Yang Mi stuck out her tongue, bit her lip and said timidly: "You walked too fast, I didn't keep up."

"Then I'll walk slowly."

"My lord, or you will carry me behind your back"

"Behind you"

Han Changsheng thought for a while, then turned around and bent down.

With my own strength, if I walk with Mimi on my back, the speed will not be much slower...

And if something happened to this girl from time to time, her walking speed might be hindered instead.

"Master, you are so kind!"

Yang Mi took a sip of Han Changsheng, and lay directly on his generous back, rubbing her little head like a kitten.

What Ya Ya said was indeed true, the master's back really gave her a feeling of extreme security.

It seems that as long as you lie on the master's back, all suffering can be turned into happiness.

Yang Mi was happy for a while... and suddenly felt that Han Changsheng's footsteps stopped.

She opened her eyes and wondered, "Sir, why did you stop?"

Han Changsheng's voice was steady, "It's nothing, just close your eyes."


Yang Mi obediently closed her eyes, then narrowed her eyes and secretly looked outside.

Han Changsheng bent down and found a wooden stick from the side, and hit the flowers, plants and trees on both sides of the path with a bang, and then walked forward slowly.

When Yang Mi was puzzled by Han Changsheng's weird behavior, she suddenly saw a small green snake swimming fast on the ground in front of her.

"Ah! Snake!"

Yang Mi's ear-piercing scream was like a devil's voice pouring into his brain, causing Han Changsheng to frowned, "Stop screaming, this is just a non-poisonous cauliflower snake, if you are afraid, we will stew it tonight."

Yang Mi tremblingly said, "I don't...no...not afraid."

Han Changsheng felt the fear in Yang Mi's heart, and patted her back.

"Close your eyes, I'm going to get out of here quickly."

"it is good!"

Yang Mi closed her eyes in response, and really closed them tightly, not daring to look outside again, for fear of seeing... other snakes again.

Tread Tat... Even though Han Changsheng was carrying Yang Mi on his back, his speed was still very fast, and it was also very steady, so Yang Mi didn't feel much shock.

But Yang Mi hadn't enjoyed it for ten minutes before she noticed that Han Changsheng had stopped.

Yang Mi suppressed her nervous saliva, and said in a trembling voice: "Master... no... another snake."

Han Changsheng said in a strange voice: "It's not a snake, it's a pig."

Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief and patted her heart, "What's so scary about a pig?"

Han Changsheng: "It's not that I'm afraid, but that this pig is so ugly!"

Ugly Yangmi looked up, and saw a half-sized black pig lying on the road with shiny black hair.

"What's ugly, it's cute."

Han Changsheng's eyelids twitched, and he said speechlessly: "It's cute, I just think its meat should be quite tender, I don't know if it's delicious or not."

Yang Mi couldn't laugh or cry: "Master, can you give up your idea that everything in the world is edible?"

"I can't help it. This is an uninhabited wasteland. God knows what to eat at night."

Han Changsheng squinted his eyes and stared at the little black pig in front of him, and said in a low voice, "Mimi, do you want me to take this wild boar away as prey?"

The following photographer came helplessly, "Director Han, this pig is raised by the local people, not a wild boar."

Han Changsheng shook his right index finger, pointed at the little black pig and said, "There is a logical loophole in what you said, didn't you say this is an uninhabited wasteland? Since it is an uninhabited wasteland, why are there still pigs raised by the local people? Director Wang lied, or you lied."

He was really not angry when he was cheated by the program group.

After all, everyone is used to pitting each other, and those who continue to pit each other have a kind of fun of fighting wits and courage.

But this night's dinner can't follow the routine of the program group, otherwise God knows whether they ate sand or dinner at night.

He opened his mouth to follow the cameraman, and finally backed away helplessly under the notification tone of the earphone, "Director Han, I agreed in advance that you can get rid of this little black pig, and we will pay for it for you, but if you can't get rid of it Don’t be too strong if you say it.”

"Thank you."

Han Changsheng cupped his hands towards the camera, as if he was thanking Wang Zhengyu on the other side of the monitoring room.

Chapter 465 Childish Honey

The audience in the live broadcast room heard that Han Changsheng was going to hunt the "wild boar" which was originally a domestic pig

, suddenly stunned.

"Damn it! Did I hear you right? My mentally ill Han wants to hunt the little black pig with his bare hands"

"I also feel that I am hallucinating, this wild boar is not a wild rabbit, can it be caught with bare hands?"

"Don't forget the magic of our family Han's mental illness. He is Han Xiangzi who descended from the gods. He once succumbed to the old buffalo and stabilized the existence of treading snow."

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