Fatty blew a kiss and hung up, and Tong Liya on the side affirmed: "Master, what else does Fatty want?"

Han Changsheng was stunned: "How do you know that Fatty called to eat?"

Tong Liya smiled and said: "Pang Di calls in addition to eating... food, what new tricks can he use?"

"...it's true."

Han Changsheng thought about the phone calls that Fatty had made, and he couldn't help but laugh.

After that girl has no notices, all she does is...playing games and...eating every day. If she stays at home, she will become a real house girl.

Yang Mi said: "Master, wait for a while, Ying Bao and I will take care of the rest, and we will go home together."

"it is good."

Han Changsheng held Tong Liya in his arms and visited the president's office, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying took care of the rest.

The family of four went back home and bought the roast duck and single cakes that Fatty wanted, as well as small gadgets for the Dragon Boat Festival. …

"Master is back."

Just as Han Changsheng entered, Liu Sisi and Fat Dile rushed over, offered two kisses and took away the dinner from Han Changsheng.

Tong Liya put down the little bits and pieces in her hands, and said angrily: "You two know how to eat, and you don't have any eyesight!"

Fatty made a grimace, and muttered: "Sister, the main task of the two of us at home is to support the two of us, so as not to cause trouble for you."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes, "You guys are pretty sensible when you're cooperating."

Liu Sisi opened the plastic bag, smelled it, and said, "Of course we are sensible, and we didn't call the master at noon to say we were hungry."

Zhao Liying changed into her slippers and walked to Fatty, and suddenly asked: "What takeaway do you have for lunch?"

Fat Di subconsciously said: "Fat beef roasted eggplant..."

Liu Sisi hurriedly covered Fatty's mouth, and glared at Zhao Liying, "Third sister, you play tricks on us."

Zhao Liying curled her lips, "If I need to trick you, you are so lazy, the takeaway must be thrown in the dining room."

Fatty shook his head triumphantly, "Third Sister, you are wrong, Tangtang took out all the garbage after we finished eating takeaway at noon."

Crack! Liu Sisi slapped Fatty and said angrily, "Silly Fatty, why are you talking about everything?"

Dili Reba came to her senses, pouted and said, "Sister Smelly, I'm ignoring you!"

Han Changsheng looked at Fatty who was pretending to be angry but actually was stealing ducks, and said speechlessly: "Fatdy, I don't have a good piece of duck yet, can you eat it later?"

"I'll eat a duck leg first."

Fat Di grabbed a duck leg, turned around and ran, and Liu Sisi next to him naturally followed suit.

These two girls are hopeless.

Han Changsheng took the roasted duck slices speechlessly, then prepared the required cucumber strips, shredded green onions and other items on the table, and went back to the kitchen to soak the glutinous rice and zongzi leaves...

After the delicious dinner, the eight members of the Han family began to prepare for tomorrow's Dragon Boat Festival.

Han Changsheng boiled 50 eggs, took them out when they were half-ripe, cracked the shells one by one, then put cinnamon, pepper, fennel, soy sauce and salt into them, and continued to simmer over low heat.

After finishing the tea eggs, the group activity of making zongzi began, or Han Changsheng taught seven 7 girls while making zongzi.

Fatty: "Master, why did my zongzi leaves break after 10% off?"

Han Changsheng: "I told you to bend into a cone, who told you to origami directly"

Liu Sisi: "Master, mine always leaks rice."

Han Changsheng: "Let you bend into a funnel shape, not a real funnel, seal the bottom."




Half an hour later, eight people finished making 57 zongzi.

5 were made by Han Changsheng himself, and the remaining 7 were made by seven 7 girls.

Han Changsheng glanced at the similarly shaped zongzi in front of him, and then looked at the seven grotesquely shaped zongzi beside him. He felt that the combination of these two things was... Snow White and the 7 dwarfs.

Fat Di shook the square rice dumpling in his hand, and showed off to Han Changsheng: "Master, my rice dumpling is very beautiful, right? The square rice dumpling is very three-dimensional."

".……very beautiful."

Han Changsheng spoke nonsense with his eyes open, he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

The reason why Pang Di’s zongzi is square is because Pang Di used ten pieces of zongzi leaves, three inner layers and outer three layers.

For this reason, there are no candied dates in it, only a small handful of glutinous rice.

Han Changsheng doubted whether the zongzi could be cooked.

Liu Sisi squeezed Fatty away and shook the oval-shaped rice dumpling in her hand, "I am the only one who is beautiful, and I can also grunt."

"Yes, very beautiful too."

Han Changsheng continued to tell nonsense, not afraid of thunder and thunder.

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