Yang Mi raised her hand and said, "I have it too."

Ying Bao was taken aback, "Eldest sister, you are too much! You can even climb trees"

Yang Mi said arrogantly: "How fresh, I have even fought with boys, what is it to be able to climb trees!"

Han Changsheng curled his lips, "Falling off a tree, what are you so proud of? This is called dyskinesia."

How many times has he climbed a tree and fell down that time.

Di Lieba rolled her eyes, "Master, stop complaining about Eldest Sister and Third Sister, we've already deducted your blood, quickly deduct your third drop of blood."

Han Changsheng bent his third finger, stared at Di Lireba and said, "Fat Di, I'm wondering about one thing."

"What's up"

"If you've never fallen out of a tree, what's your brain going to do?"

"I... stinky master! Let you talk about me, let you talk about me!"

Fat Di jumped three feet high in anger, jumped onto Han Changsheng, raised his small fist and punched: Hammer.

She's just too simple, she doesn't have watts in her brain, okay! "Hehehehe..."

The six daughters of Yang Mi laughed and staggered, and felt that Fatty's current behavior seemed to be out of his mind.

After a while of laughing, it was Liu Sisi's turn, "I've been in the restroom with a different surname."

Fatty's pupils widened, "Fourth sister, you are amazing! You dare to go in the men's restroom."

Liu Sisi blushed and said: "One time I couldn't hold it any longer, and it happened that there was no one in the men's bathroom, so I asked my assistant to help watch, and then I went in.

Who of you has been in?"


The sixth girl took a drop of blood, then stared at Han Changsheng, "Master, you have been in the women's restroom"

Han Changsheng said angrily, "I can hold back!"

It's just holding back urine, he can hold it for seven days and seven nights.

Liu Sisi proudly said: "Then deduct the blood! Master, you still have a drop of blood left, Fatty, hurry up and kill the master's blood!"

"Hey Hey!"

Fat Di got up slowly, stared at Han Changsheng with a smirk, "Master, this time you have fallen into my hands!"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "It's just blood, why are you so proud?"

"Without blood, you have to tell the truth!"

Fatty poked his neck and said arrogantly: "I have a crush on someone!"

Yang Mi and the six daughters looked at each other and nodded together, "We have one too!"

Han Changsheng's face darkened, and he stared at the five sisters of Fat Di with his eyes like knives, "Who did you have a crush on?"

The five sisters smiled and said crisply: "I have a crush on you, Master!"

Han Changsheng: "..."

This answer is barely okay.

Yang Mi leaned on Han Changsheng, looked at Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha, "Tangtang, Nazha, a goddess like you still has a crush on her."


Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha blushed, took a peek at Han Changsheng, and quickly looked away.

"Tell me who it is."

"Say what to do."

"It's just chatting, and if you don't say anything, who knows if you have... cheated."

Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha bit their lips and said hesitantly, "Then don't get angry."

"Of course not angry."

Yang Mi smiled, and then raised her eyebrows, "From what you said, the person you have a crush on won't be my master, right?"

"...that's... that's... little brother Changsheng."

After Tang Yan and Gu Li finished their answers, their heads drooped and their faces were flushed.

Although they are also mentally prepared, it is really embarrassing to be honest! Yang Mi patted Han Changsheng on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Master, I didn't expect that after you married the five of us, you would still be raped by Tangtang and Nazha!" Are you happy that this kind of beauty likes it?"

"Happiness is always a little bit, but I feel that you have a big problem!"

Han Changsheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the seven girls around him.

Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha are shy, this is not normal.

But Fatty and his five 55s are not angry, which is even more abnormal.

All these abnormalities put together...it is simply...too abnormal!

Chapter 449

"Master! You lost the game, you have to answer the question first!"

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