The zodiac signs on the top of this brand are the same as their zodiac signs... the one on Tang Yan is a fat pig, and the one on the other is a thin monkey, which is very vivid and vivid.

"Yeah... Thank you, master."

"Master, you are very kind."

Han Changsheng pinched Tangtang and Nazha's little noses, "A kiss in return is too light, you have to pay each person once."

"it is good."

Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha thought of what the eldest sister said, and yearned for it.

The two of them have truly become Han Lao San and Han Lao Wu, so they can enjoy the new treatment of living on the third floor.

Nazha tilted his head and said, "Master, when will we get the marriage certificate?"

Han Changsheng said: "Tomorrow, June [-]st, why don't you get it tomorrow?"

Nazha shook his head and said bluntly: "No June [-]st, we checked the perpetual calendar, and it is forbidden to get married or obtain a certificate on June [-]st."

"Then when will I get it"

Tang Yan shook his white right hand, "June 6th, the eleventh day of the fifth month in the lunar calendar, is suitable for getting married and obtaining a certificate, and it is also the day of Ear Grain."

"Okay, then let's get the certificate on the fifth."

Han Changsheng responded with a smile, and then a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

There seems to be something related to mango seeds...

Early in the morning, Han Changsheng quickly finished his breakfast and headed into the music room.

What he did, actually... made the seven girls very curious.

Di Lieba scratched her head, "Master, what's wrong?"

Liu Sisi shrugged, "I don't know."

Yang Mi narrowed her eyes and said, "It should be writing songs!"

Gu Li Nazha's eyes lit up, "Does the songwriter want to write a new song?"

Tong Liya smiled and nodded, "Master used to be like this too."

Zhao Liying giggled and said, "Guess who the master is writing the song for this time?"

Fatty raised his hands high, "Mine! It must be mine!"

Liu Sisi rolled her eyes, "Master didn't say, why is it your song?"

Fat Di said confidently: "I told the master before, the master must have remembered it!"

Tong Liya pointed to Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha, and said with a light smile, "Maybe it's a gift for Tangtang and Nazha."

Tang Yan smiled sweetly, Xi Yi said: "I am looking forward to it."

"Go! Listen to what song it is."

The sound of the piano is long and clear, and the crisp female voice floats out.

"When I think of you, I .

Don't dream for long.

Burn away the paper ashes and bury the willows in the fresh and withered branches. The flawlessness under the withered branches is the price of getting the answer. The afterglow is stained with the hair of the traveler, and he sheds his care in his hands..."

Hearing the Guqin sound and the awkward lyrics, the Seven Sisters were a little confused.

This song has some charm, but with the awkward lyrics, it will definitely be difficult to sing, the seven sisters... who can sing? When there is no sound in the music room, Yang Mi waved her hand, "Go in Just ask the master and you will know."

The seven sisters knocked on the door and entered the house, and the most favored Fatty was pushed out.

Fat Di wrinkled his little nose, sat in Han Changsheng's arms and said coquettishly, "Master...what's the name of this song?"

""Mango Seed""


The seven sisters were taken aback for a moment, and then the five elders looked at the new couple Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha.

Tangtang and Nazha said that they will get a marriage certificate with the master on the day of Grain Grain.

Then this song..."Master, is this song written for Tangtang and Naza?"

"Yes, and no."

The seven sisters were confused by Han Changsheng's words, and then he explained: "I heard Tangtang and Nazha say that the day I received the certificate was awn seeds, so I remembered this song, but I don't know who sings it, I only know that someone can dance it song."

"Who Can Jump"

"Yaya can definitely dance."

Han Changsheng pointed at Tong Liya.

"I really"

Tong Liya pointed to her nose with surprise in her eyes.

Who cares who sings this song, since the master appointed me to dance, then she will definitely dance! "Yes!"

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