"so close."

Han Changsheng dragged Yaya's sleeve and put it under her beautiful cheeks, covering her nose and mouth, only showing her beautiful big eyes and like-like eyebrows.

Only then did he say: "Turn your head away first, then turn back, slowly put down your sleeves, and finally give the master a smile."

Tong Liya bit her lips and gouged out her master's eyes, then turned her head away with this coquettish movement, and then slowly put down her sleeves when she turned back, showing a colorless smile of Liugong Fendai.

Han Changsheng's pupils lit up, and he applauded, "That's right! Looking back at Bai Meisheng with a smile, the king will not go to court early from now on!"

Tang Yan asked suspiciously: "Master, it should be Bai Meisheng who looks back and smiles, does Liugong Fendai have no color?"

Han Changsheng shrugged, "You are as beautiful as Yaya, naturally there is no such thing as Liugong Fendai colorless."

Yang Mi covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Tangtang, we have dug too many holes, so he never praises one and belittles others."

Han Changsheng glanced sideways, noncommittal.

He is asked every day, who is cute, who is beautiful, who is gentle, if there is no way to respond, I am afraid that he will die of depression long ago.

Stretching out her hand to grab Yaya, she strode out, "For a while... I'll play the piano and you dance, dance as you want, but do more movements to cover your face with your sleeves."

"it is good."

Ding ding dong dong... The music of "Awn Grain" sounded, Yaya naturally covered her face with her sleeves, and at the same time she shook her sleeves, her dimpled smile burst into bloom.

The black gauze coat was so light and weightless, Yaya flicked her sleeves and danced lightly.

And the pink underwear inside is just long enough to drag the floor, and when Yaya lifts her legs, she will reveal her delicate little feet.

Every move of the hand, every throw of the foot, is accompanied by a light gauze.

With a frown and a smile, the dance moves can be done as you like, and you can dance wherever you want.

Coupled with Yaya's sweet dimpled smile, that...extreme beauty can heal anyone's inner wounds.

After the song ended, it took a long time for Yang Mi and the six of them to recover.

Nazha hugged Yaya and exclaimed: "I just found out today that the second sister's dancing posture can be so beautiful, I was stunned:."

Liu Sisi sighed and said, "Well, from today onwards, I will give up the position of the queen of the Han family dance to the second sister."

Zhao Liying rolled her eyes, "Sisi, who gave you the self-confidence... After the dance, you dare to dance with the second sister. You must know that the snake dance in "Green Snake" was taught by the second sister."

After the six sisters complimented each other, they all looked at Han Changsheng who was smiling quietly.

Although the six of them praised Yaya in their mouths, they still wanted to compare in their hearts to see who was the most beautiful lady in ancient costume in the family.

Fat Di was pushed out to be a representative, and he put his arms around Han Changsheng's arm and said coquettishly and cutely: "Master, we also want to wear the same clothes as the second sister, and we also want to dance."

"You guys are going to dance with Yaya"

"Of course I have to watch Bibi, at worst, I will be the second sister's backup dancer."

Fatty was arrogant at first, and then felt a little guilty.

Even if she can dance, she will definitely lose if she competes with the second sister, so it's better to leave a way out for herself first.

Han Changsheng saw that the biggest honey and Tangtang were a little eager to try, so he smiled and agreed to go down to the second floor clothing room.

It's just a matter of making six more sets of Tang suits, it's very simple.

And watching the seven fairies dance together must be very enjoyable.

Two hours later, seven fairies dressed in Tang costumes descended to the mortal world, and then danced to the music of "Mong Zong".

In terms of the flexibility of the body, the seven 7 girls are almost the same, so even if they move their hands and feet, their clothes are flying, and they all have a beautiful appearance.

It's just that the different dancing postures of the seven fairies made the picture look very messy and terrible, which really made Han Changsheng hard to describe.


Han Changsheng cut off the sound of the piano, and made a pause gesture, "If the seven of you want to dance, can you come one by one, and don't dance together."

Fatty pouted and said, "Isn't it good that I dance?"

Han Changsheng shrugged his shoulders, and said truthfully: "Of course it looks good when you dance alone, but if the seven of you dance together, it's barely ugly."

"Which of the seven of us can dance the best"

"Taking this song "Awn Grain" as an example, it is natural that Yaya dances the best."

Crack! Liu Sisi slapped Fat Di, "You are the one who messed with me, otherwise I could fight with my second sister."

Fatty jumped up and kicked..., and shouted: "You are arguing! You are studying ballet, not the folk dance of the second sister."

"It's just...you're delaying me."

"That's because your dancing skills are bad!"

"If you two continue to fight, go and stay aside!"

Yang Mi gave the two little ones two slaps, and said to Han Changsheng: "Master, I think we can make up a group dance and dance together, and then you will be the director and photographer, and record the beauty of the seven of us today. Turn it out: Look, it must be a good memory."

Zhao Liying rolled her eyes, "I think we can make this song "Awn Grain" into a song, or even pick out a few...songs written by the master before, make them all, and synthesize them into a music album. "

"Then it's better to set up a music publishing company directly, and let's release the master's songs by ourselves."

"You can also add a book publishing company to distribute the master's."

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