Guo Jingfei and Bao Li drink apple juice and write kayaking.

Sha Yi, Hu Ke is sweet orange juice, and it says Helicopter.

The grape juice chosen by Wu Jing and Xie Nan says Speedboat.

Han Changsheng and Yang Mi drank two glasses of watermelon juice, but there was legs written underneath.

Han Changsheng glanced at the bottom of the cups of the other three groups, and asked doubtfully, "What do you mean by legs?"

Sha Yi laughed and said, "Director Han, walking on two legs means walking on two legs in Northeast dialect.

For example, walking back and forth with legs, that is... walking back and forth.”

"Ha ha ha ha.……"

The other two couples looked at Han Changsheng's black hair, and finally couldn't help laughing.

This... just cheated the 6 of them, and was cheated by the director team when they turned around, but it has a reverse effect.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I said that the program team will definitely think about cheating our Han mentally ill, how is it now, you really got cheated!"

"The program crew also don't have a long memory, which time they tricked Han Changsheng and didn't get counterattacked."

"The means of transportation have been allocated, where can we fight back?"

"If you can't fight back this time, it doesn't mean you can't fight back later, just watch!"

Chapter 464 Everything in the world is edible

Out the door, four ATVs lined up, with numbers 1 to 4 written on it.

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "None of the vehicles in our four groups have ATVs, so this ATV is to take us to another destination?"

Wang Zhengyu paused, "Yes!"

Sha Yi said with a smile: "There is no heliport here, of course I have to go by car, Brother Han, Mimi, don't get too tired when your legs are on your feet."

"Bye bye, Director Han, bye bye, honey, let's go take the speedboat."

"Bye bye Director Han, Mimi."

Amidst laughter, Han Changsheng and Yang Mi boarded the 4th ATV and drove towards an unknown location.

Yang Mi glanced at the thoughtful Han Changsheng, and comforted him, "Master, don't be sad, our walking speed may not be slower than theirs."

Han Changsheng shook his head, "I'm not sad, I'm thinking about a problem."

"what is the problem"

"Are you saying that our means of transportation really have two legs?"

Yang Mi nodded and said: "Of course, don't you think about it, when you recorded "Hua Er", the houses that ranked first were all really good houses?"

"Isn't there a saying that winning is...losing, and losing is... winning?"

"This is not the recording of "Extreme Challenge". If you win, you will win!"

"All right."

Han Changsheng spread his hands and didn't speak anymore, but his eyes kept staring at the driver in front of him.

Although the destination is unknown, this means of transportation is readily available, robbing a dune buggy should be able to reach the destination, right? Han Changsheng had a good idea, but when the car stopped, he was speechless.

The current stop is at the bottom of a small hill, but there is a narrow path on it, but it can barely pass one or two people, and the ATV cannot drive up it at all.

The photographer and the photographer suppressed a smile and got off the ground, pointing to the narrow path ahead, "Director Han, Mrs. Han, walk along the path and you will reach a sandy beach. Director Wang is waiting for you there, high-five after you meet him Even if you reach your destination, calculate your ranking according to the length of time you spend on the road."

Really legs.

Han Changsheng rubbed his nose speechlessly, reached out to hold Yang Mi's little hand, "Mimi, follow me, don't overtake me."


Yang Mi responded with a smile, not worried at all, but very happy.

It's rare for her to go out alone with the master. She doesn't care about any plane or speedboat:.

Walking the small road hand in hand with the master is the happiest! Han Changsheng took Yang Mi forward and reminded him from time to time.

"There is a stone under your feet, be careful not to scratch your feet."

"The soil here is a bit loose, don't step on it."

"The slope here is a bit steep, I'll drag you up."

Yang Mi listened to Han Changsheng's seemingly babbling words, and the corners of her mouth curled into a cheerful arc.

At home, her Boss Han has never been a monster, so it is the master who taught Sisi and Fatty a lesson.

Now that there are no two naughty boys in the family, she and the master, this feeling of being together is really good.

Yang Mi was stunned, and kicked an old tree root, and staggered towards a small tree next to her and bumped into it.

"Ah, master help!"

Han Changsheng stretched out his big hand, hugged Yang Mi's body in time, and put on a classic rescue pose in TV dramas.

He nodded Yang Mi's little nose, and said seriously: "I told you to look at your feet, why did you almost fall down?"

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