Fat Di's eyes were burning, and he raised his trembling fingers and pointed at the six 66 sisters, "You...you dare to hit me! Believe it or not..."

Before Fat Di finished speaking, he was startled by the sharp eyes of the six 66 sisters, and immediately choked what he was about to say in his throat.

She snorted coldly and jumped down to the ground, quickly ran behind her master, using him as a backer.

Holding Han Changsheng's waist, pointing at the six 66 sisters complaining aggrievedly, "Master, look at them six 66s! They don't look like sisters at all, they just know how to bully my little sister."

Han Changsheng patted Fatty's little Pippi, shook his head and laughed and said: "What's the use of you suing me? This is purely about the seven of you. What you have to do now is to be your old seven Han, otherwise It made your six 66 sisters angry, if they beat you up again, I can't help you."

If you want to blame this matter, you can blame Fatty for being too complacent.

As the youngest girl in the family, she is the most favored.

If she had to show off, Mimi and the six 66 wouldn't join forces to beat her up.


Fat Di noticed the half-smile eyes of the six 66 sisters, hurriedly withdrew his raised right hand, and followed Han Changsheng into the kitchen step by step.

She was helping Han Changsheng on the surface, but secretly she was temporarily avoiding being bullied by the six 66 sisters.

While Fatty was not helping, he peeked outside and found that the two sisters had split into two groups.

The eldest sister Mimi, the second sister Yaya and the third sister Tangtang are chatting.

The fourth sister Yingbao, the fifth sister Sisi and the sixth sister Naza are playing games.

"If the six 66 sisters join forces, I will not be able to beat them.

But they're separated now, which gives me a chance.

For a while... first play games with the fourth sister, fifth sister, and sixth sister, and then take the sixth sister under his command.

Sixth Sister is still a newcomer, so it's easier to fool her.

Fifth Sister's words..."

Fatty kept rolling his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Crack! Han Changsheng slapped Fat Di on the back, and said in a bad mood: "I asked you to wash the cabbage for me, not to tear the leaves of the cabbage for me. Get out quickly, and don't do me a disservice!"


Fatty looked at the broken vegetables in front of him, stuck out his tongue, and ran out quickly.

Chapter 453 Mimi: Everything depends on the master

after dinner.

Yang Mi followed Han Changsheng into the study, sat in his arms, and handed over a document, "Master, this is the filming progress of "This Man"."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "[-]st Century Focus is working so fast that we are starting to line up films."

Yang Mi said in distaste: "Hurry up! They haven't even managed the theaters in the United States, so Fox's own theaters have temporarily set a 20% screening rate."

"Then you still let me see"

"Don't you have a good conversation with that...Yelu commoner? Urge him, he doesn't know how to worry about making money."

Han Changsheng shook his head and laughed, "Mimi, can you improve your eyesight?"

"What's the meaning"

"Let me ask you, to what extent do you want to manage Honey World?"

Yang Mi thought for a while, then waved her hands grandly, "The No. [-] media group of the Ming Empire, the No. [-] media group in the world!"

Crack! Han Changsheng slapped... Yang Mi's back, and said angrily, "Don't mess with those...frivolous ones, be sincere."

Yang Mi rubbed her back, pouted and said, "Assets reached [-] billion, and I entered the top [-] media groups."

Han Changsheng pinched Mimi's mouth, which can hang oil cans, and said with a smile: "Your goal is [-] billion, but do you know how much assets Fukosi has now?"


"More than 25 million U.S. dollars, the net profit last year was 150 billion U.S. dollars, or more than [-] billion yuan."

"so much"

Yang Mi's pupils were wide open, she was very shocked.

She knew that Focus was a giant, but she didn't expect that the net profit of last year alone could buy four 44 honey walks in the world.

Han Changsheng shrugged, "That's... so much, but the net profit of the movie here is only more than 40 billion."

Yang Mi glanced sideways, "That's a lot! It's more than the total assets of our Mixing Tianxia."

What the master said was... careless, but she listened with yearning heart.

If the net profit of the movies produced by Honey World reaches more than 40 billion every year, it will be able to enter the top ten of the Ming Empire Media Group in twenty years.

Han Changsheng patted Yang Mi on the back again, "You also know that their movies have enough profits, so you say they need to get angry and rush for a movie with a net profit of only [-] to [-] million dollars?" later"

"You mean they didn't really take the movie seriously"


"Then why do they want to discuss the film issue with us, and even make a betting agreement with you..."

Yang Mi paused: Huatou, suddenly thought of her identity, and suddenly said: "Could it be that...Paul is a new official, and wants to use this movie as the first fire to tell others that he is the president of Foucault District"

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