Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "Okay, don't laugh, put your things away first, don't pollute the beautiful environment of nature."

"Yes, yes, I will listen to the master's order."

Yang Mi winked at the six 66 sisters, and honestly packed her things.

You can't refute the master's words, otherwise it will be a meal: family law.

After tidying up, the seven 7 girls didn't sleep, they dragged Han Changsheng into the big tent with 6 people.

Chapter 448 I Have a Secret Love

Han Changsheng was stared at by seven 7 girls, even though he was mentally strong, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

He looked around and said cautiously: "If you don't sleep at night, what are you going to do?"

Yang Mi said: "The seven of us slept all afternoon, how can we sleep now?"

Zhao Liying said: "It happens that we are all in good spirits, why not play a game for a while!"

"Okay, okay!"

Liu Sisi and Di Lieba cheered and raised their hands and feet in favor.

The two of them don't know what the eldest sister and the third sister want to do, but as long as they play games with the master, they will be happy.

Han Changsheng was speechless: "What game can eight people play poker?"

"Don't fight! Resolutely don't fight!"

The seven maids all shook their heads, especially Tang Yan who was the most determined.

The last time she played Doudizhu with Changsheng's little brother, she lost to a white-haired girl, and now she has left the shadow of playing poker.

Han Changsheng rubbed his nose, "Then why don't we sleep longer than anyone else? This game is easy and not tiring. I can figure it out tomorrow morning."

Yang Mi laughed anxiously: "Master, can you not be such a bastard who wants to trick us into going to sleep, just say it, and why do you make up a sleeping game?"

Han Changsheng shrugged, "That's fine, what game do you want to play?"

Zhao Liying took the opportunity to grab the conversation and said: "The name of the game is Do you have me? Everyone has five drops of blood. Let me tell you about one thing I have done before. If none of you have done it, you will lose one drop of blood. If you have done it, you will lose one drop of blood. bleeding.

The person with no blood in the end loses, and the person with the most blood drops wins."

Tong Liya said: "What is the punishment for losing?"

Yang Mi: "You must answer the winner's questions truthfully. It can be regarded as an alternative truth game."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the seven maids all fell on Han Changsheng's body, making him feel alert.

Han Changsheng scanned around, and said slowly: "Looking at you like this, why do you seem to think that the loser is me?"

Inexplicably, he felt that this game was aimed at him, and he didn't know whether it was his illusion or intuition.

Yang Mi smiled slyly, "It's not that you think you're the loser, but that if you win, you can't ask us girls embarrassing questions."

Han Changsheng thought for a while, then nodded, "That's no problem."

"Then start, whoever comes first"

"Eldest sister is the biggest, you come first, master last."

"it is good."

Yang Mi thought for a while, then said crisply: "When I was young, I fought with boys and beat them to tears."

"We didn't."

Yaya and Yaya looked at each other, and slowly bent a finger.

The six 66 girls are basically obedient girls, how can they fight with boys.

Han Changsheng bent down with a finger, pinched Yang Mi's face and looked at it: "No wonder you are the boss of our family, and you are a domineering female president with your aura."

Yang Mi bit Han Changsheng's hand, and said coquettishly, "Master, what you said doesn't sound like a good word!"

"Didn't you hear that I was praising you?"

"It's strange to hear it."

Yang Mi curled her lips and called Tong Liya. Tong Liya understood and thought, "I can have children."

"So do we!"

The six girls laughed, and looked at the dark-faced Han Changsheng, "Master, it's time for your blood to be deducted!"

Han Changsheng frowned and said, "Isn't your answer obviously aimed at me? Can I, an old man, have children?"

"But you didn't say before that you are not allowed to give this kind of answer."

"All right, all right, you guys are amazing."

Han Changsheng bent his second finger helplessly, looked at Ying Bao, "You are not allowed to say that boys and girls are different."

Now it's a little clear that these girls are digging holes for him.

"How can there be a warning when playing a game"

Ying Bao pouted and said slyly, "I fell from a tree before."

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