! "

Yang Mi directly covered Han Changsheng's mouth, twisted her body and said in disbelief, "You just open your mouth for such a deceptive idiom, don't say it again!"

Han Changsheng bit his tender hand, smiled lightly and said, "Then what shall I say?"

Yang Mi pinched her lips, thinking: "Tell me a poem that can describe my beauty."

Han Changsheng thought for a moment, then opened his mouth and said, "Hands are like catkins, skin is like creamy fat, collar is like a grub, teeth are like gourd rhinoceros, gnat's head is moth eyebrows, you have a charming smile, and beautiful eyes."

Yang Mi blinked and said with a smile: "Although I don't understand, but I feel that the description is very poetic. Am I so beautiful?"

"Yes! Your Boss Han is as beautiful as a fairy, not like a mortal girl."

Han Changsheng pinched Yang Mi's little nose, angrily and amusedly said: "Hurry up, stay longer, Teacher Sha and the others have finished their breakfast."

Hearing this, Yang Mi jumped up, glanced out through the small skylight on the tent, turned around and lay down again, "Sister Ke'er and the others didn't get up either, they can lie down for a while."

Han Changsheng patted Yang Mi's belly, "Aren't you hungry?"

Yang Mi rubbed her stomach, then nodded pitifully, "Hungry."

"Get up when you're hungry, and I'll give you breakfast."


The husband and wife walked out of the tent, Yang Mi shivered suddenly, "It's so cold."

In the early morning of summer, the temperature in Yasan City may not be low.

But here is close to the sea, and the water vapor blowing over the body immediately feels a little cool.

Han Changsheng helped Mimi rub her body, and said with concern: "When you're cold, go change into a long-sleeved dress, don't catch a cold."

Yang Mi shook her head and pointed to the sky, "No need, Mr. Sun has come out, I'll just bask in the sun for a while."

"Then do some exercise to warm up your body. I'll light the fire and cook."

"it is good."

Yang Mi shook her head, stretched her body and moved around, kicked the white fine sand casually, suddenly pointed not far away, and said pleasantly: "Master, it's a crab!"

Han Changsheng turned his head and saw that it was a swimming crab the size of a cup lid.

"Want to eat"

Yang Mi nodded again and again, "I want to eat, but this is just one, not enough...to satisfy my hunger."

Han Changsheng walked forward slowly, and the voice came back, "Since there is one, there must be a second and a third. If you find more, it will be enough to eat."

Before he finished speaking, Han Changsheng bent down and reached for his hand, and caught the swimming crab that was about to run like lightning.

Weighed it, about two or three.

He shook the swimming crab in his hand to Yang Mi, "Go, go to Brother Jing and the others to find a small bucket of crabs."

Yang Mi responded with a smile, holding Han Changsheng's watch and walking towards the luxury room in the grove.

After a while, the couple walked on the beach hand in hand.

Yang Mi is holding two small red barrels, Han Changsheng has an iron clip in his right hand, and a bag of salt in his left.

Han Changsheng is really not very good at catching the sea, but he has watched the video of catching the sea, so this guy has everything in place, at least it looks like that.

The two walked along the beach with ebb and flow, leaving two faint footprints.

Yang Mi ran here and there, her clear and melodious voice exuded a sense of sweetness and warmth, making the seaside more and more alive.

"My lord, there are crabs there."

"There are conchs here!"

"Ah! It's a seashell."

Chapter 468 Mimi: It's all thanks to the master

Yang Mi looked at the white shell the size of a palm not far away, happily ran over to pick it up, and shook Han Changsheng, "Master, I picked up a seashell, I don't know if there are...pearls."

Han Changsheng smiled and said, "This is a wild seashell in the sea. The probability of having natural pearls is less than one in tens of thousands, so don't think too much about it."

Yang Mi pursed her lips and said, "Others are others, I am me, I will definitely be able to open pearls."

"you sure"


Yang Mi was arrogant for a moment, then smiled and handed the seashell to Han Changsheng's mouth, "Master, hold this seashell in your hand, and breathe on it, saying that there are pearls in it, okay?"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "No, I'm not a god, I can still say that there is something."

Yang Mi took Han Changsheng's arm, swayed from side to side and coquettishly said, "Just take a sip, okay, okay?"

"Okay, okay, don't shake it, if you shake it again, I will get dizzy."

The number of times Mimi acted coquettishly and acted cute is too few, and now this act of coquettishness directly caused Han Changsheng to be unable to bear it.

He reluctantly took Haibei, did as Mimi said, and then threw it back angrily.

"Here, don't rely on me if you don't have any pearls!"

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