Han Changsheng looked at the home clothes on Yaya's body, took Yaya's hand and walked out, "Your outfit is definitely not up to standard, follow me to the garment room and make you a set of clothes."


The six sisters in the room looked at each other, and jealousy flew all over the sky.

Not to mention writing a dance song for Yaya, but also making special dance clothes for Yaya, can the master not spoil Yaya so much! Liu Sisi hugged Naza and Fatty's arms, and laughed at herself: "Fifth Sister, Seventh Sister, it seems that we can only be coquettish and cute. We have to be as virtuous and virtuous as Second Sister to be favored by the Lord."

Nazha scratched his head, "But we can only be coquettish and cute to the master."

Fat Di rolled his eyes, "Otherwise the three of us will be virtuous and virtuous"

Zhao Liying rolled her eyes, "Fat Di, I admire you when it comes to being coquettish and cute, but if you want to be virtuous and virtuous, I guess I won't be able to see it in my life."

Fat Di pouted, "Fourth sister, what do you mean, you can't do it yourself, don't bring us!"

Ying Bao scratched her neck, "Why can't I die? My eldest sister and I go to work in the company every day. We are both virtuous and virtuous!"

Yang Mi slapped the two girls each, and said with a headache, "Stop arguing, you two, follow and have a look!"

"Yes, follow up and have a look, I don't believe that only the second sister can dance!"

"That's right..., in terms of flexibility, we are not much worse than Second Sister."

"I'm still a dancer, I'm sure I can dance!"

The six sisters went to the dressing room chattering, and saw Han Changsheng measuring Tong Liya's body size with a tape measure:.

Liu Sisi asked suspiciously: "Master, don't you know the size of the second sister? Why do you need to measure again?"

Han Changsheng said: "Yaya has gained some weight recently, so I have to measure again when I make clothes again."

"Second sister, how much are you... catties"


Fat Di circled around Tong Liya and sized her up, tsk tsk said: "It's not easy, second sister, you have never weighed more than [-], but you can still weigh more than [-]."

Tong Liya pouted her neck and said arrogantly: "Eating the food cooked by the master every day will naturally gain a few catties of meat, otherwise I can be worthy of it...... Is the master's hard work?"

Fat Di was speechless and said: "Second Sister, now I finally know the reason why the Master loves you the most. Not only are you virtuous and virtuous, but you also flatter the Master without showing any signs of it!"

Tong Liya bit her lip and said coquettishly: "You like to flatter the master!"

"I often flatter the master, but it's a pity that the master still loves you the most!"

While the sisters were bickering, Han Changsheng finished measuring Yaya's body size, and began to search for some fabrics, and then cut and sewed them.

Ten minutes later, a set of beautiful black and pink two-color Tang Dynasty gauze skirts was finished.

Chapter 455 Looking back and smiling, Bai Meisheng, since then the king will not go to court early

Han Changsheng handed two sets of Tang suits to Tong Liya, "Yaya, this pink one is for the inside, and the black one is for the jacket."

"Let's help the second sister dress!"

Liu Sisi took the Tang suit and inspected it, while Fat Di took Nazha and pushed Han Changsheng out of the door.

Regardless of whether he is the master of the family, girls change clothes and boys just... can't see it! "Wow! The second sister is so beautiful in this Tang suit!"

"This Tang suit may be very beautiful, but it must be worn on Yaya's body to show its beauty."

"Oh, no wonder the master chooses the second sister. It turns out that the second sister is so beautiful in ancient costumes."

"Don't you know that the second sister is called the number one beauty in ancient costumes?"

After chattering in the room for more than ten minutes, the door of the garment room was slowly opened.

Han Changsheng's eyes lit up, and he stared at Yaya who walked out the door without blinking.

Yaya is worthy of being the number one beauty in ancient costumes. After wearing this whole set of Tang suits, she is as beautiful as a fish and a wild goose, and the moon is ashamed.

The pink gauze inner coat wraps Yaya tightly, and with Yaya's slender frame, it is sweet and romantic, bright and weak.

The black gauze coat is already wide, with ultra-low light transmittance and high light absorption, which adds a little sense of mystery to Yaya.

Noticing Han Changsheng's eyes, Tong Liya showed off her face and smiled Bai Meisheng, coupled with two small dimples, it became more and more charming.

She raised her arms and circled slowly in front of Han Changsheng's eyes, her voice was as sweet as honey, "Master, am I beautiful?"

Han Changsheng looked him up and down, smiled lightly, and said, "Now I can only say it looks pretty, not beautiful."

According to the picture of Yaya dancing in my memory, Yaya at that time should be called Liugong Fendai Colorless.

Tong Liya raised her eyebrows, "How can it be called a great beauty?"

Han Changsheng picked Tong Liya's chin, took her hand and walked towards the cloakroom, "You will know in a while..."

Twenty minutes later, Yaya, dressed as a Tang Dynasty palace beauty, appeared in front of everyone.

"Uuuu, I found out that I'm having sex with my second sister, what should I do?"

"I love Second Sister's outfit and style even more."

"Hey! The second sister is so beautiful, how can I live?"

Women's clothing in the Tang Dynasty was somewhat revealing, but with Han Changsheng's character, the gauze Tang suit made of silk naturally covered the whole body.

So Yaya is more youthful and beautiful, it can be said that a smile can captivate the city, and then smile can captivate the country.

Tong Liya looked at herself in the mirror, and the two dimples at the corners of her mouth became more and more obvious, "Master, now it's...you said it's beautiful"

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