"This girl...is lazy enough."

Han Changsheng stood up angrily and amusedly, opened the door of the tent and walked out, a handful of faint mist rushed directly on his face.

It's less than 6:[-]:, Baihua Mountain is still in the stage of smog.

Wisps of smoke around the body drift slowly, and when the wind blows, it quickly brushes over the leaves like the hand of nature, and is then replaced by rainy smoke.

The small river not far away is still flowing slowly, shining under the sunlight, like a silver ribbon that is constantly swimming.

Han Changsheng walked to the side of the small river, soaked a handful of cool river water on his face, and suddenly shivered from excitement, and his whole body was completely awake in an instant.

When Xu Shi heard Han Changsheng's footsteps, the zipper of the big tent zipped open, and Tong Liyasu came out facing the sky.

It really is the master! Yaya's eyes lit up when she saw the generous back by the river.

Holding the two dimples at the corners of her mouth, she happily ran over, hugged her master from behind, and pressed her whole body against him.

Two pairs of tender hands directly covered Han Changsheng's eyes, and his voice was muffled, "Brother Changsheng, guess who I am"





Han Changsheng guessed again, all wrong answers.

Yaya pinched Han Changsheng's neck and shook it back and forth angrily, "Master, you guessed wrong six times, you don't spoil me at all!"

Han Changsheng sat on the ground by the river, turned his head and grabbed Yaya, and then dragged her into his arms.

Holding Yaya's mouth that can hang soy sauce bottles, he said angrily and amusedly: "I said six 66 wrong answers because I knew it was you in the early morning, and you can't even react to this, which means your IQ is almost as good as Fatty's." It's a match."

Tong Liya pouted, and retorted crisply: "I'm not as stupid as Fat Di!"

"Yes, yes, you are a little bit smarter than Fatty, and you need to recharge your IQ."

"You need to recharge!"

Tong Liya wrinkled her little nose coquettishly, and then said curiously: "Master, why did you immediately guess that it was mine?"

Now she has realized that if the master guesses according to the order: one, two, three, four, five,, six, seven,,, but the master just skips her, it is obvious that the guess is right.

Han Changsheng bent his mouth and listened to his ear: "In our house, you are the only one who looks like a tablet computer."

"I hate you! My figure is not as good as you said... woo"

Before Tong Liya wanted to say anything, her mouth was blocked.

She closed her eyes uncontrollably, and hugged her father tightly with both hands.

After parting her lips for a long time, Tong Liya was already in a state of disposition, without the coquettish look she had just now.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng curved his lips into a smile, dipped his hand in the river water, and then directly covered Yaya's face.

"Oh, it's so cold! Master, you are so bad! Tong Liya shivered from the coldness on her face, and she was completely awake.

She dodged the cold big hand, and kept beating Han Changsheng with her small fists.

Han Changsheng didn't dodge either, letting the powerless fist land on him.

Di Lieba yawned and walked out of the tent, just in time to see this scene.

She pouted her lips and said in a sour tone: "Master, you really dote on Second Sister enough, you will be the target of Second Sister early in the morning."

Tong Liya paused: fisted, poking her neck arrogantly, "Pang Di, you are really right, the master loves me the most!"

Fatty rolled his eyes, "Why do you love me the most? I didn't hear what the master said. The master just said that your figure is like a tablet computer..."

"Smelly Fatty! Don't say anything!"

Tong Liya suddenly became angry when her show off was exposed.

Xiaonen stretched out her hand towards the river, took two handfuls of cold water and started chasing and killing Fatty.

"Wow! It's so cold! Master, help me! The second sister bullied me!"

"Master, don't save Fatty! Wait until I get rid of her!"

"Second sister, I was wrong, your figure is better than mine, even better than eldest sister."

"Skunk Di, how is Yaya's figure better than mine?"

The cheerful voice spread out, waking up the five 55 girls who were still sleeping in the tent.

It is like a big hand that pushes away the clouds and mist, and grabs the sunshine.

It is also like a time machine, making this quiet area lively in an instant...

After the family of eight packed up and returned to Han's villa, Han Changsheng quickly prepared breakfast.

After dinner, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying rushed to the honey world.

Tong Liya and Tang Yan sorted out the things they brought out yesterday.

Three little girls, Dili Reba, Liu Sisi and Gu Li Nazha, were lying comfortably on the sofa, playing games while stretching out their little feet to flirt with their master.

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