"But at that time it was in a friendly state, but now it's for eating, it's completely different!"

"Don't even talk about it, our immortal Han Xiangzi is going to do it."

Watched by the audience in the live broadcast room, Yang Mi jumped off Han Changsheng's back, and then Han Changsheng slowly walked forward with the stick in his hand, his sluggish appearance did not seem to be attacking at all.

The little black pig curiously glanced at the approaching figure, and found that the other party did not have any dangerous aura, so he was going to continue to sleep with his eyes closed.

But just when it was about to close its eyes, it suddenly saw a shadow of a stick flashing past, and then a black pig in front of it was unconscious.

Yang Mi looked at the little black pig that Han Changsheng picked up casually, and opened her mouth in shock, it was big enough to swallow an egg, "Master, you just beat the little black pig to death!"

Han Changsheng shrugged his shoulders, "It's not dead, this thing has to be bled to taste, and it will taste good if you die first and then bleed."

"Then you carry it like this"

"Just find a willow branch and tie it to your legs."

Han Changsheng tied up the little black pig's front and rear legs in three steps, five times and two times, and lifted it up casually, then turned his back to Yang Mi, "Come up, let's continue walking."

Yang Mi shook her head, "I'll go by myself, you still have to carry the little black pig."

Han Changsheng smiled lightly: "It's okay, your weight is light to me."

"Won't it wake up?"

"It takes at least two hours to wake up, come up, let's go on."

Yang Mi thought about her master's astonishing strength, she didn't bother anymore, she just lay down on it, and clamped Han Changsheng's waist.


The audience in the live broadcast room were also stunned when they saw the figure walking slowly forward.

No matter how much they thought about it, they never thought that catching a pig was not a fight, but a blow to the pig.

"Nimma, I always thought that our Han's mental illness was just due to his strength, but I didn't expect that the attack was so fast and accurate!"

"It's too skillful to stun a pig with a stick!"

"If our mentally ill Han has a stick in his hand, we must stay away from him, otherwise this little black pig will...end up."


No matter how rugged the trail is, it still has an end.

Han Changsheng took a step forward and immediately walked into another world.

If you say there is a barren mountain behind you, then there is in front of you... The door faces the sea and the spring is warm and flowers are blooming.

The sandy beach, the blue sea, the blue sky, it is simply... an uninhabited paradise.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Yang Mi was ecstatic when she saw the beautiful scenery in front of her.

She jumped directly from Han Changsheng's back to the ground, took off her shoes and socks, stepped on the warm sand with bare feet, ran around Han Changsheng a few times, and then opened her arms, as if embracing the sea.

"Master, the sea breeze here is so comfortable."

"It's very comfortable."

Han Changsheng raised his hand to check the direction of the downwind, with a faint smile on his face.

Although the afternoon sun was a bit strong, but fortunately, wisps of sea breeze brushed across my cheeks from time to time, taking away the heat from my body and cooling off comfortably.

Han Changsheng glanced around and saw the figures of the program staff in the distance, "Go, go there and see if we are number one."

"Take off your shoes too! It's so comfortable to walk barefoot on the beach."

After saying that, Yang Mi squatted on the beach, dragging Han Changsheng's shoes and socks involuntarily.

Then, holding the shoes and socks in her hand, she followed Han Changsheng step by step.

From time to time, she playfully bent her toes and kicked up a handful of fine sand, and her crisp giggles were like wind chimes hanging on the corner of the eaves. It was sweet and melodious, and could make people forget all the troubles in the world.

Han Changsheng looked at the cheerful Yang Mi, and suddenly felt that this trip was really not in vain.

At home, Mimi can also act coquettishly when the two of them are alone.

Basically, I have never seen such a childlike movement like now.

This may be her self-repression for a long time, or her subconscious self-requirement for her, in short, there are a lot of happy and happy pictures missing.

But now, she can finally let go of her inner bondage in this world of blue sea and blue sky, and be that... carefree, carefree and childlike big honey.

Han Changsheng and Yang Mi sang and laughed all the way to Wang Zhengyu's place.

"Director Wang, where are we?"

Wang Zhengyu glanced at the little wild boar in Han Changsheng's hand strangely, and made a gesture, "No. 3."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Why aren't the third and top two here? Don't you fool me."

"We are here."

Following the sound, Guo Jingfei, Bao Li, Wu Jing and Xie Nan came out from the woods behind.

The four of them wore white towels around their bodies and wiped their heads with the white towels in their hands, as if they had just taken a shower.

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