"I'll go! The program team is burning funds, and the residences are all luxurious sea view villas."

"Since it's "Let's Go Love", it must be romantic, waves, beaches, sea view villas, isn't this romantic?"

"I just don't know if this is a wave or a romance!"

"Never mind him, anyway... I didn't eat all day today, and I'll be full after a few meals of dog food."

Curiously, Yang Mi picked up the Ice Skin Spray next to the recliner, sprayed it on her arm, and suddenly shivered from the ice, "It's so cold!"

She shook Han Changsheng not far away, "Master, do you want to spray it to cool off?"

"No need, spray it yourself!"

Han Changsheng waved his hand and pointed to the rest area not far away, "There are iced tropical fruits there, go and eat some!"

"it is good."

Han Changsheng and Yang Mi were eating iced fruit and drinking iced watermelon juice when the second couple arrived.

None other than acquaintances, Sha Yi and Hu Ke.

"Hey! I didn't expect Brother Han and his siblings to participate in this program. What a coincidence."

Seeing Han Changsheng and Yang Mi, Sha Yi and Hu Ke's formality disappeared instantly.

Participating in the program with acquaintances, and Han Changsheng who always digs holes for the program group, the recording of this program is probably much more comfortable than they imagined.

Han Changsheng got up and shook hands, and said with a smile: "Welcome to my luxurious sea view villa, sit down and eat some iced fruits and drink some iced drinks."

Sha Yi casually picked up a grape, ate it and said: ".

This room hasn't been allocated yet, why do you say that this luxury sea view villa is yours?"

Han Changsheng shrugged his shoulders, and said indifferently: "Don't you know if you came first? See those at the door...the greeters and those 6 glasses of champagne?"

"I see."

"That's what I ordered. There are four guests behind, and they will come in a while."

"real or fake"

Sha Yi was stunned, a little half-believing.

Knowing how many guests there are, people can prepare champagne. Could it be that... Han Changsheng, the investor of this show, glanced at Sha Yi, who was confused, and said with a smile: "There can be fakes, I guess they will be here soon .”

Coincidentally, before Han Changsheng finished speaking, two other guests came one by one, they were Guo Jingfei and Bao Li, Wu Jing and Xie Nan.

All of a sudden, Sha Yi and Hu Ke really thought that Han Changsheng was the temporary owner of this luxury villa with sea view, and looked sideways at him.

Han Changsheng, Guo Bao, and Wu Xie are...unfamiliar with each other, but fortunately, Yang Mi is very familiar with them, and everyone is from this literary circle, so...they quickly became acquainted.

When the eight people were chatting and laughing, Wang Zhengyu came out with a smile on his face.

"Are you satisfied with this place?"

"is acceptable."


“Extremely satisfied so far!”

Han Changsheng rubbed his chin, "Hearing what you said, no matter how satisfied you are, it seems useless!"

Wang Zhengyu gave a thumbs up, "Director Han really won the essence of the show, this is just our temporary gathering point, the first stop of our trip is the most beautiful uninhabited beach in the Ming Empire, where the sky is blue and the water is clear, the vegetation Rich.

There will be various games during the trip, and the couple with the highest points will have the ultimate romantic experience waiting for you.”

"Temporary settlement"

Sha Yi exclaimed and glared at Han Changsheng angrily, "Brother Han, you just said that you are the owner of this villa?"

Han Changsheng bent his lips and smiled, "Didn't you say that you are the temporary master, so it's temporarily gone."

Guo Jingfei patted his forehead, "Brother Sha, from now on, Director Han has to listen to half of what he says, or he can take us into the ditch."

Wu Jing sighed and said, "The only one in our circle who can make me feel so nervous is Director Han except for... Huang Lei and Mr. Huang."

Han Changsheng rubbed his nose, and said calmly: "In fact, you don't need to be wary of me. I'm just joking with you. In fact, I am the most real person."


Everyone looked sideways at Han Changsheng, even Yang Mi did the same.

In the last season of "Longing", this is the only one who can dig and fill the pits dug by the program group and then reverse the pits of the program group.

He said he was honest, which is really unbelievable.

Wang Zhengyu sorted out his expression, and said with a smile: "Everyone has four kinds of transportation to go to the uninhabited deserted beach. The one who arrives first can stay in a luxurious beach room. According to your previous choice..."

Sha Yi raised his hand to interrupt, "Wait a minute Director Wang, when will we make the choice?"

Wang Zhengyu said: "Everyone drank juice in the rest area just now, and there is your choice at the bottom of the juice cup."

8 at the bottom of the cup aimed at the rest area next to it, and walked over curiously.

Among the eight iced drinks, two glasses of apple juice, two glasses of sweet orange juice, two glasses of grape juice, and two glasses of watermelon juice.

The eight people raised their cups high and looked at the bottom of the cup, only to find that there were really words underneath.

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