At the end of the topic, Han Changsheng and Zhang Yimou chatted for a while, and then they came out hand in hand.

Yuji, who didn't leave, surrounded him again, but retreated under Han Changsheng's eyes.

Seeing this, Zhang Yimou smiled and said, "Director Changsheng, we are so topical, do we still use hype?"

Han Changsheng shrugged his shoulders and said in a low voice: "It doesn't matter how hot the domestic topic is, it has to be a hot topic internationally."

"Then I will leave these matters to you."

"Don't worry! National Teacher, don't forget to change the subject."

"I don't want to take over those... troublesome things, I have to give them to you."

The two parted ways after a few words of laughter.

Han Changsheng took a taxi and went straight to the new headquarters building of Mixing Tianxia.

Han Changsheng has been to Haina Building three times.

The first time is the pre-purchase inspection, the second time is the ribbon-cutting, and this time is to really enter the Mixing Tianxia headquarters building after the decoration.

"Hello, Mr. Han!"

When many employees saw Han Changsheng, they hurriedly greeted him respectfully, seeming a bit cautious.

Han Changsheng nodded and said, "Hello!"

, and took the president's special elevator.

And the moment the elevator door closed, the silence in the hall on the first floor disappeared instantly.

"Huh...Although Mr. Han is smiling, his aura is so strong that I dare not speak!"

"You said that the movie that Mr. Han and Zhang Guoshi met and talked about will still be shot by our company?"

"Sure, haven't you seen Mr. Han's movie recently? This time it must be Mr. Han's new movie."

"I'm looking for Zhang Yi, a national teacher, to shoot a new movie and look forward to the box office of this new movie."

"It's better to be several billion, so that everyone's red envelopes will be too big to fit."

Chapter 429

On the [-]rd floor of Haina Building, with a usable area of ​​[-] square meters, there is only one president's office.

Dangdang..... Hearing the knock on the door, Zhao Liying paused: with a signature pen in her hand, she frowned and looked at the monitoring screen on the left, then stood up suddenly with bright eyes.

She stepped to the door, opened the door with a smile on her face, threw herself into Han Changsheng's arms in a koala hug, and said coquettishly, "Master, are you here to see me on purpose?"

Han Changsheng walked into the CEO's office holding Ying Bao's light body, "I can say it's because of something.

Did you just come?"

Ying Bao hugged Han Changsheng's neck, pouted and shook his head, "No!"

"Then I came here to see you."

"I'm only saying this now, don't you think the reason is too fake?"

Han Changsheng: "..."

It's not true, it's not true if you don't say it, this girl Ying Bao has been a little bit flustered recently! Yang Mi came slowly, and Han Changsheng said, "You have finished meeting Zhang Guoshi."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "You are very well informed!"

Yang Mi shook the tablet in her hand, "It's not that I'm well-informed, but that the meeting between the two of you made headlines early, and it's still being updated in real time."

"These...entertainment reporters really dare to say anything!"

"For money, they naturally want to report some eye-catching articles."

After saying that, Yang Mi gave Ying Bao a slap on the back, and said angrily: "Master has been tired all morning, and let him hug you, come down quickly!"

Zhao Liying shook her head and said coquettishly: "Don't come down, master is so physically strong, so he won't be tired."

"This is a company, pay attention to your image."

"There are only three of us here, I don't need to worry about my image."

What Ren Yangmi said, Zhao Liying is just... not coming down, and even hugging Han Changsheng tightly, kissing him from time to time.

Han Changsheng let Mimi and Yingbao chatter, sat on the side boss with Yingbao hugged by the koala, took a sip from Mimi's water glass, "That's right, slightly sweet and fragrant, it's honey." The smell of honey."

"I hate you!"

Yang Mi bit her lip and said coquettishly, leaning directly on Han Changsheng's shoulder, using him as a chair.

Han Changsheng adjusted his sitting posture, let Mimi and Yingbao sit on his left and right sides: on his lap, and hugged them both in his arms, and then said: "The filming of "This Man" has been finished, and now we can proceed to the next step."


Yang Mi didn't even get up, she just sat on Han Changsheng's lap, leaning forward to control the computer in front of her.

A pair of small tender hands crackled: [-] million yuan was transferred to "Qingsong Film and Television"

Offshore company, and then directly dropped the script of "This Man", which topped the list on the Hollywood script website.

Zhao Liying said: "Will it be hot like this?"

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