Han Changsheng smiled lightly and nodded, "You're too stupid, that...Paul is...using this opportunity of negotiation to suppress Yelu civilians."

Yang Mi twisted in disbelief, and said angrily, "I hate you, master! I'm very smart, okay?"

"All right, all right, you're very smart, but... your mentality hasn't been adjusted yet."

Han Changsheng raised Mimi's chin for a moment, and then reminded: "Mimi, I guess I will make more movies in the future, maybe not every movie can make money, but the overall momentum must be to make money.

So your mentality should not be on the box office of one or two movies, but on another level."

"Another Height"

Yang Mi thought for a while, "From the boss of the film and television company, to the president of the media group"


Han Changsheng praised: "You are not the former Boss Yang, you don't have to...rely on the popularity of you and Fatty to make a drama popular. If two or three of your seven sisters come out casually, isn't it already popular?"

Yang Mi's eyes lit up, she stared at Han Changsheng with vigour, hugged him directly, and said excitedly: "I not only have six 66 sisters, but also your master, everything will be fine with the master?"

Han Changsheng slapped his forehead, "How can you talk about me again?"

Yang Mijiao said angrily: "Isn't it natural for me to rely on the master, don't you want to be my backer?"

"Dangdang... be your backer."

Han Changsheng made a pause gesture, feeling very helpless in his heart.

He also wanted to turn Mimi into a real domineering female president, but who would have thought that this girl would revert to a little girl after a slight change, and she would still cling to him as always.

Yang Mi noticed her master's helplessness, rolled her eyes, and said suspiciously: "Master, have you ever thought of controlling the world of honey?"

"Why should I control the world of honey?"

"Show your mighty and domineering side...Ah! The domineering male president is also very attractive, okay?"

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, and said slowly: "It wouldn't be better for you to be a domineering female president. You are a domineering female president in front of others. Don't you let me bully you when you get home?"

Crack! Han Changsheng slapped Yang Mi behind... and smiled, "I'm going to hit you now, don't you dare to stab me?"

"You... hate it, sir!"

Yang Mi twisted a few times reluctantly, but she really didn't dare to stab.

If she was a domineering female CEO outside, her vanity would be as high as ten or ten floors.

Then she will feel happy to act like a baby to the master when she returns home. I am afraid that there will be a hundred floors, or even a thousand floors, as high as ten thousand floors! Han Changsheng enjoyed the honey honey, and then said mysteriously: "The movie Don't worry about filming, Yelu civilians are probably more anxious than us."

Yang Mi's eyes widened curiously, "Why is he in such a hurry?"

"Temporarily keep it secret, you will know in a few days."

Han Changsheng waved his hand, and Ren Mimi resolutely refused to say anything about being coquettish.

Yelu Commoner is already in his forties, and the ambition in his body has long been worn out.

But after all, he is a man of the Ming Empire, and he is still passionate about cheating foreigners.

So what I want to give Yelu civilians is...enough trust, and the tacit understanding among the masters of the Ming Empire.

"Cut! Who cares."

Yang Mi curled her lips, jumped off the ground and pulled Han Changsheng to go out, "It's almost 10 o'clock, go upstairs to sleep."

"Go up first, I'll get Tangtang and Naza's gifts ready before going up."

"That's right, it's agreed that everyone will have a black jade bracelet and a suet and white jade plaque."

Yang Mi suddenly patted her legs, walked out of the study with a smile on her face, and brought Mo Cui and mutton fat white jade from the safe.

He also pretended to be well-behaved but laughed curiously: "Master, do you need me to help you?"

"No need, ask Tangtang and Naza to come in in ten minutes."

Han Changsheng slapped Yang Mi, pushed her out the door, and closed the study door directly.

These girls would become curious about his secrets from time to time, but how could they know those things.

The reason why a secret is a secret is because no one can know it.

Chapter 454

Ten minutes later, Tangtang and Nazha walked into the study holding hands.


"come over."

Han Changsheng hugged the two daughters in his arms, and presented them with the newly made bracelet and a safe and sound card.

"so beautiful."

Gu Li Nazha's amazed eyes lit up.

"It's as beautiful as the eldest sister and the others say."

Tang Yan smiled sweetly.

The second daughter happily put on the Mo Cui bracelet, and began to look at the safe and sound card in her hand.

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