"Then together"


"Sir, we're going to plant roses in the back."

Han Changsheng waved his hand, "Then go plant it. There are tools to dig the soil and plant it yourself."

"No, we want you to plant it yourself, so it makes sense!"

"Yes, you haven't given us any presents since we got married."

Han Changsheng's face darkened, and a girl gave him a slap, "When you are talking, can you think about the Mocui bracelet on your hand and the safe and sound sign on your neck, did they all appear out of thin air?"

"Then haven't we received the roses from you?"

"Master, you are so kind, can you agree to our little request?"

"The master is a good man at home, how could he have the heart to let us dig the soil and plant flowers?"

Han Changsheng had no choice but to flatter a few girls who acted coquettishly and flirtatiously.

He got up and reminded: "Growing flowers belongs to planting flowers, and the usual care is not my responsibility."

"Don't worry! Leave the rest to us, and we will take turns to take care of it."

"Yes! We have a drip irrigation system in the backyard, so we can water ourselves even if no one is at home!"

Han Changsheng saw a few girls patted their hearts and promised, so he had no choice but to go out and buy some rose seeds, and then planted them in the backyard.

In order to make these roses bloom more beautifully, he even injected a little bit of Qingdi Longevity into them...

Early in the morning on the 5th, the eight members of the Han family began to work together.

Han Changsheng and Yang Mi are going to participate in "Let's Go Love", and Fat Di and the six 66 take this opportunity to go back to their respective homes to visit their parents, and Yaya even insists on bringing a rainbow.

"Sister, you and the master are going to Yasan City, Hai Province this time, where the sun is very abundant, so this sunscreen is very necessary, I put it in a small backpack for you, don't forget to use it at any time. "

"The weather in Yasan City is hot right now, and vests and shorts are also necessary. Yours and the master's are separated into two big bags, and a small bag is... a set."

"You and the master probably have to go swimming in the sea. These two sets of women's swimsuits are full body, and they are packed separately for you."

"There are also 4 ice-sleeve storm pants, put them on when you get off the plane, don't get sunburned on your arms and legs."

Yang Mi looked at the six chattering 66 sisters, and felt warm in her heart.

In the days before, she helped her younger sisters pack their luggage every time, and now the younger sisters finally helped her tidy up, and they were meticulous and thoughtful.

Yang Mi took out 12 bottles of home-brewed wine from the storage room and distributed 66 bottles to each of the six 2 sisters, her voice was full of intimacy, "It's too vulgar to give away things, my sister will borrow the master's light to give you one 2 bottles of wine, say hello to my sister and uncles and aunts."

"Thank you sister."

"Sister, you are so kind!"

"My parents really miss our wine."

Han Changsheng stared at Reba in the wine bottle, and warned: "Little Fatty, I told you in advance that this wine can only be given to your parents. If you dare to take a sip, then wait for my family law to give it to you." !"

Fatty pouted, and pitifully raised his right index finger, "Master, can I just drink a small amount? When my parents drink together, I have to accompany them!"

"just a little bit"


"That's fine, but if you're drunk and crazy, don't blame me for slapping you."

"Master, don't worry, I'm the most obedient!"


Yang Mi and the six daughters rolled their eyes and spat secretly.

The worst... The obedient one in the family is... Fatty, she still has the face to say that she is the most obedient, she is really shameless! During the fight, the staff of "Let's Go Love" came to Han's house, ready to start recording .

The person who comes is an acquaintance, and the young lady yearns for it.

Yearning: "Hello, Mr. Han, hello, Mrs. Han."

Yang Mi said curiously: "Sister Xiangxiang, how many pairs of guests are there this time?"

Xiang Xiang smiled and said, "I can't say for the time being, have you packed up yet?"

"Packed up."

"Then let's start the live recording"


Yang Mi responded with a smile, opened the box and began to introduce the uses of each item.

Although she has never recorded this type of variety show, she has participated in it many times, so she is naturally familiar with the road and not frightened.

"Wow! I finally saw Han's villa again. Where did Han's mental illness go?"

"Haha! This time it's Boss Han who followed our mental illness Han to record."

"I thought it was with Tangtang or Nazha, but Boss Han, I've never seen her throw dog food with Han Changsheng."

"Have you watched the other live broadcast rooms?"

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