Di Lieba waved her hand, and the old god said: "Don't worry, the master just said it is powerful, in fact, that family law is not serious at all, and it doesn't hurt at all when it hits you."

Liu Sisi nodded and said: "Fatty is right about this point. She has practiced family law at home the most times and has the most experience."

"Hmph! Fourth Han, you have received family law as many times as I have!"

"One less is less!"

Zhao Liying took a picture of the two little ones, "The eldest sister and the second sister are being punished, but you two are arguing here, do you still... act like a younger sister?"

Fatty pouted, "According to the rules of our family, after everyone makes a mistake collectively, it's my sister who should be punished."

"Cough cough.....you dare to be stubborn, but I, the third sister, can still control you two."

Ying Bao glared at Fatty, and almost gave her a slap.

Before she is downgraded, Tangtang and Nazha can only let Tangtang and Nazha hear the benefits of being an older sister. As for the disadvantages of being an older sister, they must never let them hear it.

But Rao Ying Bao interrupted quickly, Tang Yan still glanced over, his eyes a bit suspicious.

"Shut up! Master come out."

The five girls looked at Han Changsheng who was strolling out, and suddenly raised her heart.

Han Changsheng glanced at the five girls, and said in a low voice, "Yingbao, Sisi, and Fatty, you three go back to the tent first, and I'll take care of you when I'm free."


The three little ones stuck out their tongues, and happily ran into the tent.

The master's anger has already dissipated on the elder sister and the second sister, they only need to be coquettish and cute to escape this family law.

Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha glanced at Han Changsheng, their faces were flushed and they lowered their heads almost 90 degrees.

The two of them have never been in love before, and the words just now were said out of courage.

Don't be too shy to face Brother Changsheng alone at this time.

Han Changsheng looked at these two shy girls, and the attitude of the old man just now disappeared a lot.

He can still act like a lord when dealing with five 55-year-old girls, but facing these two girls who have an awkward relationship, this is a bit of a headache.

"Tang Yan, Guli Nazha..."

The second daughter suddenly raised her head, bit her lip and said, "Brother Changsheng, don't you want to call us by our nicknames?"

Han Changsheng looked at the shining eyes of Tang Yan and Gu Li, and sighed: "Okay, Tangtang, Nazha, are you sure you want to step into the door of my Han family? You must know that I have five 55 wives of."

Tang Yan smiled sweetly, his pupils glowed brightly, "Brother Changsheng, if I had taken these things into consideration, I wouldn't have said what I just said."

Gu Li Nazha's eyes sparkled, and her tone fluctuated slightly, "Brother Changsheng, since I dare to tell you what's on my mind, it's just that... I'm already prepared."

"Okay! Then I won't say this anymore..."

Han Changsheng raised his right index finger and middle finger, "Our relationship is a bit complicated, I can give you two options, one is...that we fall in love first and then get married, and the other two is...get married first and then fall in love.

I'm not familiar with the previous one, so I'm afraid I don't know how to treat you.

But if it is the latter, my attitude towards you will be very different."

Tang Yan showed a smile, "Brother Changsheng, you just made it clear, let us choose the second one."

Han Changsheng said truthfully: "It is true, getting along with seven 7 wives is much easier than with five 55 wives and two girlfriends."

Gu Li Nazha tilted her head and said, "If we get married first and then fall in love, can Sister Tangtang and I enjoy the same pampering as Eldest Sister and the others?"

Han Changsheng shrugged, "I don't know if I dote on Mimi and the others, but we will definitely get along in the same way after we get together."

Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha looked at each other, and said in unison: "In this case, we choose to get married first and then fall in love!"

After the words fell, the two girls hugged Han Changsheng one by one, but felt the stiffness of the other's body.

Tang Yan said in surprise: "Changsheng... what's the matter with you, master?"

Han Changsheng took a deep breath, threw off the arms of the two girls, and put his arms around their small waists, "I haven't built my heart well, and I haven't adapted to the relationship between us that is changing too fast."

Na Zha covered his mouth and snickered, "What about now?"

"Clap clap...!"

Han Changsheng slapped his hands alone, and said calmly, "What do you think?"

The second girl blushed, covered her back shyly, and walked forward with Han Changsheng's strength with a smile on her face.

This feeling of getting married first and then falling in love with the master seems to be more joyful than imagined.

Chapter 450 Master, Help!The second sister bullied me!

In the early morning, Han Changsheng woke up.

Looking down, the girl Fatty is using his belly as a pillow, lying down and sleeping.

Last night, Tangtang and Nazha stepped into the gate of the Han family with one foot, and let the two of them sleep there alone... the tent for the two of them is a bit inappropriate.

In the end, the seven girls slept in the big tent, and Han Changsheng slept alone in the small tent.

Then in less than half an hour, the girl Fatty laughed like a chicken thief and ran over, enjoying a different world of two people.

Han Changsheng gently moved Fatty away, and put a pillow for her, but the girl was still sound asleep, not even waking up.

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