhang Yimou interrupted with a wave of his hand, "Don't talk about the cost with me!"

Han Changsheng frowned and said, "But this is the regulation of the film and television industry."

Zhang Yimou shook his head and said: "It's useless to put this rule on the two of us. I just hope that you can ask me for a favor next time when you have a good idea, so that I can continue to improve in my lifetime."


Han Changsheng noticed the firm gaze on Zhang Yimou's pupils, hesitated for a moment, and nodded slowly.

Since this... insists on not taking money, then when he really has a good idea in the future, he must pay back.

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