As for ambition, Yelu civilians admit that he also has it, after all who doesn't have ambition.

What's more, let an American serve as the president of the Asian region. Isn't that the same as layman leading experts? It's strange that he can feel comfortable.

"Then let him make mistakes."

"Mr. Han has a way"

Han Changsheng directly threw out the purchase contract for the script of "This Man", "President Yelu will know after reading this."

Yelu Minmin took it curiously, his pupils were really big in an instant, and he jumped up, "Mr. Han! are...

What did he see? He saw what the outside world had searched for for a long time and still couldn't find it...

Signing of the contract! Outside film company to ..

My impression is not that his sky-high script is good or bad, but...

The hype of the script is calm and bold.

If yes..

Movies produced by major film companies may have a higher box office and earn more money.

For the sake of money, the major film companies decided to find...

But if this..

In the face of this... Han Changsheng, the mysterious script with a sky-high price is "This Man".

Based on the box office history of this... film, the box office of "This Man" may be [-] million U.S. dollars, or even [-] million U.S. dollars.

"Mr. Han, are you planning to enter the international film industry?"

"I can't go to the vast ocean with my small body, and I'm not...  


"But the contract..."

Han Changsheng clicked on the contract, "I am the other party,

Qingsong Film and Television.”


Yelu Commoner was taken aback for a moment, thought about it seriously, and then smiled wryly.

Qingsong, Longevity, Nanshan Bold Pine, everyone's attention is on the front...

, who would know that the name of the purchaser behind has such a meaning.

"Mr. Han asked me to read the contract to mean..."

"President Yelu can leak some news about this contract at an appropriate time. In this way, the box office of this movie should increase a lot. When we get a high box office, you may also be able to take the position of president of the Asia-Pacific region."

"Are we teaming up to cheat people?"

"It should be to join forces to find a new position for Paul. As an American, he should return to the United States to earn his American money. In addition... foreign film companies have stolen enough money from our Ming Empire. It's time for them to cut their flesh and pay them back." Come back some."

Yelu Minmin looked at the lazy smile of the young man in front of him, and suddenly noticed the sharp light in the depths of the other's eyes, and a strange thought arose in his heart.

Perhaps, this Han Changsheng was lazy on the surface, and he seemed to be a bit unwilling to make progress.

But the place where his sword-like gaze is aiming at should be the area abroad.

The big knife is raised high, ready to swing at any time.

Chapter 441

The three of Han Changsheng sent Yelu Minmin away before returning to the CEO's office, and Yaya just woke up.

Yang Mi teased with the corner of her mouth crooked: "Yo, Mrs. Han has woken up and won't sleep for a while."

Tong Liya stretched her waist, and lazily said: "No need, this sleep is really comfortable."

Zhao Liying grinned and said, "I didn't expect my second sister to sleep in, it's really not easy!"

"Chou Yingbao! It seems that you have never slept in."

Tong Liya slapped Zhao Liying on the back, turned her head and ran into the bathroom.

Han Changsheng was watching the three girls fight when he received a call from Fatty.

"Little Fatty, what's wrong?"

"Master, we want to eat roast duck and lotus leaf pancake tonight."

Fatty's crisp voice sounded, revealing such a taste of slander.

Han Changsheng laughed and said, "Aren't you afraid that the little pot on your stomach will turn into a swimming ring?"

Fat Di Jiao said: "I hate you, master, don't say such things again! Otherwise, people will never talk to you again!"

"Okay, okay, don't talk, I will buy it for you when I go back."

"I want Siji Minfu Roast Duck Restaurant."

"You're pretty good at eating."

"Of course, what! Waiting for you, sir."

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