Pfft! Han Changsheng got out of the pool, wiped the water off his face, exhaled and said, "How about Fatty, my swimming skills are pretty good, right?"


Fat Di smiled sweetly, squatted by the pool and poured water on Han Changsheng, "But I think your swimming skills have not met my requirements, so I decided not to learn swimming from you."

Han Changsheng's face darkened, he pushed with his big hand, and splashed cold water on Pang Di's body, causing Pang Di to jump up with a scream.

"Wow! Master, what are you doing?"

"Why teach you a lesson, if you are afraid of the water, I will let you get used to it first. If you let me swim, I will swim for you. Now I want to find an excuse. Believe it or not, I will go up and kick you down."

Fat Di stared at his master's sharp eyes, shivered for a moment, and stepped back cautiously, "I'm not feeling well, let's learn it another day!"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "I don't know if you are feeling well or not, hurry up and get down for me, otherwise if I go up and catch you, you will look good to me!"

Before he came, he took Fatty's pulse seriously, just... he knew she would be fine, so he let her learn to swim.

Otherwise, if you can bring her here, Fatty poked his neck and said arrogantly: "I won't go down! Come up if you have the ability!"

"Go up, go up,"

"Ah! Why are you really here!"

"Nonsense, you dare to provoke me, why don't I come up and see where you are going."


Seeing Han Changsheng landed, Fat Di let out an exclamation, turned his head and ran away.

But with her speed, how can she compare to Han Changsheng? In just 30 seconds, Fat Di fell into Han Changsheng's hands, and was slapped a few times.

The pain came into his head, and Fat Di came back to his senses, and hurriedly begged for mercy with Han Changsheng.

"Oh, it hurts! My lord, I was wrong!"

Han Changsheng gave Fatty a few more hits, and then he carried her to the edge of the swimming pool, as if about to throw her, "Believe it or not, I will throw you into the swimming pool right now, so that you can learn how to swim as quickly as possible."

Fat Di hugged Han Changsheng tightly, his body trembling, "Master, I was wrong, I was really wrong, please don't throw me into the swimming pool."

Seeing that Fatty was really scared, Han Changsheng took three steps back and patted the little girl on the head, "Do you still dare to provoke me?"

"Don't dare, never dare again."

"It's fine if you don't dare, go down now and get used to it, and learn to swim later."

After saying that, Han Changsheng sat by the pool with Fatty in his arms, letting her play with the water with her feet.

One is to let her adapt to the temperature of the water, and the other is to let her overcome her fear.

Chapter 437 Fatty: You can't escape for your life!

Crash, clatter... "Cackling..."

The cool splash of water is accompanied by Fatty's swinging feet and cheerful and crisp laughter.

What Pang Di is afraid of is not the water, but the empty water surface and the undulating waves.

But with her master by her side, the fear in her heart suddenly became much less.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng slid directly into the pool, stood in the pool and held Fatty's feet, "Go into the water!"

Fatty shivered for a while, but he mustered up his courage and said, "Then...then...Master, you must protect me."

Han Changsheng flicked Fatty's little feet, and smiled softly, "Don't worry, I won't protect you or anyone else, besides, the water depth in this place is only 1 meters deep, so it won't be able to submerge you."


Fatty held the edge of the swimming pool with both hands, and entered the water suspiciously, only to realize that the water here is really not deep.

She can even breathe and talk on the surface of the water as long as she holds her head up.

Han Changsheng saw that the fearful expression on Fat Di's face was much less, so he turned to face Fatty sideways, "You support the side of the pool first, and try to put your body flat."

Fat Di timidly said: "Master, you must protect me!"

Han Changsheng put his hand on Fatty's belly and smiled softly, "Don't worry, my hand will not leave your body."

Fatty felt the temperature on his belly, so he dared to let his feet leave the bottom of the pool.

"Don't bend your legs, keep your legs straight, swing slowly, don't relax, don't worry, I will always protect you."

Xu was dragged by Han Changsheng, and Fat Di was much more courageous than before, stepping on the water with his legs, and then left the pool with his hands.

Then, with the help of Han Changsheng, he slowly swam forward, and then hung on Han Changsheng to rest from time to time.

An hour later, Fatty was able to swim slowly without Han Changsheng's big hand. Although this time was only a few seconds, it was still a great improvement.

Han Changsheng noticed that Fatty's hands and feet were gradually weakening, so he immediately picked her up and placed her by the pool, "Go up and rest for a while, and then come down when you have strength."


Fatty shook the water off his face, raised his delicate chubby face, and said arrogantly: "Master, I am very smart, I can learn to swim in an hour."

"It's very clever."

Han Changsheng went ashore, patted Fatty on the head and praised her, took out the Snickers bar and Red Bull that were placed beside him, "Eat something, replenish your strength, and I'll press it for you, So as not to... cramps for a while."


Fatty ate Snickers and drank Red Bull, and looked at the master who helped her relieve the soreness of her arms and legs, and felt very happy immediately.

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