Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha jumped up, happily rushed into the cloakroom to search.

The second girl ran back in three minutes, you put on your clothes and I put on pants to help Fat Di get dressed.

The two of them only lived in the Han family's villa for a few days, but they really liked the squabbling atmosphere of the sisters, and they blended in unconsciously.

Fatty resisted very much, struggled and shouted: "No, I'm the biggest living today, why do you bully me!"

Tong Liya slapped Fat Di on the back, and said: "You are the biggest on your birthday, so let's help you get dressed together, so that you can enjoy the most favored treatment at home!"

The four sisters shot together, no matter how hard Fatty struggled, he was still dressed beautifully in the end.

The silky and smooth silk sports top and cropped sports pants, black baseball cap and brown sunglasses show the beauty of a sports girl.

Tong Liya adjusted Fatty's collar, pinched Fifth Sister's chubby face, and smiled at Han Changsheng: "Master, we have already dressed Fatty, you take her to swim!"

Fat Di looked at Han Changsheng's big hand stretched out, resisted struggling with puffy face, "No, master! I think it's good to stay at home, or let's chat at home!"

Han Changsheng hugged Fatty, smiled and said, "Isn't today your birthday? We have to go out alone!"

"I'll just lose weight at home, we don't have to go swimming."

"That can't be done. Didn't you make all the plans yesterday? Go out alone for a day. If it doesn't work, I can accompany you all day and night."

"Let's find a hotel to chat"

"No! Go to the swimming pool to play, you go down for a swim, and I will chat with you on the shore."

After the words fell, Han Changsheng couldn't help Fatty to speak again, and directly hugged the princess, and carried her to the door.

Fat Di put on his shoes aggrievedly, and immediately became happy after pushing the door.

Pointing to the light rain in the sky, she suppressed a smile and pretended to be helpless and said: "Master, I also want to learn to swim, but it's a pity that it's raining outside, it's really not beautiful!"

Han Changsheng smiled, "That's just right, let's find an indoor swimming pool, and I'll be the only one to admire your beautiful swimming posture."

Fat Di aggrieved and got on the Mercedes-Benz Vito, glanced at Han Changsheng, and stopped moving the steering wheel.

The master doesn't know how to drive, so whether the car can start or not, it all depends on her, Fatty.

Fat Di rolled his eyes, his right hand suddenly became weak like a tiger's claw, and his face was clenched into a ball, "Master, my fingers suddenly cramp, I can't seem to drive a car."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Or let's go home"


Fatty cheered, and happily unbuckled his seat belt.

At this time, Han Changsheng leisurely said: "Pang Di, if there is a scene where the heroine swims in my new movie, should I let your eldest sister play it, or your second sister, or your third sister?" Otherwise, I will pick your fourth sister."

Fatty's smiling face froze, and the hand that had just unbuckled the seat belt was stagnant in mid-air.

What the second sister said is indeed true! No matter how clever the five of them are, they still can't hold back the five-fingered mountain of the master.

Re-fasten the seat belt and turn on the ignition, kick the accelerator and drive the Mercedes-Benz Vito out of the garage.

The scenery on the side of the road quickly reversed, and Fatty said quietly: "Master, if I always celebrate my birthday like this, I don't think I will have to celebrate my birthday again in the future."

Han Changsheng smiled lightly and said, "That's great, so I have five more days of free time every year, do you think we need to celebrate at night?"

Fat Di said angrily: "I've said all my angry words, and you don't know how to coax me, you don't spoil me anymore."

"You, you, you."

Han Changsheng shook his head and laughed, and habitually put his left hand on Fatty's lap and stroked back and forth, "Swimming is your shortcoming. If you don't make up for this shortcoming today, in case my future movie really needs the heroine to enter the water , do you still want to find a substitute?"

"Not bad!"

"But Mimi and the others can swim, so if I don't choose them, why not choose you? Don't you think it's troublesome?"

"Well, I'll learn to swim . . . but you'll have to teach me, and you'll have to let me play a heroine."

"Don't worry, I will definitely teach you.

As for the heroine, it will depend on whether you are suitable or not."

"Sure fit!"

"You are so sure"

"Of course, I've been on good terms with you as the director. If you dare not choose me as the heroine, I'll expose it to you!"

Han Changsheng: "..."

Chapter 436 Fat Di: Come up if you have the ability

A certain swimming pool in Beijing.

"Mr. Han, how can I help you?"

"Is there a separate swimming pool? I want to rent it out. The water should be fresh."

"Yes, but the cost is [-] yuan. May I ask Mr. Han if you can accept it?"

"Okay, let's swipe the card."

"Mr. Han, do you need to apply for the Supreme Card? 20% off %800%%% discount, this time the booking only costs [-] yuan."

"No need, just swipe the card!"

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