At this time, there was a sound of guitar from Guo Jingfei's room, and then...the chorus of their husband and wife, "How did I fall in love with you, I was asking myself.

I can give up anything, but it is hard to leave today.

You are not beautiful, but you are extremely cute.

Oh Cinderella, my Cinderella..."

Sha Yi and Hu Ke also sang, "Because love will not be sad easily, so everything looks like happiness, because love grows easily, and can still be crazy for you at any time..."

Wu Jing said speechlessly, "Is this a love song party tonight?"

They are discussing the issue of accommodation in the house. Why are the other two starting to show affection? Does this mean that the house today is much better than expected? Han Changsheng shrugged and pointed to Xie Nan who was looking at Wu Jing, "Open I don't know if you don't have a love song party, but Brother Jing, you seem to have to sing, and my sister-in-law has been: watching you, but I don't know if you are five-tone:,,, incomplete."

As far as he knows, Wu Jing's singing voice can be called a magic voice.

I don't know if he will sing love songs, will his wife be moved to tears, or scared to cry.

Wu Jing thumped his heart, and said arrogantly: "Who's pentameter:,,, is not complete, why don't you just sing a love song? I'll pinch it with my hand!"

After saying that, Wu Jing strode into his temporary new home, hugged Xie Nan and sang loudly.

"I am your father, I am so great, raised you so big, you are not obedient, go to play all day long, don't want you bad doll, only your mother..."

The shocking singing that made people vomit blood appeared, and the stone houses on both sides were immediately quiet.

After 10 seconds, the burst of laughter sounded.

Sha Yi: "Brother Wu Jing, please accept the magic power!"

Guo Jingfei: "Wu Jing, you are the real killer, you don't see blood when you kill!"

"Pay attention to Brother Nan's face, this expression is called frightened!"

"Damn it! Jingmei's singing is comparable to an enemy-killing artifact!"

"Our family Han's mental illness has been suppressed, so it can be seen that Jingmei's magic voice really has a huge lethality."

"Hey! I heard that Wu Jing has a musical dream, and I wanted to support him, but now it seems I was wrong!"

"It's better to support less, otherwise too many people will die, let's not talk about it, I'll go drink some water first to calm down the shock."

Han Changsheng shook his frightened head, turned around and ran away.

He quickly ran back to the cabin, and threw himself into Mimi's arms to seek comfort.

From childhood to adulthood, even when he was fighting with the evil emperor, he was never afraid, but this time he was really frightened by Wu Jing's singing.

Yang Mi was surprised to see Han Changsheng so scared, she was also taken aback.

But at this juncture, she didn't bother to ask anything.

He patted Han Changsheng's back again and again, and said softly, "It's nothing, master, don't be afraid, I'm here."

A minute later, Yang Mi saw that Han Changsheng had slowed down, and then asked, "Master, what's wrong with you, you were scared by something?"

Han Changsheng sighed: "I was frightened by Wu Jingge's singing, didn't you hear it?"

"We're far away, so I heard some vaguely."

Yang Mi shook her head, and then suddenly said: "I've heard people talk about Wu Jing's singing, and the destructive power is extremely amazing, basically everything that the singing can reach is instantly killed."

Han Changsheng said with lingering fear: "The destructive power is beyond amazing. It's like a nuclear bomb. It directly wiped out the singing of Brother Sha Yi and Brother Fei."

He asked himself psychologically, and his quality was super tough, but he was still directly defeated by Wu Jing's magic voice, which shows the power of his singing.

Yang Mi's pupils sparkled, and she asked, "Sister Ke'er and her two families also sang."

Han Changsheng nodded and said: "Sing it, it's quite nice."

Hearing this, Yang Mi lifted...Han Changsheng's face, kissed it directly, and then said coquettishly: "Master, you can also sing me a love song!"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes and muttered, "Didn't you see how scared I was? How can I still be in the mood to sing?"

Yang Mi took another sip, "Then are you still afraid now?"

Han Changsheng shrugged his shoulders, and said truthfully, "That's not scary anymore."

He was frightened only because he was caught off guard, and Mimi's embrace was quite warm. After hugging for a minute, his mood stabilized. Yang Mi spread her hands and said: "You are already emotionally stable, then Just sing me a song, you have to know that all three of them have sung three songs, you can't lose the chain when it's our turn!"

"Tears are so sweet and so..."


Yang Mi directly covered Han Changsheng's mouth, and said coquettishly, "Why are you singing our cell phone ringtone?"

Han Changsheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Then what song do you want to listen to?"

Yang Mi pointed outside, "New song! Right here and now, with the ebb and flow of the waves, sing a new love song!"

"But I don't have an instrument."


Yang Mi jumped directly to the camera at the door, smiled at the camera and said, "Director Wang, I want to sing a new love song, please send me a musical instrument."


Han Changsheng looked at the guitar that was delivered soon, he was really speechless.

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