There are not many seasonings, so he directly chose the simplest method.

Thinly slice the top-quality streaky three-layer pork, stir-fry directly in the pan, add some soy sauce, MSG, and a little pepper, and it's all done.

White noodles with stir-fried three-layered pork belly instantly conquered the taste buds of several people.

"Delicious! Ten times better than I expected!"

"Hey! Brother Han's skills are undeniable!"

"There is staple food, meat, and coconut juice. Isn't our life not bad at night?"

Looking at the stars by the bonfire, eating dinner with the sea breeze, the picture of happiness is frozen in that moment.

Happiness is not about eating delicious food.

Instead, enjoy a warm meal with the one you love.

It's seeing a loved one with a bright smile.

that is it.

Chapter 467 Mimi: You even cheated on your own wife

As night fell, Han Changsheng and the others washed up at Wu Jing Xie Nan's place, and then returned to their own houses.

Han Changsheng helped Yang Mi get into the sleeping bag, lay directly beside her, and held her soft and boneless body in his arms.


Han Changsheng kissed Yang Mi's forehead, his voice was very low and soft.

"What's wrong"

Yang Mi kissed back, and looked at her master quietly with her big beautiful eyes.

Han Changsheng scratched Mimi's little nose, and said apologetically, "I wanted to get you the first place and let you live in a luxury room, but I didn't expect it to be the third place."

The reason why he ran with Mimi on his back reduce the time needed for the journey, and he didn't think it would be as fast as Wu Jing's speedboat in the water.

Yang Mi smiled and said: "The third place is also very good, and I really don't want to fight for the first place."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "You don't want to live in a luxury room"

Yang Mi shook her head and said, "I don't want to! That house just looks good, with light gauze all around, it won't be too cold when the wind blows at night, and there are many mosquitoes by the sea, sleeping there will get you covered in bites."

"You are... a chicken thief."

"Ya Ya said, I have to guard against you when I come out with you, so I have to observe more."

"Prevent what I do"

"Because Yaya said that sometimes you cheat not only others, but even your own wife."

Han Changsheng: "..."

He is such an honest and dutiful man, he has always been a cheating guest of the program group, when did he cheat on his wife, what kind of rumors are you making, you must clean her up when you go home, and let her know the family law It's amazing.

Yang Mi stared at the dark face opposite, covered her mouth and snickered.

Although the master performed well today, he should be on guard, otherwise, as Yaya said, he would have to count the money for him if he was sold.

Crack! Han Changsheng patted Yang Mi's back and said angrily, "You still dare to laugh, are you looking for a beating!"

Seeing that her master wanted to raise her hand, Yang Mi hurriedly raised her hand to hold it down, and said coquettishly: "I'm just talking, and I really want to live in this small tent with you."

"Why don't you like big spaces like me?"

"There are a lot of people in the family, so everything needs to be bigger, but it's just you and me here. If you live in that luxury room, it's too spacious. When the wind blows, you can't smell the peppermint smell on your body, which is not good at all. "

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes and whispered in his ear: "If you like peppermint so much, you should smell it more!"

"Not at all!"

"It's really not just you and me today, after this village, there will be no more shops."

Yang Mi thought for a while, bit her lip and nodded...

In the early morning, the breeze blew through the tent, making a slight humming sound.

Han Changsheng opened his eyes, staring intently at the delicate face in front of him, his eyes were very gentle.

In the past year after marriage, Mimi's skin has become the legendary milk skin, coupled with her exquisite facial features, uneven figure, she is completely a [-]% beauty.

More importantly, the domineering president she possesses is soft and gentle, and can change at will, and her changeable personality is not too fairy.

As if aware of Han Changsheng's gaze, he opened his mouth and yawned, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes and slowly opened them, seeing those gentle and deep eyes.

Yang Mi bent her lips, leaned over to kiss her, and said coquettishly, "Master, how long have you been looking at me?"

"One hour."

"do I look good"


“how nice”

"Closing the moon and shame the flowers, sinking fish and falling geese, overwhelming the country and the city..."


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