With Han Changsheng's help, Sha Yi's gags relieved most of Hu Ke's fear.

With Yang Mi and the three daughters talking warmly at the side, Hu Ke adjusted in just a few minutes.

Everything is safe and sound, Wang Zhengyu walked out again, "Congratulations to everyone who completed the first mission today and arrived at the uninhabited wasteland safely.

The results of your four groups, Wu Jingxie male group is first, Guo Jingfei and Bao Li group are second, Han Changsheng and Yang Mi are third, and Sha Yi and Hu Ke are fourth."


Xie Nan jumped three feet high, and said happily: "Director Wang, firstly, isn't there a luxury beach room, where is it?"

Wang Zhengyu pointed to the small forest behind, "The back is..., everyone can go and see."

"Husband, hurry up and see what the so-called luxury beach house is."

Xie Nan grabbed Wu Jing's hand and ran forward happily.

Han Changsheng and others naturally followed suit to learn more.

The luxury beach room is indeed luxurious, with a two-story wooden structure.

On the first floor there are refrigerators, TVs, big sofas, and a place to take a bath.

On the second floor is a large bedroom, surrounded by veils embroidered with roses.

When the wind blows, the veil swings slowly, as if there are countless roses falling from the sky, which is not too romantic.

"Wow! This luxury beach house is so beautiful!"

"Better than I expected."

"The first place is treated like this, the second place shouldn't be much different!"

"Mr. Han is blessed, the fourth place should be a tent at the last time."

After visiting the luxury beach house, the four couples went to see No. 2 and [-] rewards, and then stayed:.

In front of them were three simple tents, three meters long and two meters wide, which were directly attached to the ground like a triangular building block.

There is nothing in the tent, only fine white sand.

Guo Jingfei spoke quickly: "Director Wang, don't tell me that the rewards for the second, third, and fourth place are all this tent."



Guo Jingfei stared at the sky speechlessly.

If he had known that the rewards for the second place and the third place were the same, he would have exchanged with the Han family.

Although walking is a bit tiring, it won't let my wife get soaked in sea water.

Bao Li shook Guo Jingfei's hand, "Don't do that, I feel very happy when you protect me."

Guo Jingfei lifted Bao Li's hand and kissed him, "Don't worry, I will always protect you."

The six of Han Changsheng next to him shivered, and said in unison: "Don't show your affection, you two, let's make dinner first, this stomach is really hungry and can't stand it."

"Director Wang, are we going to do it ourselves for dinner?"

"Yes! We have provided you with pots and pans, a pack of dried noodles, and 4 coconuts."

"Your program team is quite generous! There are staple food and desserts."

"It must be generous, everyone, please take the ingredients."


The eight people looked at the simple ingredients and rolled their eyes together.

A pack of dried noodles only weighs two catties, and four 44 coconuts are... quite big, but they are filled with sugar water. This little thing can fill your stomach for a night. Thinking of this, Sha Yi, Wu Jing, and Guo Jingfei all turned their heads and looked not far away. There was a silent little black pig on the ground, "Mr. Han, why don't we share the things in our second floor and you can take whatever you want."

"Okay, I'll deal with this little black pig, you guys light the fire to boil the water."

"Leave it to us."

"Mimi go, go to my house to rummage, and fix your tent by the way."

In the midst of the dinner crisis, the four families start working together.

While Han Changsheng was handling the little black pig, the other three men dug the sand and looked for firewood.

The four 44-year-old girls searched for moisture-proof pads, sleeping bags, and pillows, and began to arrange tents to live in at night.

When Han Changsheng returned with a large pot of pork that had been cut up, the bonfire beside the tent had already been lit.

The water in the pot is boiling, the white noodles are floating up and down, and the faint food aroma is permeating.

Sha Yi looked at Han Changsheng who was coming, and his eyes were fixed on the bright red pork, "Hey! Director Han, that little black pig has a lot of meat!"

Han Changsheng shook the big basin in his hand, "It's more than twenty catties, enough for us to eat two or three meals."

This meat is...pure meat, offal, etc. Han Changsheng asked the program crew to give it away.

There are not too many seasonings here, and the internal organs are not easy to handle and cannot be eaten.

After a while, the noodles were cooked, and Han Changsheng started making pork directly.

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