Yang Mi and Zhao Liying talked to each other, and then directly called the company's employees to decide what to think.

Then, Yaya was the lead dancer, seven of them were all choreographers, and they started discussing about dancing postures.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng didn't express any opinion, and just played the piano accompaniment on the side.

He is in charge of doing whatever he wants at home, as for the big and small things outside the home, naturally Mimi, Yingbao, Yaya, Tangtang are in charge.

And Mimi's proposal moved him quite a bit. He has been a film director before, and he has never tried this kind of stage director. It must give him some new knowledge.

Chapter 456 Does Boss Han Don't Want Face?

When the eight members of the Han family were rehearsing the mangzhong dance, several shocking news suddenly came out from the outside world.

The new movie "This Man" shot by Zhang Yimou, the script is..

Written by a sky-high screenplay.

The film's producer and domestic producer is Honey World, Honey World negotiated with Focus, and the foreign producer is [-]st Century Fox, and has already begun preparations for simultaneous global release.

As soon as this news came out, relevant people in the entertainment industry immediately began to associate it.

Zhang Yimou met with Han Changsheng, and Zhang Yimou went to Hengdian to shoot a new movie.

Then this script was written by Han Changsheng! Han Changsheng is legendary...

As soon as this fresh big melon came out, the entertainment circle immediately boiled.

Countless entertainment reporters were looking for Han Changsheng everywhere, but they couldn't find that... the man who was always at home.

In desperation, many entertainment reporters took aim at Zhang Yimou.

"Zhang Guoshi, may I ask if the script you used is the sky-high script written by Han Changsheng?"

"Han Changsheng is legendary...


"How many sky-high scripts does Han Changsheng still have?"

"Why didn't Han Changsheng shoot the movie in his hand, but asked you to do it?"

Surrounded by many entertainment reporters, Zhang Yimou calmly raised his hand and pressed it, and then said according to the words discussed with Han Changsheng in advance: "Everyone, the name of the script that Director Han asked me to read is "This Man" , I also filmed this movie, as to whether it is a sky-high script, I don’t know, and I don’t know whether Director Han is the legend...

, If you want to know the exact news, please ask Director Han.

As for why Director Han didn't shoot, I strongly demanded it, see you all."

See you this time, but... never... see you again.

In order to get more foreign currency, Zhang Yimou also stayed at home.

When Han and Zhang couldn't find each other, Honey Traveling World was surrounded by many entertainment reporters.

But Yang Mi and Zhao Liying, the two domineering female CEOs, were not there, Dongfang Ruoshui and the others replied that they had no comment for the time being.

Such a situation led to messy drafts flying all over the place. Anyway...the two sides didn't say anything, so they wrote wherever they thought.


The real body appears to be the genius director Han Changsheng] [Genius director Han Changsheng casts the fourth movie, Zhang Guoshi serves as the chief director] [Genius director Han Changsheng does not like the domestic film industry, and is ready to enter the international film industry] ["This Man" His script is worth [-] million yuan, and Han Changsheng still has dozens of sky-high priced scripts in his hands, with a total value of up to [-] billion] The hot headlines of major media changed their rankings in an instant, and within an hour, "This Man" became popular all over the country.

Seeing this, other film and television companies immediately caught up with this hot topic, announcing that they have bought it...

The new script, and it has already started filming, directly messing up this hot topic...

The outside world is full of turmoil, but the Han family is still in a warm and romantic atmosphere.

Han Changsheng played the piano and sang, and the seven fairies danced in front of his eyes, like butterflies gathering honey.

The seven fairies wear gorgeous clothes that are similar to each other, with seven faces that look different but equally charming, and dance beautifully against each other. It's hard to get too immersed.

As soon as the song ended, Fat Diqiang turned into a sad face when he squeezed out, ran to Han Changsheng, and plunged into his arms.

"Master, I'm so tired."


"I said I was tired."


Fat Di raised his head and stared at Han Changsheng, pouted and said coquettishly: "Your seven wives are exhausted, can you give me a response?"

Han Changsheng bent his mouth, "Oh."

Fatty pursed his lips, and twisted his body in disbelief, "Oh! I'm so mad! Master, you don't spoil me anymore!"

"I spoil you big-headed ghost! You are tired, isn't the master tired?"

Yang Mi came and slapped Fat Dipipi, and went to Han Changsheng's shoulder to help him, "Master, you can rest for a while, we can just practice by ourselves."

Tong Liya pressed her head to Han Changsheng, and whispered softly, "Master, you don't need to play the piano all the time, it's the same if you play a recording."

Tang Yan fed the grapes to Han Changsheng with gentle eyes, "Second Sister is right, our dance is not fully formed yet, let's practice with recording!"

"It's okay, I'm not tired."

Han Changsheng smiled and enjoyed the care of Mimi, Yaya, and Tangtang, and pressed Fatty's small body casually.

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