"There must be pearls."

Yang Mi smiled and took back the sea shell, then tried to open it, but couldn't get it open.

Pouting his mouth, he sent it in front of Han Changsheng, and said bitterly: "Master, I can't open it, please help me."

"You you."

Han Changsheng reluctantly took it, slipped the iron clip in his hand to the bottom, and handed it back to Mimi, "Here, open it yourself."

Yang Mi stuck out her tongue and retracted the seashell, twisting it lightly and twisting the top shell off.

After poking it with his fingers a few times, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

After three drums and two drums, a round golden pearl the size of a peanut was found from the mussel meat.

Lifting it towards the direction of the sun, a golden light scattered in all directions.

The golden light entered the eyes, Yang Mi squinted her eyes, and her face was covered with a golden halo.

Yang Mi joyfully ran to Han Changsheng's side, and said cheerfully, "Look, master! Pearl! And it's a golden pearl."

"real or fake"

Han Changsheng was taken aback for a moment, he took it and examined it in disbelief, and handed it back to Mimi, dumbfounded, "You are really lucky, there is a one in ten thousand chance of hitting it."

Yang Mi shook her head and said with a smile: "It's all thanks to the master, without your fairy spirit and golden words, I wouldn't be able to open this golden pearl."

Han Changsheng: "..."

He is really speechless, seven 7 girls are enough, no matter what good things have to be linked with him.

If he is really lucky, let him pick up bluefin tuna and have a delicious breakfast.

After being speechless, Han Changsheng continued to catch the sea.

It's just a golden natural pearl, the value can be said to be super lucky for Mimi.

"My lord, this pearl is so round. You said I should make it into ears. I need two earrings. This one is not good, or it can be made into a pendant. But what about the chain? The gold chain is too tacky, and the platinum chain seems to be fine." ..."

Han Changsheng was looking for seafood in the front, and Yang Mi was thinking about what to do with the freshly baked golden pearls in the back, muttering non-stop.

When she realized that Han Changsheng had pulled her down by ten meters, she rushed over.

And when Yang Mi ran seven or eight steps, her eyes instantly saw a long snake-shaped animal not far in front of her.

The pupils are dilated, and the voice is sharp, "Ah! Snake!"

Whoosh! Han Changsheng rushed to Yang Mi's side like lightning, picked her up, and said quickly, "Where did you get bitten? Let me see."

Yang Mi raised her hand with a pale face, and pointed not far away tremblingly, "Then...there..."

Han Changsheng turned his head to look and heaved a sigh of relief.

He tapped Yang Mi's little head, angrily and amusedly said: "You idiot, that's a moray eel, a sea fish like rice field eel."

Yang Mi glanced at it timidly, pouted her mouth and said aggrievedly: "Don't you know?"

Han Changsheng put Yang Mi down and patted her on the back, "Follow me closely, don't run around again."

Yang Mi obediently followed closely, "I will definitely follow you."

She has been frightened twice, and if she doesn't...follow the master, she might be frightened into something.

Yang Mi followed closely for five or six minutes, and found that Han Changsheng seemed to be able to see through sand, and every time he bent down, he was rewarded.

"Master, how did you manage to dig one accurately?"

"The tide hasn't come ashore this morning, so the sand isn't half dry, but where there are water marks, there may be seafood. If there are still small bubbles, there must be something under the sand."

Han Changsheng pointed at the place in front of him, bent down and dug, a small crab flashed out, and was thrown into the small red bucket.

He doesn't know how to drive the sea, but he has the Qing Emperor's Longevity Art, he can clearly detect the breath of life under the sand, so naturally he can accurately detect it every time he digs.

After digging so much, coupled with his careful observation, he can naturally gain some experience.

Yang Mi thought for a while about Han Changsheng's words, pointed to the place ahead where bubbles were constantly rising, and said crisply: "Is there any seafood there?"

"You try it."

Han Changsheng glanced at the direction Mimi was pointing at, and handed her the iron clip in his hand.

In his induction, there is indeed a breath of life there, and on the premise of not knowing what it is, it is better to ensure safety first.

Yang Mi took the iron clip, and walked excitedly to the place where the bubbles came out, but she was a little timid.

She was frightened, for fear that she would accidentally make another long snake.

"My lord, there won't be any snakes under here."

"This is the seaside, which sea snake would dig into the sand, don't worry about digging! Aren't I right next to you?"

"Then...then I'll try it...Master, you hold my hand, and if you are in danger, drag me away."

Yang Mi held Han Changsheng's big hand with her left hand, and the iron clip of her right hand trembled out, scratching randomly on the sand, and finally dug out something.


Yang Mi glanced at the seafood she dug out with strange eyes, shrunk her neck in disgust, and stepped back directly behind Han Changsheng, "Master, what is this, ah, look at that... ah."

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