"Guo Jingfei and Bao Li, Wu Jing and Xie Nan, Sha Yi and Hu Ke."

"Tsk tsk tsk, two funny ones plus one with super strength value, plus our Han's mental illness, this "Let's Go Love" can be read."

"With the name of this variety show, we can eat dog food every day to our fullest."

Yearning listened to the feedback from the staff in the earphones, and let out a sigh of relief.

This Han Changsheng really deserves to be responsible for the new type of traffic. He has not yet appeared on the stage, but the number of viewers in the live broadcast room has exceeded 200 million, and there are so many bullet screens that it is difficult to see the specific text.

Presumably, after a while, there will be even more people.

Yang Mi introduced her luggage, the recording ended, and then she was ready to fly directly to her destination.

Boss Han hugged Han Changsheng and went out without any burden.

The six 66 sisters will go back to their respective homes in a while, so there is no need to tell the family about trivial matters.

Han Changsheng gave six 66 maids a parting kiss, got in the car and went straight to the international airport, and then flew directly to Yasan City, Hai Province. …

"It's so hot!"

Just as Yang Mi got off the plane, she suddenly felt a wave of heat.

It is also summer in the capital at this time, but the tropical climate in the capital is dry, and the wind can cool it down a lot.

But the heat in Yasan City has a smell of sea water, even if it is windy, it also brings a sense of stuffiness.

Yang Mi raised her hand to flash the wind, and hugged her master's arm, she immediately felt cool.

It is really comfortable to be beside my master in summer, and I can use him as a human body air conditioner anytime and anywhere.

Han Changsheng and Yang Mi got into the car of the program group and went straight to the unknown destination.

Xiang Xiang sat in the back seat, pointed to the small refrigerator in the middle and said: "There are cold drinks in the refrigerator, Mr. Han and Mrs. Han can taste whatever they want."

"cold drink"

Yang Mi opened the small refrigerator and happily looked at the boxed ice cream inside.

Eating an ice cream in summer is simply too enjoyable.

But...Yang Mi leaned on Han Changsheng's shoulder and whispered, "Master, I want to eat ice cream."

Han Changsheng counted the time, nodded and said, "That's right, but I can only eat one box."

Yang Mi bit her lip and said coquettishly, "You feed me."

Han Changsheng glanced at the pitiful Boss Han, helplessly took out the box of ice cream, dug a scoop and handed it to Mimi's mouth.

Can Mimi come out alone with him to act like a baby, that must be responsive.

"Hee hee... so sweet!"

Yang Mi was so happy that her eyes were narrowed into slits, she tried her best not to feed the master ice cream with her mouth.

It's enough for her to act coquettishly with the master, but if she feeds the master's tiger teeth in reverse, it will be too much for the audience in the live broadcast room.

Even if this is the case, the audience in the live broadcast room can't stand it.

The Han Changsheng they have seen has always been a lazy, greedy, high-cold male god, this kind of sweet picture of feeding beautiful women is really rare and pathetic.

"Is this kind of sweet food only available to Boss Han?"

"That can't be done, the last time when our family Han went to the Mushroom House, wasn't it so sweet when he milked the cow with Yaya?"

"When Fatty wants to eat milk cake, our family, Han Jingyi, agrees without saying a word. He is...the kind...the type who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. He loves his seven wives very much. of."

"It is estimated that Boss Han's domineering female president Fan is too popular, so we feel that this sweet critical attack hurts more seriously."

Chapter 463 I'm the Most Real Person

The car went all the way and stopped directly in front of a luxurious sea view villa.

Han Changsheng looked at the luxurious villa in front of him, and said to Xiangxiang in surprise: "Miss Xiangxiang, why is your director Wang so generous all of a sudden... luxury sea view villa, he won't dig a big hole to trap us Bar"

Xiang Xiang smiled and said: "Mr. Han, don't ask me, I'm just a handyman."

Han Changsheng: "If you were a handyman, Director Wang would probably be... a sweeper."

Between talking and laughing, the villa is in sight.

Two men in greeter costumes shout "Welcome home"

, and then opened the door of the villa, revealing four 44 greeters standing behind, and eight glasses of champagne in their hands.

"Eight cups, that's four couples, it looks like there are still six people."

Han Changsheng thought for a while, picked up a glass of champagne and handed it to Mimi, and asked casually, "Have the other six guests arrived yet?"

"Not yet, guest, you can give us your luggage and visit the villa at will."

"Thank you."

Han Changsheng gave Yang Mi a wink, and led her to visit this luxurious sea view villa.

Knowing that there are six people can make good mental preparations. As for digging pits and so on, it depends on the wisdom of the program group.

The luxury villa is really luxurious, the decoration is European style, and there is a big swimming pool in the backyard, standing by the pool can overlook the sea not far away.

As Han Changsheng visited, the cameraman behind him also started to flip the camera, showing everything Han Changsheng saw in front of the audience in the live broadcast room.

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