After [-] strokes away, Han Changsheng went to the destination with his arms around Fatty.

Fatty wondered: "Master, why don't you apply for a card to save 200."

"That's a saving of 200, but that's an extra tens of thousands!"

Han Changsheng pointed to the card application instructions on the wall next to him, and said in a low voice, "You can only apply for the Supreme Card if you have a deposit of 20, but our swimming this time is a temporary idea. Once you forget the card, the remaining money will not be in vain." Give it to others, what's the use of getting a [-]% discount?"

Fat Di was stunned, "That's the reason, or the master is smart."

Han Changsheng smiled lightly, "It's not that I'm smart, it's that you're not... smart enough."

Fatty stared, "How dare you call me stupid"

"You're either stupid, or... not full of intelligence."


! Watch the punch!"

The two of them were fighting and fighting, and came to the swimming pool that had been rented out.

Rainy days are cooler, and there are fewer people coming to swim, so the pool provided by the swimming pool is not bad.

It is 25 meters long and 10 meters wide. The water quality is clear and transparent without many impurities.

According to Han Changsheng's deduction, it should be the water just released today.

The staff left, and Han Changsheng and Fatty were left by the swimming pool.

The two of them changed into their swimsuits in their respective rooms and rushed into the cold water to prevent the muscles that were stimulated by the cold water from cramping after entering the swimming pool.

Fatty only rushed for a minute before running out in a one-piece swimsuit and a large white towel, still trembling.

"Master, it's so cold, will you catch a cold?"

"It's just a shower of cold water, you won't catch a cold."

Han Changsheng helped Fat Di rub her limbs to warm her up, and then said: "Move well first, and then go into the water to avoid leg cramps."


Fatty stood under the wall and moved his body obediently, but his eyes were fixed on the swimming pool not far away, his small eyes seemed to be a bit withdrawn.

There was no water on the road, she was looking forward to it, and she was still in the mood to chat.

But when I really saw the water, and it was the water in such a pool, my calf immediately felt cramped.

Han Changsheng glanced over, shook his head and laughed.

It seems that this girl is still afraid of water, and I don't know if she can learn to swim today.

After 10 minutes of warm-up, Han Changsheng walked towards Fatty, "Okay, after the warm-up is over, you should go into the water."

"Master, wait a minute!"

Fatty stepped back a few steps with his little feet upside down, waved his hand timidly and said: "I haven't finished warming up yet, I'm still a little cold."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "If you sweat, you won't be allowed to go into the water. Hurry up, don't dawdle."

"I'm really cold, wait a minute..."

"Wait a minute, you big-headed ghost!"

Han Changsheng gave Fatty a slap in the back of her words, and walked forward with his arms around her small waist.

This girl always finds excuses at critical moments, I really don't know what to say about her.

"My lord, no!"

Seeing that he was about to fall into the water, Fatty jumped up in fright, and hugged Han Changsheng tightly in the posture of a koala, "I'm afraid!"

Han Changsheng sat down helplessly, and poured some cold water on Pang Di, "What are you afraid of, I will go into the water with you, and I will definitely not drown you."

Fatty shivered for a moment, hugged Han Changsheng tightly, pouted and said aggrievedly: "But I'm just afraid."

"Don't be afraid, let's get used to the water for a while... don't learn to swim yet."

"Wait a moment!"

Han Changsheng paused, and said helplessly, "What's the matter?"

Fat Dika opened his big eyes and said pitifully, "I'm also afraid if we go down together."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid your swimming skills are not good."

Han Changsheng's eyes widened, and he slapped Fat Di directly, "Joke! My swimming skills will not be good. I was able to swim back and forth in the West Lake with Yingbao in my arms!"

Fatty squinted his eyes in disbelief and said: "Just talking about not practicing fake moves, I have never seen you swim, or else you go down for a lap, if your swimming skills are good, I will learn swimming from you .”

It's unreasonable for this girl to make excuses and find me! Han Changsheng just wanted to give... Fat Di slapped her, and noticed the timid look in her eyes, and couldn't help but feel soft.

Forget it, let's take a swim to let Fatty relax.

Otherwise, if she is still nervous after entering the water, she will still not be able to learn to swim.

Plop! Han Changsheng leaped forward, dived into the swimming pool in the posture of diving into the water, and then swam around quickly in diving, backstroke, butterfly, synchronized swimming and other swimming styles, and finally swam to Fatty's feet.

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